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Thursday, January 21, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Friday of Week 2 Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 3:13-19)

Where do I belong? Those who desired the fact that they are desired or those who betrayed the desire of the Lord?

The Word of God today tells the tale of the call of the twelve apostles.  It started by telling us that Jesus went up on the mountain, and called to Himself those whom He desired, and they came to Him including Judas.

In Baptism and through the Word of God and the other sacraments of the Church Jesus calls us personally and collectively to be with Him. He wishes to change the dark sides of our life, to give us a new name in God and bestow upon us the authority of the Children of God. He bequets the abundance of heavenly blessings upon us. He sees us through our rise and falls helping us by His grace. He showers unspeakable love upon our lives and wants us to live and move and have our being in Him. He establishes a bond of love and prepares us as ministers in various ways in the world.

God desires the potentials we possess. He desires to see the seed of greatness, of holiness, of virtue in us grow. He trusts us so much as to open the secret of eternal life to us.

Unfortunately, we like Judas betray at one time or the other. The possibility of our life of betrayal is well known to God, but He doesn't want us to remain on the path of betrayal but of increased desire for His Holy Will.

Have you betrayed the desire of Christ for you? Have you betrayed the trust which God desires in you by leading astray those you should lead to God?  Have you disappointed those who desired you for goodness sake by betraying them? Have you played with the hearts that loved you so much including the Sacred Heart of Jesus?

Increase your desire today for the things of God and stop betraying. Be a good disciple. Jesus desires you.


I thank you Jesus for your word of eternal life with which you call me to yourself. It is amazing Lord that you still desire me. You see something in me that the world doesn't see. Help me to desire and aspire after higher values as your disciple. May I live a disciplined Christian life that will not be a betrayal to your Holy name and to my calling as your child. Help me by your grace that you may be glorified in my actions through Christ our Lord. Amen .

God bless your Friday (Week 2, Ordinary Time, Yr. B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Living Bulwark (

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