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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of the Feast of Blessed Iwene Tansi by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mt. 13:31,41-46)

We celebrate today our own, our one and only recognised Blessed Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi. We thank God whose grace saw him through and enabled him to live his Christian, priestly and monastic life searching for the great treasure of eternal life which he found in Christ and for which he was ready to sell every other desire and passion, through prayers and mortification. He exchanged the joys of this life for the joys of the life to come. That was indeed interesting, a good way of responding to the call of Jesus Christ today in the Gospel.

Each and every day of our life should see us deriving more joy in the things of heaven than in the things of earth that are transient. We should endeavour each day of our life to be more interested in heavenly joys than earthly glories. We should lose interest in the various distractions we allow, fast from them and focus on what lies ahead of us.

We are encouraged today to sell our hunger and drive for satisfactions of the flesh and strive towards a life of sanctity and purity. We should sell the riches of this world and acquire for ourselves the hidden treasures of the kingdom, neatly preserved for those who live searching for it.

We should not feel at rest in profiting the world and its fullness and losing the love of the One who owes the world and all that is in it. Nothing is worth comparing with what God has in stall for us. May we be wise to make the right choice of going after the heavenly treasures, digging through hard work and perseverance till we find our true peace and joy. May nothing stop us, may no ephemeral joy stop us.


Thank You Lord for the encouragement you give us through Blessed Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi. In him you have made us to know that we too can reach heaven. Help us to mortify ourselves and destroy every carnal desires pulling us down and weakening our passion for your kingdom. Bless us from heaven with your grace and through the prayers of your Holy Servant, help us to find our joy in you here and hereafter, where you live and reign forever and ever Amen.

Blessed Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi, pray for us.

God bless your Wednesday (Week 2, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Beato Cipriano Michele Iwene Tansi (20 gennaio) (

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