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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Wednesday of Week One Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 1:29-39)

Seeing what Jesus did today in the gospel we are left with no option than to let Jesus in.

Christ is ever willing to come into our homes, our situations and conditions.

He left the synagogue and entered straight into the house of Andrew. His mother-in-law was sick with fever. They told Jesus about this and immediately, He took her by the hand and lifted her up, and the fever left her.

As Jesus comes into your life, into your home, into your relationship, into your business, into your decisions, into your XYZ certain ills must leave.

Give Jesus your life and allow Him to take away the evil habits. Give Him your marriage and allow discords and quarrels to leave. Bring Jesus into your business and let ‘not being able to save’ leave you alone. Bring Jesus into that your plan and decisions and watch failures and near-success syndrome disappear.

Everything evil must leave you as Jesus comes in. May you be free with the visitation of Jesus Christ into your life. May He drive away every force keeping you down with any form of fever; spiritual fever, moral fever, emotional fever, financial fever, political fever, social cum intellectual fever. You must rise up once again beloved child of God!


Thank You Jesus. It is a good news that you have not stopped touching lives and you will never stop. You visited the mother-in-law of your apostles Andrew and Peter today and left her in better state. Come in, to our world, our families and our lives. Make us better. Raise us to the height You destined for us through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Wednesday (Week 1, Ordinary Time, YR B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: The True Meaning of "Jesus Knocking on the Door" (

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