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Friday, January 15, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday of Week One Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 2:13-17)

The Gospel of today concluded with: ‘I Came not to call the righteous, but sinners.’

The above was a statement made by Jesus when the scribes and Pharisees queried His disciples on the reasons He eats with tax collectors and sinners. Jesus heard it and told them that it is the sick, not the healthy, that need the physician.

Jesus, the physician of our souls, puts a call to us. He calls us to follow Him. He calls us to come as we are in order to go better than we came. He calls us to teach us. He gathers us to lead us out of sin, ignorance and infirmities.

Take the call of Jesus. Don't feel that your unworthiness is too much that will make God delete you from His contact list. He adds you to His friend list. Even if the virus of the devil, of sin and of mundane influences have put you out of divine network, Jesus calls you to add you up once again.

Come and join once again in the table He prepares for you. He prepares it even in the sight of your enemy the devil and of your human enemies who do not care for the salvation of your soul.

Bring Jesus into that your union, that your group, that your organization. Make the people around you sensitive to the tone of Christ's call. He calls you that you may not fall. Take the call and rise from the miry floor.

He calls us to beware of those we mingle with. We are already sinful but Jesus calls us to holiness. He comes to bless us with His presence. Let all of us who have sinned and fallen short of God's glory take more of the call of the one who has come to call not the righteous but sinners. Let's not make God a liar by claiming to be saints in no need of mercy.

Let's tell ourselves the truth. Let's not pretend as if we do not know who own that ringing tone. He is Jesus. Let us not close our ears and hearts like the self-acclaimed righteous men and women, who have gotten so used to God that they no longer care to see the wrongs in them. Pick up the call to prayers, which is the best communication system in God/man relationship. Let us not fail to invite Jesus in all our undertakings, we can't keep that friend that loves us away from our joys and sorrows. Let us not fail to accept His invitation through His Sacred Word to come follow Him and eat the Holy meal He prepares.

Let us endeavour to open our sores to Him for healing. He calls us to know how we feel; how we feel spiritually, morally, emotionally, physically and otherwise. Take up the call and tell Jesus how you feel. Take your time and discuss with Him. He's the one that called, do not worry about airtime. Just answer the call of Jesus today and rejoice at during and after the conversation. He loves you as you are.


 Thank You Jesus that You love me so much. Thank You that in my sinfulness You still call me to enter into serious relationship with You. I have offended You so much, I have made You too small, I have wounded Your Sacred Heart, I have contacted a lot of spiritual diseases. Yet You said You have come just for me. I take Your holy call this day to save me from my frequent falls, I accept your invitation with which you shame the enemy of my success and salvation.  Help me to faithfully follow You all the days of my life. Amen.

Holy Mary, pray for us.

God bless your Saturday (Week 1, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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