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Monday, January 25, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of the Memorial of Saints Timothy and Titus by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 10:1-9)

Today is the memorial of the two collaborators of Saint Paul in the ministry.  They are Saints Timothy and Titus. They were good companions and helpers to St Paul, who assisted him in preaching and establishing of the Churches in the various communities they found themselves.

From these men, we learn teamwork, cooperation, carrying each other along, respect for one another. They are celebrated today for their ability to be docile, to be under, to work with, to take instructions, to follow directives. As we celebrate them, we call to mind St Paul who carried them along with respect, who trusted them as they discharged their office, who also gave them brotherly cum fatherly corrections when they erred and proactively warned them against dangers ahead.

As we thank God for these collaborators, let us endeavour to be good working partners. Let us promote what others do. Let wives be good helpers to their husbands. Let husbands be open to their wives and children and carry them along. Let superiors carry their young colleagues along and never relegate them. Let the common good and the sense of purpose and mission be our guide as we go about our various activities in life. Let us not look down on people.

A lot of wolves in form of fierce temptations will come pushing us to do the contrary, barking at us to back off from the demands of the Gospel. Let the wisdom of the lamb that was immolated for our sake on Calvary motivate us to persevere in doing that which glorifies God. May we not be overcome by the wolves within us which make us become wolves instead of collaborators who should work to establish the Church of Christ.


We thank You Lord for the Saints Timothy and Titus. We thank You for the special grace with which they assisted and worked together assiduously to build your Church. Help us dear Lord to overcome the wolves surrounding us, making it difficult for us to live harmoniously and work in a way pleasing to You. May we relate well with people we meet on daily basis and together with them be admitted in heaven when our earthly journey is ended through Christ our Lord. Amen

Saints Timothy and Titus, pray for us.

God bless your Tuesday (Week 3, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: MEMORIAL of SAINTS TIMOTHY and TITUS,... - Seminarian's Notbuk | Facebook

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