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Sunday, January 24, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 16:15-18)

Today the Church celebrates the feast of the conversion of St Paul the Apostle. He was once opposing the Gospel message till he encountered Christ and started promoting it. He wanted to stop the message from spreading in Israel. But God use him to spread the message to the whole of Roman empire.

What is it in you that is opposing the message of God? What are the energies in you that you are channelling wrongly? Convert these energies for good. Promote the course of the message of Christ.

Allow Christ to throw you down. You need to fall in order to rise in Christ. You need to fall under the unction of the Holy Spirit in order to see the manifestation of the will of God for you. Allow your human strength to fall so that the power of God will show itself in you.  Let the sinful inclinations in you fall so that the holy inspirations may flow.

Convert your loyalty just as the loyalty of Saul was converted. Obey the law of God and the laws of the world.

Convert from leading to following. Stop leading people to oppose God. Follow the Apostles who followed Christ to lead people to heaven.

The feast of today is about one who went into the world and transformed the world of his time with the power of the word. Let's in our own time preach to the world from wherever we are. By the time the politicians preach to the world of politics, the medical practitioners preach to the world of health, the lawyers preach to the legal world, the businessmen preach to the world of business, the world will be a be a better place, our states, Nigeria, Africa and indeed the whole universe will be converted unto Christ.

May God who have sent us into this world give us the spiritual enablement to make the whole creation what He wants them to be.


Thank You Lord for the conversion of St Paul.  Thank You for proving to us that conversion is possible. Thank you for teaching us that no matter how bad we are that You can still change us for good. Give us a changed heart O Lord and help us to be and bring the positive change needed in the world through Christ our Lord. Amen.

St Paul,  Pray for us.

God bless your Monday (Week 3, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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