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Sunday, January 31, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Monday Week 4 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Mark 5:1-20)

The miracle in today's gospel reading is an interesting one. Jesus healed the demoniac who has been tormented for years by Legion of unclean spirits. He had been held bound for years. He has broken the chains and yet remained in captivity.  He's as good as dead. Little wonder he lives among the dead. Crying became his only song. Bruising himself became his daily exercise. What a life of frustration!

Dear Child of God, what is the captivity that has made you "O di ndu onwu ka mma" like this man who lives night and day among the tombs? What is the unclean spirit that has destroyed the peace of your soul? What is that situation leaving you with tears night and day?

It has an evil agenda. It wants to stop you from worshiping the Lord. Never you stop worshipping the Lord no matter what you're passing through. Could you imagine that this man who was under this situation still used his reserved energy and the opportunity that came his way to run from afar to Jesus and worship Him?

This carries a message for you and I. Let us carry that our problem, the evil possessions, the headaches, the heartbreaks, the disappointments, the failures, the shame, the condemnations, the sins and just name it, to Jesus.

Jesus comes to give you reasons to be happy once again. Jesus comes to put new song into your mouth. Jesus comes to turn your sorrow into joy, your tears into smiles, your mourning into testimony.

You will be amazed when that will happen. The demoniac became quiet and Jesus confronted his problems one on one. Jesus showed him how much he is loved. Jesus brought an end to his traumas. Jesus went to the extent of destroying a whole swine and indeed anything that could stand on his way to total cleansing and liberation of this man. He was free. Unu ahulanu ije love ya na Chi!

He decides immediately never to leave Jesus. He sings: "Jesus You love me too much". He decides to follow Jesus. But Jesus sent Him back on a mission, the mission of testifying to the goodness of the Lord.

May God send you on this mission this day, this month and this year. The mission is: "Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you". May you go home with this testimony. May your children come home with such good news of divine goodness. May you come back home carrying your sheaves in joy having gone out with tears. May you be blessed with reasons to thank the Lord and may what the Lord does be permanent in your life.


I worship you Lord for the daily miracles I receive from you even those I do not see as miracles. I bring to you my worries, tears, torments, attacks and heartbreaks. I come with my challenges and difficulties. Command every evil manipulation in me to give way. Give me reasons to thank you and bear the message of your goodness to my friends and to the world through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Monday( 4th Week, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: My-Testimony-Featured2.jpg (590×400) (

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Sunday Week 4 Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 1:21b-28)

In a world in need of a new teaching, Jesus comes as the new teacher. In a world where authority has lost its value, the presence of Christ defines what authority means.

Jesus in the Gospel of today is presented to us as the expected prophet foretold long ago. He comes with a unique teaching. He comes to make a difference. He comes with words. He comes with action. What He says He does. He addresses not only the physical realm, He confronts the forces seen and unseen. He scatters the hideouts of the powers terrorising the people of God. He confuses the fortified camps of the cabals. His teaching is an astonishing one indeed.

What more is special about this teaching? Where lies this authority of Christ? What message has Christ's teaching for us today? Let us go through the gospel to see how the authority imbedded in the teachings of Christ can help shape our Christian life.


The teachers evaluate their students at the end of their teaching. The students evaluate their teachers during the course of the teaching. Every speaker attracts the attention of the listeners. Everything about one who is standing out is looked into.

Jesus enters the synagogue and ascends the pulpit to speak. Initially they may have seen Him as one of the other scribes but when He started to teach, they saw extraordinary passion, they saw the feelings, they saw sincerity, they saw determination to save.

He is not like the expert speech makers and political players. He is not there to steal the attention and trust of the people for the time being and deceive them. There is conviction in what He is doing.

He is convinced that the system has decayed. He teaches a new order. He is sure to make the difference needed. He doesn't need to fear any power. He is not interested in the moneybags. He spoke to everyone about being upright, He taught them the heavenly values. He deconstructs the ungodly foundations.


The men with unclean spirits will never be comfortable when the reformer is around. They have their fears: What have you to do with us? They know they have nothing in common with Jesus. They know that darkness and light cannot cohabit. They want to negotiate with Christ to stop His mission. But there lies the authority of Christ. The man of authority is a man of integrity. His yes is his yes. His no is no. There are no go areas. For Christ the just course is not negotiable.

Have you come to destroy us was the next question they asked. Yes, is the answer. Jesus comes to destroy evil in the low and high places.

Can we lean on this authority and act like Jesus Christ to bring an end to the institutionalised crimes in our society?

Jesus rebuked the unclean Spirit in the following words: Be silent, and come out of him? Let us rebuke the evils creeping into our families. Let us rebuke the evils crawling into our souls. Let us silence the immoralities growing among us. Let us stand against oppression and suppression of the poor, against injustice, against the forces destroying our core positive values, against being controlled by money and power. Let us restore the hope of the hopeless and be voice to the voiceless.


The people were amazed at how Jesus commands the evil spirit to leave. They were amazed at His authority to face the forces around Him and they questioned among themselves.

Your authority as the Child of God does not lie in what you have, who you know or your background. They may have used money to silence Jesus, but He used the word of God and the truth to silence and expel them. They may have used intimidations to make Him change His opinions. They may have promised Him protections and positions. But the Child of God seeks first the kingdom of God, tries to know the will of God in every situation. To Him life without dignity and integrity is not worth living. His power lies in the fact that He is firm on the right thing come what may. His words blend with his actions. He is objective. He doesn't do to others what he will not like done to him. This is the new teaching Jesus came with. With it He put the evil spirits in trouble. Let us endeavor to use our whole strength to see that we use the teachings of Christ to subdue the many erroneous teachings in our world today.


We thank You Lord for Your teaching authority. Give us the grace to be obedient to the teachings You give us daily through the Scriptures and the Sacraments of the Church. Empower us to fight and conquer in the battles we are waging against the unclean spirits and the erroneous teachings in the world. Grant that we may make the difference You wish wherever we find ourselves. Bless your word in our hearts through Christ our Lord. Amen.

HAPPY SUNDAY (4th Sunday, Ordinary Time, Year B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Vocation Meditation - | Jesus painting, Jesus pictures, Jesus teachings (

Friday, January 29, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday Week 3 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 4:35-41)

This is the question Jesus asks us today in the gospel reading of today; Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?

Dear child of God, close your ordinary eyes and open your spiritual eyes. Behold Jesus standing before you, inquiring the reason for your fears. Can you feel the presence of Jesus in your life journey? Can you feel the impact of being with you in that boat, your family boat, your spiritual boat, your business boat, your academic boat, your marital boat, your vocational boat? Just name it.

Why are you afraid when the Lord is nearby? Why are you afraid when you have God above? Do you not know again that He is above your problems, your sorrows, your sicknesses, your worries, your fears and the tempests raging around you?

Why are you afraid? Is it about the resumption of schools, house rents, insecurity here and there, recklessness and bad governance, non-payment of salaries and arrears?   May God calm your fears. See beyond those intimidating voices encircling you. They want you to die before your time. Say no. Yes, we may be afraid as humans, but let us not be afraid in a faithless manner. Let us entrust our cares and fears to the Lord who supports us in our problems.

He acts when all hope seems to be lost. Let us not fail to call on Him. Let not the darkness of our fears block our view from seeing with our eyes of faith the hand of God commanding the forces that terrify us: "Peace! Be still". The Lord will not allow you to perish. He will not allow you to be put to shame. He will not fail to rebuke your intimidators. The wind of your life must cease. But till then, be calm in the Lord. He doesn't sleep. Let your faith in Him not be sedated by fear. May the causes of your fears obey the voice of God and stop.


Thank You Lord God for reassuring me today that you're close at hand to handle my fears. I bring to You this day all the reasons of my fear. I pray for the grace to confront them with faith. May I not perish in fear but be saved by my faith and trust in You. There's nothing You cannot do for me. Yes, even the wind and sea obey You. May my fears obey You and be still through Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen

God bless your Saturday (3rd Week, Ordinary time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: 

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Friday Week 3 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 4 :26-31)

With two parables of the scattered seed and the mustard seed the Lord Jesus tells us about the kingdom of God; how it begins, grows and becomes a place of refuge.

We too are kingdom seeds scattered in the world. We may not know. God is doing a lot of great works in us. Without our knowledge in our mother's wombs, the Lord took care of us. We came into being, we started maturing. We think it is ordinary. There is something extraordinary about our growth. We are growing into something spiritual. We are maturing into divine greatness.

Do you know that it is not careless that you're where you're? That is your soil of growth. It may seem to be a nursery bed, there too is your place of blossoming. Grow from there. Discover the nutrients the Lord has deposited there for your spiritual and holistic development.

You may be thinking that you're just scattered. In the sight of God, you're never scattered. You're kept where you will see the ladder to heaven. From where you are, God wants you to make heaven. You don't need to leave that your husband to make heaven. You may not need to leave Nigeria to make heaven. You may not need to leave that school campus to make heaven. All you need do is to be determined to surprise the world.

The kingdom of God surprises the world a lot. People of the Kingdom are causes of wonder to people of the world. They will wonder how the mustard in you became the giant. They will wonder how you changed from the old you to the new you. They will wonder how you're moving from nothingness to something great. They will marvel at how that your family they have written off is suddenly attracting the blessings of God. This is what happens when we live our lives looking up to the heavens from where our help comes. Just as the sun do a lot of good to the plant, that is how God from heaven is determined to bring you to his kingdom. Make yourself available for Him. Grow where you're.

The Lord wants to harvest something better from you. The Lord wants the best from you. The Lord wants the best for your family. He wants the best for your soul. May you grow to the full stature of perfection God desires for you.


Oh God, I am determined this day to grow from where you have planted me. Help me to mature and qualify for the kingdom you have destined for me. No matter where life has scattered me, help me to gather myself together in You. May my little efforts just like the mustard seed bear abundant fruits of heavenly blessings through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Friday (Week 3, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Adventures in Lymeland: Grow Where You Are Planted (

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Thursday Week 3 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 4:21-25)

Jesus makes an interesting point today. He asks: Is a lamp brought in to be put under a bushel, or under a bed, and not a stand? There's nothing hidden except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret except to come to light.

You're not made to be hidden. You're not created to be put down. You're not to be subjected under. You must come to light. You should be manifested for good. You should shine. You should be a light giver. You're a product of divine glory. You're a point of contact for your family. You're the lamp of your household. You're to bring enlightenment. You're to bring development. You're to generate progressive ideas. You're made to stand out.

Who is covering the light you carry? Who is blowing out your light? Are you the cause of the blackout in your family, in your community, in your Church, in your country? Do you actually know you're supposed to be the source of light to put darkness to flight, to keep corruption far away, to destroy evil? Why are you hiding away when God wants to use you to bring His light to your world? Why are you calling upon darkness to cover you and your evils?

Light stands for transparency, truthfulness, justice and openness. We need this light to shine ceaselessly in and through us. May this light expose all the evils hiding to pull us down. May this light expose all the forces claiming to be for us but are actually against us and the salvation of our souls.


 Thank You Jesus for your word today which is the light for my steps. Guide me steadily with the aid of this light. Thank You for putting on this light in my soul. Let it shine and shine brightly. Grant that virtues may continually flow through my life. Do not allow any power stop me from shinning with what I am, what I have and whom You have made me to be to the greater glory of your name through Christ our Lord. Amen.

St Thomas Aquinas, Pray for us.

 God bless your Thursday (Week 3, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Hand Holding a Light Bulb Stock Footage Video (100% Royalty-free) 13048064 | Shutterstock 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Wednesday of Week 3 Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Mark 4:1-20)

The Lord speaks and will not stop speaking. Do we have ears to hear him? Have we the listening ears the Lord expects from us. He speaks to us through His word, He speaks to us through our consciences, He speaks to us through life experiences, He speaks to us through signs and symbols, He speaks to us through our fellow human beings, He speaks to us every day of our life.  In the Gospel today as He taught with the parable of the sower, He said: "He who has ears, let him hear".

Do we hear what the Lord has to say to us?  What's the Lord telling you through that hard times you're undergoing? What is God telling you through that accident you survived?  What is God telling you in that your nagging wife? What can the Lord be saying through that your drunk husband? What could God be saying through that stubborn child of yours? What is the Lord telling you from that heartless superior of yours? What is the Lord saying when you're surrounded only by thorns and sorrows? What will the Lord be saying when temptations and heartbreaks have become the loudest voices you hear.

Dear Child of God, tell yourself under these circumstances: "I will hear what the Lord God has to say". O yes! Long to hear it. That's the action with which we should respond to the divine expectation: "Let Him hear".

A lot of things come to block our ears from paying attention to what the Lord is saying and doing in our lives. Many challenges distance us from God, making us less attentive to his word. We have ear, let us hear. Our ears were opened at baptism through the 'epheta' rites. Let's not listen to the devil. Let's not listen to social media, let's not listen to the flesh, let's not listen to the world. Let's not listen to bad friends. May we listen only to God.


Thank You Jesus for calling us out of the reason of Eve's fall. Thank You for saving us from drifting away. Let not the sweet coated words of the devil, the world and the flesh pull us away from You. We want to hear Your voice of wisdom, of peace, of love and of fruitfulness. As we continue to hear this word, may we be rewarded with life everlasting and live with You for ever and ever. Amen.

God bless your Wednesday (3rd Week, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Prayer based on Jesus’ Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13, Mark 4, Luke 8) |

Monday, January 25, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of the Memorial of Saints Timothy and Titus by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 10:1-9)

Today is the memorial of the two collaborators of Saint Paul in the ministry.  They are Saints Timothy and Titus. They were good companions and helpers to St Paul, who assisted him in preaching and establishing of the Churches in the various communities they found themselves.

From these men, we learn teamwork, cooperation, carrying each other along, respect for one another. They are celebrated today for their ability to be docile, to be under, to work with, to take instructions, to follow directives. As we celebrate them, we call to mind St Paul who carried them along with respect, who trusted them as they discharged their office, who also gave them brotherly cum fatherly corrections when they erred and proactively warned them against dangers ahead.

As we thank God for these collaborators, let us endeavour to be good working partners. Let us promote what others do. Let wives be good helpers to their husbands. Let husbands be open to their wives and children and carry them along. Let superiors carry their young colleagues along and never relegate them. Let the common good and the sense of purpose and mission be our guide as we go about our various activities in life. Let us not look down on people.

A lot of wolves in form of fierce temptations will come pushing us to do the contrary, barking at us to back off from the demands of the Gospel. Let the wisdom of the lamb that was immolated for our sake on Calvary motivate us to persevere in doing that which glorifies God. May we not be overcome by the wolves within us which make us become wolves instead of collaborators who should work to establish the Church of Christ.


We thank You Lord for the Saints Timothy and Titus. We thank You for the special grace with which they assisted and worked together assiduously to build your Church. Help us dear Lord to overcome the wolves surrounding us, making it difficult for us to live harmoniously and work in a way pleasing to You. May we relate well with people we meet on daily basis and together with them be admitted in heaven when our earthly journey is ended through Christ our Lord. Amen

Saints Timothy and Titus, pray for us.

God bless your Tuesday (Week 3, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: MEMORIAL of SAINTS TIMOTHY and TITUS,... - Seminarian's Notbuk | Facebook

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 16:15-18)

Today the Church celebrates the feast of the conversion of St Paul the Apostle. He was once opposing the Gospel message till he encountered Christ and started promoting it. He wanted to stop the message from spreading in Israel. But God use him to spread the message to the whole of Roman empire.

What is it in you that is opposing the message of God? What are the energies in you that you are channelling wrongly? Convert these energies for good. Promote the course of the message of Christ.

Allow Christ to throw you down. You need to fall in order to rise in Christ. You need to fall under the unction of the Holy Spirit in order to see the manifestation of the will of God for you. Allow your human strength to fall so that the power of God will show itself in you.  Let the sinful inclinations in you fall so that the holy inspirations may flow.

Convert your loyalty just as the loyalty of Saul was converted. Obey the law of God and the laws of the world.

Convert from leading to following. Stop leading people to oppose God. Follow the Apostles who followed Christ to lead people to heaven.

The feast of today is about one who went into the world and transformed the world of his time with the power of the word. Let's in our own time preach to the world from wherever we are. By the time the politicians preach to the world of politics, the medical practitioners preach to the world of health, the lawyers preach to the legal world, the businessmen preach to the world of business, the world will be a be a better place, our states, Nigeria, Africa and indeed the whole universe will be converted unto Christ.

May God who have sent us into this world give us the spiritual enablement to make the whole creation what He wants them to be.


Thank You Lord for the conversion of St Paul.  Thank You for proving to us that conversion is possible. Thank you for teaching us that no matter how bad we are that You can still change us for good. Give us a changed heart O Lord and help us to be and bring the positive change needed in the world through Christ our Lord. Amen.

St Paul,  Pray for us.

God bless your Monday (Week 3, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Sunday Week 3 Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 1:14-20)

Our Christian life is all about leaving and following or, better put, leaving to follow. Jesus invites us today to consider without delaying where we are as Christians, where we are in our spiritual life, where we are in our practice of the faith, the people we are with, and what we are doing with them at every point in time.

With eye on the gospel of today, let us know what God wants from us and how we are supposed to respond to Him.


Jesus started His preaching saying: "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the Gospel".

Here, He is talking about the time to leave old bad ways. There is no best time to do so than now. In the face of the uncertainty, insecurity, inhumanity, pandemics, and infirmities here and there, we must be prepared and know that the time to repent is now. The time to leave evil is now. The time to leave bad habits is now. The time to leave carelessness is now. Indeed, the time is fulfilled. Tomorrow may be too far. Let us leave evil so as to live in Christ.


Show me your friend and I will tell you whom you are. This is a saying we know too well. Jesus looks into the associations you keep. He cares about the one you're always with. Are they people who lead you to God or away from God? Are they people who inspire you to do good or evil? Are they those who help you to bring out the best in you or those who target to destroy the best in you?

Leave them if their agenda in your life is from the pit of hell. Leave them if they intend to steal your joy in the Lord which should be your strength. Leave them if they encourage you to commit one sin or the other. Leave them for good if they want to make you disobey God. Leave them if they are distraction to your progress.

When Jesus looked, He saw Simon and Andrew his brother. He called them to follow Him.

Take the decision today to take that your brother, sister, friend or lover to God. February is around the corner. People have started warming up for the 14th day. Go with that friend of yours to God. Take that your partner to the altar. Lead that your weak friend by the hand to God. Go together to answer the call to holiness. Leave together, say goodbye to working without Christ. Get God involved in everything about you. Live in His presence.


What are your excuses to follow Christ? A good number of us would like to leave certain things they know too well not to be good but because of one reason or the other they procrastinate. They keep it for another day. They delay. What is it that makes you feel like not responding immediately to God who calls?  Your family, your job, your position, your aspirations etc?

Some say if I stop this, how will I feed? If I stop this how will I survive? If I leave that man how will I finish my education? If I leave this group, they will come after me. If I leave, he will blackmail me. And so, they remain in the devil's cage. Jesus is calling you out today, to leave without delay if we really want to live.

Listen child of God, those things you fear should not stop you from living according to the mind of God for you. They should not stop you from leaving from where God wants you to leave. Let's learn from the apostles, they didn't allow their father to hold them down. They left him as soon as Christ called. Christ's voice should carry the highest authority in our lives. No one should stop us from doing the will of God.


The call of the Lord promises a more dignifying outcome. He promises to make you become a better version of yourself. He comes to reveal to you the possible positive achievements and exploits you can make with Him. All you've got to do is to follow Him. You will stop fishing just fish and become fisher of   men. Men will be drawn to you for the glory of God you carry with you. May you not delay and regret leaving your old evil ways today as you encounter the Lord today.


I am very sorry Lord for delaying several times and dragging my feet in evil. I have given several excuses as reasons to stay away from you. Thank you for making me understand that these reasons are not enough to hold me down. Take me up by your grace Almighty God. Help me to leave my attachment to things of this world and focus on following you to get the heavenly blessings you destined for me through living fulfilled after labouring here on earth through Christ our Lord. Amen

Happy Sunday (Week 3, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Reflections, Images, and Videos for Epiphany 3 and the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity | Pastor's Postings (

Friday, January 22, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday of Week 2 Yr. B by Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Mark 3:20-21)

Jesus was seen as a mad man today. He's taken to be 'beside himself'. Why? Because he refused to eat.

We see passion for service demonstrated by Jesus in the gospel of today. We see selflessness shown by the way He forgot about Himself to concentrate on the problems of others. They could not even eat. Thus, his friends intervened.

Wait a moment, could it be that these friends of Jesus came to seize Him because of the persuasion from His hungry disciples who wanted to eat but couldn't tell Jesus about it directly? This may or may not be the case. But the line which reads: "And when his friends heard it," suggests it to some extent.

Sometimes in life, even when we are determined to do things right, work without personal aggrandizement at heart, be just, put in our best, give in the time we should to see to the realization of our goals and tasks, work really hard for a particular course we are held, seized and discouraged by friends, colleagues, co-workers, mates and even superiors or subjects who wants to eat and eat.

This is the case in a state filled with ghost workers, a nation littered with lazy rich people, an education institution that celebrates clubbing and partying than studying, a leadership that is more concerned with looting than building, a generation of youths that detest dignified step-by-step wealth acquisition but upholds fraud and all forms of quick money making.

In such a society, anyone with the intention to work before eating is seen as a mad man. In such a world it is insane not to eat while working. In such situations, friends come to query you for your 'foolish dedication' in such a system, the family members may become a temptation comparing you with your younger colleagues ' who have made it' your mother may indirectly encourage you to do what others are doing 'to eat'.

Don't mind what people say or do. Put in your best in all you do. Do your best and let your best be enough. You're not stupid by trying to get things done the right way. Don't let anyone make you believe so. Don't focus more on gains at all times. There are times you must make sacrifices. There are times you need to starve yourself for others. There are times you need to deny yourself of your rest, your pleasure, your recreation, your comfort and your joy for the good of others. Such services are loved by Jesus. He will not fail to pay you adequately for them when the right time comes. Don't regret your sacrifices. You're not mad Nwa Chukwu. Sustain that passion today and always.


Dear Lord, a lot of forces and acquaintances are striving to seize us so that we are unable to give you and humanity our best; the best of our time, talents and treasures. We most of the time fall into the temptation of caring about what we eat, what we gain. Help us to realize that there is something called selfless service and bless us for the times we deny ourselves of certain joys for your sake and the sake of our fellow human beings. Prove to the world that it is not foolishness to be sacrificial through Christ our Lord. Amen

Holy Mary, pray for us.

God bless your Saturday (Week 2, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: unselfishness-and-selflessness.jpg (265×190) ( 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Friday of Week 2 Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 3:13-19)

Where do I belong? Those who desired the fact that they are desired or those who betrayed the desire of the Lord?

The Word of God today tells the tale of the call of the twelve apostles.  It started by telling us that Jesus went up on the mountain, and called to Himself those whom He desired, and they came to Him including Judas.

In Baptism and through the Word of God and the other sacraments of the Church Jesus calls us personally and collectively to be with Him. He wishes to change the dark sides of our life, to give us a new name in God and bestow upon us the authority of the Children of God. He bequets the abundance of heavenly blessings upon us. He sees us through our rise and falls helping us by His grace. He showers unspeakable love upon our lives and wants us to live and move and have our being in Him. He establishes a bond of love and prepares us as ministers in various ways in the world.

God desires the potentials we possess. He desires to see the seed of greatness, of holiness, of virtue in us grow. He trusts us so much as to open the secret of eternal life to us.

Unfortunately, we like Judas betray at one time or the other. The possibility of our life of betrayal is well known to God, but He doesn't want us to remain on the path of betrayal but of increased desire for His Holy Will.

Have you betrayed the desire of Christ for you? Have you betrayed the trust which God desires in you by leading astray those you should lead to God?  Have you disappointed those who desired you for goodness sake by betraying them? Have you played with the hearts that loved you so much including the Sacred Heart of Jesus?

Increase your desire today for the things of God and stop betraying. Be a good disciple. Jesus desires you.


I thank you Jesus for your word of eternal life with which you call me to yourself. It is amazing Lord that you still desire me. You see something in me that the world doesn't see. Help me to desire and aspire after higher values as your disciple. May I live a disciplined Christian life that will not be a betrayal to your Holy name and to my calling as your child. Help me by your grace that you may be glorified in my actions through Christ our Lord. Amen .

God bless your Friday (Week 2, Ordinary Time, Yr. B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Living Bulwark (

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Thursday of Week 2 Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 3:7-12)

This is a good news. The unclean spirits saw Jesus and fell down in the gospel reading of today.

Jesus comes to encounter the spirits operating in us. He comes with the Holy Spirit. He expects to be embraced by the life-giving spirit he breathed in us at creation. But unfortunately, He is greeted often times by the unclean spirits.

Why do we welcome the unclean spirits? What are the spirits you made room for in your life? Have you unfortunately made room for the spirit of greed, jealousy, wickedness, diabolism, addiction to sex or alcohol, laziness, carnal living etc?

Welcome Jesus once more. Expose these spirits to the Real Presence of Christ that they may fall and confess that Jesus is Lord. Bring them face to face with Jesus the son of God. Make them lose grip of your soul and their operation in your life.

Child of God, are you suffering from the power of the enemy in your life that you can't explain how they took over your life, your joy, your health, your wealth, your prayer life, your marriage, your vocation or profession, your peace and fulfilment?

Calm down, Jesus is here. Come close to Him. Come with the desire to have the unclean forces expelled. Jesus comes with divine orders to make the devil a failure in your life. May the evil plans and operations over your life fall down and remain silent and impotent forever.


Lord Jesus Christ, I thank You as I worship Your Divine Majesty this day. I present myself to You. Search me and scan me through and through. Remove from me whatever that is not deposited in me by Your Spirit. Put to flight every unclean spirit. At the release of Your word and before Your Real Presence Oh Lord, let every power tormenting and terrorising my life fall down and be destroyed forever and ever. Amen

St Agnes, pray for us.

God bless your Thursday (Week 2, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: 4º Domingo do Tempo Comum « Paróquia Perpétuo Socorro | Jesus, Jesus calms the storm, Mark chapter 5 ( 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Who is Blessed Iwene Tansi? By Francis Anekwe Oborji


HAPPY FEAST DAY OF BLESSED IWENE TANSI (January 20, 2021)                        

“Do not be a half-hearted Christian, belong entirely to God with Christian faith and courage” (Blessed Iwene Tansi).

Hometown: Igboezunu Aguleri, Nigeria

Fame: Trappist monk

Feast day: January 20


Today, January 20, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Blessed Michael Cyprian Iwene Tansi, who was beatified by Pope St. John Paul II, at Onitsha on March 22, 1998, during the Pope’s Pastoral visit to Nigeria that year. The Pope visited Nigeria that year, specifically, for the Beatification of Father Tansi.

This Papal Visit of 21-23 March 1998, was also very significant in the political life and history of Nigeria as a nation-state! It was the most singular and visible factor that prepared the ground for the return of democracy in Nigeria, few months later in 1999.

In fact, two months after the Papal Visit of 1998, events that led to the end of General Sani Abacha's military junta and dictatorial regime, began to unfold, and Nigeria's return to democracy, became a reality thereof in 1999.

Moreover, Pope John Paul II made the subject of true healing, reconciliation, justice, peace, harmony and freedom of religion and expression, the theme of his pastoral visit and homilies he preached throughout the visit.

Therefore, this Papal Visit and Beatification of Father Tansi in Nigerian in 1998, formed the bedrock or rather spiritual fibre, that made the return to democracy in the country in 1999, a reality!

This is why in a day like this, January 20, that the Church celebrates the Feast of Blessed Iwene Tansi, our religious and political leaders in Nigeria, must not lose sight of the place of the Blessed Iwene Tansi in the spiritual and political transformation of the country!

Apart from the fact that Father Tansi was the first to be Beatified from Nigeria, and in whole of West Africa, the spiritual role the Beatification of Fr Tansi played in restoring democracy and good governance in the country, after decades of military dictatorship, is something that calls for annual national recognition and celebration in  honour of this holy man from Aguleri, Anambra State.

Moreover, today, that Nigeria has found itself once more, in a situation far worse than that of the time Pope St John Paul II visited the country in 1998, let us not fail to recognize the important place Blessed Iwene Tansi occupies in the political and spiritual life of Nigeria, and to invoke his powerful intercession for divine intervention in our much troubled and tormented nation state today!

Who is Blessed Iwene Tansi?

When Archbishop Charles Heerey of the Archdiocese of Onitsha in Nigeria wished to found a Trappist monastery in his archdiocese, he singled out the local priest Iwene Tansi (1903-1964) as the proper candidate for this ministry. Iwene accepted the invitation to pursue the “vocation within a vocation,” that is, to be not only a priest, but also a Trappist priest. He agreed to travel to England, where he would train as a Trappist monk and then return to Nigeria, where he would introduce the monastic life.

Iwene had been born of humble parents who were followers of African Traditional Religion in its Igbo cultural colouring, the farmer Tabansi and his wife, Ejikwevi of Igboezunu Aguleri. When the child Iwene went to the mission school at the Christian Village in his hometown Aguleri to study, the priests there called him Michael, which name he adopted at baptism at nine. He lived with a close relative Orekyie who was a teacher at the Christian Village mission school, Aguleri. The young Iwene was trained and educated in the mission school at the Christian Village of St. Joseph’s Mission Aguleri. Right from his formative years and life in the village, the young Iwene had already distinguished himself as a devout Catholic and very meticulous person. It must be the manifestation of his tutelage under the energetic and pious Holy Ghost missionaries, his uncle Orekyie who was a teacher at the mission school, and the great sense of diligence he might have imbibed from them at St Joseph’s Mission, Aguleri. A little wonder too, that because of his high decorum, the missionaries at Aguleri recommended him for entry into the newly established seminary at Igbariam.

At sixteen, Iwene Michael began teaching at the mission school in his hometown, Aguleri. Six years later, he entered the seminary at Igbariam. At thirty-four, he was ordained a priest at the Cathedral at Onitsha. Immediately after ordination to the priesthood in 1937, Father Tansi worked as a Parish Vicar under Father John Cross Anyogu (who was later consecrated a Bishop of Enugu) at Nnewi for three years – from 1938 to 1940. His laudable performance at Nnewi mission encouraged the Ordinary to transfer him to Dunukofia to open that station. This he did creditably too. After five years at Dunukofia he was again transferred to Ufesiodo (Orumba Aguata region) to build up the Mission. He worked satisfactorily as well in this field. Finally, he was posted to his hometown Aguleri in 1949. It was while at Aguleri that Father Tansi expressed for the first time in writing to his Archbishop his wish to become a Trappist monk. Consequently, from Aguleri he departed for the Monastery in Leicester England in 1950.

As a pastor, Father Tansi dedicated himself not only to daily contemplative prayer but also to active ministry. He evangelized the youth, prepared couples for marriage, visited the sick, was a very good confessor, promoted vocations to priesthood and religious life, and provided for the needs of the poor. He travelled extensively throughout the parish environs to meet and serve his people. An active and busy pastor suddenly developed interest for a monastic life! After thirteen years as a diocesan priest, Archbishop Heerey selected him as the most appropriate candidate to receive, incorporate, and share the Trappist spirituality.

Not a young man at age forty-seven, the parish priest left his native land and travelled to the distant land to prepare himself professionally. En route to England, Father Tansi made a pilgrimage to Rome. In 1950, he arrived at the Abbey of Mount St. Bernard in Leicestershire. Six years later, he took the religious name Cyprian (in honour of that great third-century African ascetic theologian, St. Cyprian of Carthage).

Unfortunately, after Cyprian had begun his formation program, the Trappists reviewed the proposed location of their foundation in Africa and changed the site from Nigeria to neighbouring Cameroon. Although disappointed at this change of location, Cyprian nevertheless continued his formation and dedication to the Trappist spirituality. Early in 1964, however, Cyprian was diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm. Within a few weeks, he died. Originally buried at the monastery in Leicestershire, his remains were transferred in 1988 to Onitsha and then to be buried finally at Aguleri his hometown, which had been also his last parochial assignment in Nigeria before moving to England.

Meanwhile, work is in progress at the Site where the Archdiocese of Onitsha is building  National Shrine in honour of Blessed Iwene Tansi, in his place of birth at Igboezunu, Aguleri. This is the small village at Aguleri, where Father Tansi was born. Therefore, it is appropriate that the Church, in its wisdom, has decided that the remains of the Blessed Iwene Tansi be interned and preserved for posterity, finally, in a Chapel in the Shrine built for that purpose in his native village,  Igboezunu, Aguleri.

Already, the Shrine Site at Igboezunu, Aguleri has started to attract a number of pilgrims on regular basis! It is hoped that when the Shrine is finally ready, and fully operative, more and more pilgrims will love to visit the centre for prayers and other spiritual exercises and liturgical celebrations.

The saintliness that Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi manifested to others had been a part of him throughout his whole life, beginning even in his youth. Commenting on his whole life during his beatification at Onitsha in 1998, Pope (St.) John Paul II said: “He proved himself endowed with virtue, devoted to responsibility, and given over to piety, prayer and studies.

Finally, on a day like this, the universal Church honours Blessed Iwene Tansi, we shall not fail to continue to pray that in no distant future, God willing, we shall all gather again around the Altar, together with the Holy Father the Pope, for the Canonization of the Blessed Iwene Tansi, which is the last stage remaining for his Sainthood in the Church.

Meanwhile, the faithful are expected to continue to seek for God's favours in prayer, through the intercession of the Blessed Iwene Tansi, and to report any favour received through his intercession to the Postulator's Office at the Archdiocesan
Secretariat, Onitsha. ---  (Website:


"Lord help me to remember that nothing is going to happen today that you and I, together can't handle."  --- Blessed Iwene Tansi



Francis Anekwe Oborji 

Rome, January 20, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of the Feast of Blessed Iwene Tansi by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mt. 13:31,41-46)

We celebrate today our own, our one and only recognised Blessed Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi. We thank God whose grace saw him through and enabled him to live his Christian, priestly and monastic life searching for the great treasure of eternal life which he found in Christ and for which he was ready to sell every other desire and passion, through prayers and mortification. He exchanged the joys of this life for the joys of the life to come. That was indeed interesting, a good way of responding to the call of Jesus Christ today in the Gospel.

Each and every day of our life should see us deriving more joy in the things of heaven than in the things of earth that are transient. We should endeavour each day of our life to be more interested in heavenly joys than earthly glories. We should lose interest in the various distractions we allow, fast from them and focus on what lies ahead of us.

We are encouraged today to sell our hunger and drive for satisfactions of the flesh and strive towards a life of sanctity and purity. We should sell the riches of this world and acquire for ourselves the hidden treasures of the kingdom, neatly preserved for those who live searching for it.

We should not feel at rest in profiting the world and its fullness and losing the love of the One who owes the world and all that is in it. Nothing is worth comparing with what God has in stall for us. May we be wise to make the right choice of going after the heavenly treasures, digging through hard work and perseverance till we find our true peace and joy. May nothing stop us, may no ephemeral joy stop us.


Thank You Lord for the encouragement you give us through Blessed Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi. In him you have made us to know that we too can reach heaven. Help us to mortify ourselves and destroy every carnal desires pulling us down and weakening our passion for your kingdom. Bless us from heaven with your grace and through the prayers of your Holy Servant, help us to find our joy in you here and hereafter, where you live and reign forever and ever Amen.

Blessed Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi, pray for us.

God bless your Wednesday (Week 2, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Beato Cipriano Michele Iwene Tansi (20 gennaio) (

#IweneTansi #BlessedTansi #BlessedMichaelIweneTansi #IgboCatholicChurch #NigeriaCatholicChurch #Saints #Igboland 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Tuesday of Week 2 Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 2:23-28)

The sabbath observances so took the attention of the Pharisees that they lost respect and regard for Christ's lordship. They bowed for the law and disregarded the author of the law.

Jesus taught them that He is the Lord of the Sabbath. Being the Lord of the sabbath, He made them know that He made the sabbath for man and not the other way round. Thus, the sabbath should not be used to dehumanize and devalue man.

Jesus is the Lord of our lives. In his lordship over us, He wishes the best for us. He wishes us the freedom of the children of God. He wishes us to live in faith and conviction and not in fear and intimidation.

What are the things you are bowing to as Lord? If it is not Christ the Lord, then there's a problem. What are the forces questioning the will of God for you? What are the intimidating voices trying to frustrate your confidence in the Lord?

Nwa Chukwu, fear not, Jesus is the only Lord of your life. When troubles come, He intervenes; when the devil threatens, He defends you; when you hand over your care and worries to Him, He supports you. May the Lord be the Lord of your family, Lord of your marriage, Lord over your problems, Lord over your challenges, Lord over your joblessness, Lord over your hopeless situations, Lord over the meaninglessness you encounter.


Lord Jesus, the sabbat is meaningless without You. Thank You for accepting to be the Lord of my life. I hereby accept you as my personal Lord and Saviour. Deliver me from the grip of the forces that wants to exercise lordship over me. Keep me under your care now and forever. Amen

God bless your Tuesday (Week 2, Ordinary Time, Yr. B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Knowing Jesus – Why Did the Lord Jesus Work on the Sabbath? (

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Monday of Week 2 Yr. B Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 2:18-22)

The disciples of John and the Pharisees wondered and questioned why the disciples of Jesus Christ do not fast whereas those of John fast. They wondered aloud and put it as a question to Jesus Christ. But Jesus gave an interesting answer. He (Jesus) is the only answer they needed for that question. Jesus wonders in return why they shouldn't rejoice when He is in their midst. He wonders why they should fast while the reason for fasting is in their midst.

Jesus used the opportunity to enlighten them on the only reasonable and acceptable course for fasting, wailing and grieving. Thus, the occasion of Christ's absence, just like the absence of air is what should warrant gasping for air. In order words, just struggle to have Christ and forget about any other thing.

We should worry about those forces and conditions that take away Jesus in our lives. We should be concerned about those circumstances that keep God at a distance. We live sad when God is away. We suffer more when God is taken away. We should pray and fast against those persons that remove God from us.

On the other hand, if God is for us, who can be against us? One with God is the majority.  O yes, "with the Saviour ever near to guide me, I am safe whatever may betide me, from the storms and tempest He will hide me, in the hollow of His hands".

Do not mind the people who try to know the secret of your joy. Don't disturb yourself about those who are worried that you do not look like what you go through. Do not mind those who do unnecessary comparisons. Ride on, living in God. Make God your only source of happiness, you will not regret it.


Thank you, Jesus for defending my course. Thank you for proving to the world and situations around me that You are my only source of joy and happiness. Put an end to all those things that make me sad and create more avenues for those things that make me glad in you. Those who put their trust in you are never disappointed. May you never be taken away in human affairs as the world wants to do. Remain with us now and for ever. Amen.

God bless your Monday (Week 2, Ordinary Time, Yr. B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Empowering tips to help caregivers deal with anticipatory grief (

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of 2nd Sunday Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(John 1:35-42)

We are invited to a life of reflection. A life that reflects the goodness of God, the will of God and the love of God.


The Gospel of today takes us to the pointer made by John the Baptist where showing his disciples Jesus, he said: "Behold the lamb of God".

The fruit of this clarion call made by John was that two of his disciples who heard him say this left him to follow Jesus. When you see brighter part, better future, do you show it to people around you?  Will you as an employer freely approve your employee to move higher, step up and encourage him or her? Or will you be selfish wishing him/her to remain under you? Will you tell that person the truth about what lies ahead, make him know when your importance in his life expires and convince him to move on for good? Let go of your selfish interest that hinders people from seeing the glory of God you're meant to help them see. Do not allow any force or attachment make you not to realize your dream. Know what you want and what God wants for you.


Ihe onye na acho ka o na ahu is an Igbo saying meaning one gets what he desires.  Jesus asks the two disciples of John that followed Him: what do you seek? This question is important in our day-to-day dealings. Before we enter into any relationship, do we first of all define the terms involved? What do you want from that school? What do you want from that organization? What do you want from that Church? What do you want from that government? Are those expectations genuine and noble? Are you going for them properly? If so, ride on. If not stop and ponder.


The inquisitiveness of these two disciples who had the desire to follow Jesus took them to see where Jesus stays, and they were satisfied with it and stayed with Him that day. Andrew was one of the two, they stayed and stayed on and brought others to continue staying with Jesus. He invited his brother Peter. 


Our everyday life is punctuated by 'come and see' thus, we hear of 'veni, vidi, vici' (I came, I saw, I conquered). It is either that you're waiting, you're coming or you're seeing. Our presence in the world tells us that we have come to see. We look up to Christ to take us, to guide us to see with His light, to give us a clearer vision of life, a vision that will help us judge correctly which way to follow or not.

Be that as it may, the word of God today helps us to see our life as an invitation card and a pointer to people. Our life should invite people to come and stay for good. Our life should be a pointer and reflection to the life of God and will of God.


What do you show? What have you to show? 'Come and see' is an introduction into an individual's innermost life. 'Come and see' is an act of opening the door of one's heart for others to look into, to admire and to come in or run away from. When people receive this invitation from you, what do they see at the end of the day?

That person that trusted you and followed you home you as a friend, what did he see?  That little boy/ girl that looked up to you and followed you as a mentor, daddy, or uncle, what did he/she see? That woman who heard your sweet loving voice and followed you home as a wife what are you showing her?  When you have used your beauty to charm that young man into your life, what does he see there in? When your profession or vocation invites people innocently to you, what do they see at the long run?

As Jesus shows himself to us and calls us to show goodness to people around us, let us endeavour to make people who come close to us to see what will make them get connected to God. Let us cleanse ourselves of whatever that defiles the authentic divine presence in our lives. As Jesus beckons us to come, let us present ourselves to Him and live with Him in holiness for ever.


Thank You Jesus for always drawing us to your side to see your goodness. Make us missionaries of your goodness wherever we may be. Forgive us for the many times we misrepresented you by showing sinful and irritating behaviours to people who come to us. Give us the grace to carry your image with us all the days of our life being holy for the sake of your kingdom through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Happy Sunday (2nd Sunday, Ordinary Time, Yr. B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Matthew 4 - Wealthy Fisherman Follow Jesus - YouTube 

Friday, January 15, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday of Week One Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 2:13-17)

The Gospel of today concluded with: ‘I Came not to call the righteous, but sinners.’

The above was a statement made by Jesus when the scribes and Pharisees queried His disciples on the reasons He eats with tax collectors and sinners. Jesus heard it and told them that it is the sick, not the healthy, that need the physician.

Jesus, the physician of our souls, puts a call to us. He calls us to follow Him. He calls us to come as we are in order to go better than we came. He calls us to teach us. He gathers us to lead us out of sin, ignorance and infirmities.

Take the call of Jesus. Don't feel that your unworthiness is too much that will make God delete you from His contact list. He adds you to His friend list. Even if the virus of the devil, of sin and of mundane influences have put you out of divine network, Jesus calls you to add you up once again.

Come and join once again in the table He prepares for you. He prepares it even in the sight of your enemy the devil and of your human enemies who do not care for the salvation of your soul.

Bring Jesus into that your union, that your group, that your organization. Make the people around you sensitive to the tone of Christ's call. He calls you that you may not fall. Take the call and rise from the miry floor.

He calls us to beware of those we mingle with. We are already sinful but Jesus calls us to holiness. He comes to bless us with His presence. Let all of us who have sinned and fallen short of God's glory take more of the call of the one who has come to call not the righteous but sinners. Let's not make God a liar by claiming to be saints in no need of mercy.

Let's tell ourselves the truth. Let's not pretend as if we do not know who own that ringing tone. He is Jesus. Let us not close our ears and hearts like the self-acclaimed righteous men and women, who have gotten so used to God that they no longer care to see the wrongs in them. Pick up the call to prayers, which is the best communication system in God/man relationship. Let us not fail to invite Jesus in all our undertakings, we can't keep that friend that loves us away from our joys and sorrows. Let us not fail to accept His invitation through His Sacred Word to come follow Him and eat the Holy meal He prepares.

Let us endeavour to open our sores to Him for healing. He calls us to know how we feel; how we feel spiritually, morally, emotionally, physically and otherwise. Take up the call and tell Jesus how you feel. Take your time and discuss with Him. He's the one that called, do not worry about airtime. Just answer the call of Jesus today and rejoice at during and after the conversation. He loves you as you are.


 Thank You Jesus that You love me so much. Thank You that in my sinfulness You still call me to enter into serious relationship with You. I have offended You so much, I have made You too small, I have wounded Your Sacred Heart, I have contacted a lot of spiritual diseases. Yet You said You have come just for me. I take Your holy call this day to save me from my frequent falls, I accept your invitation with which you shame the enemy of my success and salvation.  Help me to faithfully follow You all the days of my life. Amen.

Holy Mary, pray for us.

God bless your Saturday (Week 1, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from:

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Friday of Week One Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 2:1-12)

A friend in need is a friend indeed, they say. Today we saw a group of people that formed committee of good friends to help a brother in need. A helpless paralytic was brought to Jesus for healing. These men forgot about their own individual problems and presented this man to Jesus.

Their effort was amazing. They opened the roof because of the teaming population that filled the place Jesus was. They helped the paralytic to locate the solution to his problems. Jesus saw the man, forgave him, healed him and made his life better.

What is your attitude towards connecting people positively?  Do you see people's need for job, scholarship, life partner, business assistance, health challenge, spiritual direction, etc?

Have you taken risk to save people from shame, from condemnation, from downfall, from death? When you see the light do you show others the light as well? When opportunities come do you ensure that the most qualified persons enjoy the benefits?

What type of friend are you? Are you a friend that thinks only about yourself? Are you a friend that finds it difficult to take your friend along when fortune smiles? Let us learn from these good friends how to take people in need to God, to good places, to meet good people, to meet good opportunities, that the goodness and love of God may go round. They may not even be our relatives, our friends or people we know, but we must be driven by the desire to help people out of their misfortunes and not indifference.


Lord God, we thank you today for the good people you have blessed us with on earth. Bless them and keep them in your love. Surround us with people who will connect us positively in life. Keep away from us bad friends and save us from perishing in our problems. May your help and our helper locate us in our various points of need from you through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Friday (Week 1, Ordinary Time Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: 20+ Miracles of Jesus ideas | miracles of jesus, jesus, miracles (

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Thursday of Week One Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 1:40-45)

A leper came to Jesus begging and kneeling, praying to be made clean. Jesus was moved with pity, He stretched out His hand, touched him and granted him his request.

This is a lesson for us in a world that celebrates heartlessness. It is an example for us at a time when stinginess seems to have become the order of the day. It is a guide for us in a world where people lack human feelings, live without being touched by the conditions of others and move on normally after seeing the plight of their fellow human beings. With the action of Jesus today selfishness is condemned, stoneheartedness is discouraged while insensitivity is frowned at.

Jesus invites us to open our ears and hear the cries around us. He calls us to open our eyes to see the miseries of people we encounter daily. He encourages us to stretch out our hands and touch lives positively. Let us not close ourselves up. Let us not lock ourselves inside leaving others outside and unable to receive the mercy that should reach out to them through us.

The keyword today is: Be Moved with Pity!

What moves you to carry out the actions you perform? What moves you in your dealings with your fellow human beings? Are you moved with love? Are you moved with sympathy? Are you moved by the tears of that innocent poor girl? If these are the things that move you to help positively, may God bless you. But if on the other hand you're moved by body shapes, by what you stand to gain, by your drive to take advantage of a vulnerable state, then you are the problem of our world.

Be moved and driven by noble, holy passion to lead people out of pains, heartbreaks, sickness, poverty, joblessness and injustice. Do these without hooks attached and remain blessed from above.


Thank You Jesus for the pity that moved you to heal the leper. Thank You especially for teaching us to be merciful for the conditions of people around us. Forgive us for the many times we have been wrongly moved in our dealings. Pardon us for not being kind to our fellow human beings.  Bless us today to spread the fragrance of your love this day and always wherever your grace catapults us to. Make us sensitive and move us by Your passion into holy actions through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Thursday (Week 1, Ordinary Time, YR B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Jesus Heals Laper by joeatta78 on DeviantArt

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Wednesday of Week One Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 1:29-39)

Seeing what Jesus did today in the gospel we are left with no option than to let Jesus in.

Christ is ever willing to come into our homes, our situations and conditions.

He left the synagogue and entered straight into the house of Andrew. His mother-in-law was sick with fever. They told Jesus about this and immediately, He took her by the hand and lifted her up, and the fever left her.

As Jesus comes into your life, into your home, into your relationship, into your business, into your decisions, into your XYZ certain ills must leave.

Give Jesus your life and allow Him to take away the evil habits. Give Him your marriage and allow discords and quarrels to leave. Bring Jesus into your business and let ‘not being able to save’ leave you alone. Bring Jesus into that your plan and decisions and watch failures and near-success syndrome disappear.

Everything evil must leave you as Jesus comes in. May you be free with the visitation of Jesus Christ into your life. May He drive away every force keeping you down with any form of fever; spiritual fever, moral fever, emotional fever, financial fever, political fever, social cum intellectual fever. You must rise up once again beloved child of God!


Thank You Jesus. It is a good news that you have not stopped touching lives and you will never stop. You visited the mother-in-law of your apostles Andrew and Peter today and left her in better state. Come in, to our world, our families and our lives. Make us better. Raise us to the height You destined for us through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Wednesday (Week 1, Ordinary Time, YR B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: The True Meaning of "Jesus Knocking on the Door" (

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