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Saturday, January 23, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Sunday Week 3 Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 1:14-20)

Our Christian life is all about leaving and following or, better put, leaving to follow. Jesus invites us today to consider without delaying where we are as Christians, where we are in our spiritual life, where we are in our practice of the faith, the people we are with, and what we are doing with them at every point in time.

With eye on the gospel of today, let us know what God wants from us and how we are supposed to respond to Him.


Jesus started His preaching saying: "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the Gospel".

Here, He is talking about the time to leave old bad ways. There is no best time to do so than now. In the face of the uncertainty, insecurity, inhumanity, pandemics, and infirmities here and there, we must be prepared and know that the time to repent is now. The time to leave evil is now. The time to leave bad habits is now. The time to leave carelessness is now. Indeed, the time is fulfilled. Tomorrow may be too far. Let us leave evil so as to live in Christ.


Show me your friend and I will tell you whom you are. This is a saying we know too well. Jesus looks into the associations you keep. He cares about the one you're always with. Are they people who lead you to God or away from God? Are they people who inspire you to do good or evil? Are they those who help you to bring out the best in you or those who target to destroy the best in you?

Leave them if their agenda in your life is from the pit of hell. Leave them if they intend to steal your joy in the Lord which should be your strength. Leave them if they encourage you to commit one sin or the other. Leave them for good if they want to make you disobey God. Leave them if they are distraction to your progress.

When Jesus looked, He saw Simon and Andrew his brother. He called them to follow Him.

Take the decision today to take that your brother, sister, friend or lover to God. February is around the corner. People have started warming up for the 14th day. Go with that friend of yours to God. Take that your partner to the altar. Lead that your weak friend by the hand to God. Go together to answer the call to holiness. Leave together, say goodbye to working without Christ. Get God involved in everything about you. Live in His presence.


What are your excuses to follow Christ? A good number of us would like to leave certain things they know too well not to be good but because of one reason or the other they procrastinate. They keep it for another day. They delay. What is it that makes you feel like not responding immediately to God who calls?  Your family, your job, your position, your aspirations etc?

Some say if I stop this, how will I feed? If I stop this how will I survive? If I leave that man how will I finish my education? If I leave this group, they will come after me. If I leave, he will blackmail me. And so, they remain in the devil's cage. Jesus is calling you out today, to leave without delay if we really want to live.

Listen child of God, those things you fear should not stop you from living according to the mind of God for you. They should not stop you from leaving from where God wants you to leave. Let's learn from the apostles, they didn't allow their father to hold them down. They left him as soon as Christ called. Christ's voice should carry the highest authority in our lives. No one should stop us from doing the will of God.


The call of the Lord promises a more dignifying outcome. He promises to make you become a better version of yourself. He comes to reveal to you the possible positive achievements and exploits you can make with Him. All you've got to do is to follow Him. You will stop fishing just fish and become fisher of   men. Men will be drawn to you for the glory of God you carry with you. May you not delay and regret leaving your old evil ways today as you encounter the Lord today.


I am very sorry Lord for delaying several times and dragging my feet in evil. I have given several excuses as reasons to stay away from you. Thank you for making me understand that these reasons are not enough to hold me down. Take me up by your grace Almighty God. Help me to leave my attachment to things of this world and focus on following you to get the heavenly blessings you destined for me through living fulfilled after labouring here on earth through Christ our Lord. Amen

Happy Sunday (Week 3, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Reflections, Images, and Videos for Epiphany 3 and the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity | Pastor's Postings (

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