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Friday, January 22, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday of Week 2 Yr. B by Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Mark 3:20-21)

Jesus was seen as a mad man today. He's taken to be 'beside himself'. Why? Because he refused to eat.

We see passion for service demonstrated by Jesus in the gospel of today. We see selflessness shown by the way He forgot about Himself to concentrate on the problems of others. They could not even eat. Thus, his friends intervened.

Wait a moment, could it be that these friends of Jesus came to seize Him because of the persuasion from His hungry disciples who wanted to eat but couldn't tell Jesus about it directly? This may or may not be the case. But the line which reads: "And when his friends heard it," suggests it to some extent.

Sometimes in life, even when we are determined to do things right, work without personal aggrandizement at heart, be just, put in our best, give in the time we should to see to the realization of our goals and tasks, work really hard for a particular course we are held, seized and discouraged by friends, colleagues, co-workers, mates and even superiors or subjects who wants to eat and eat.

This is the case in a state filled with ghost workers, a nation littered with lazy rich people, an education institution that celebrates clubbing and partying than studying, a leadership that is more concerned with looting than building, a generation of youths that detest dignified step-by-step wealth acquisition but upholds fraud and all forms of quick money making.

In such a society, anyone with the intention to work before eating is seen as a mad man. In such a world it is insane not to eat while working. In such situations, friends come to query you for your 'foolish dedication' in such a system, the family members may become a temptation comparing you with your younger colleagues ' who have made it' your mother may indirectly encourage you to do what others are doing 'to eat'.

Don't mind what people say or do. Put in your best in all you do. Do your best and let your best be enough. You're not stupid by trying to get things done the right way. Don't let anyone make you believe so. Don't focus more on gains at all times. There are times you must make sacrifices. There are times you need to starve yourself for others. There are times you need to deny yourself of your rest, your pleasure, your recreation, your comfort and your joy for the good of others. Such services are loved by Jesus. He will not fail to pay you adequately for them when the right time comes. Don't regret your sacrifices. You're not mad Nwa Chukwu. Sustain that passion today and always.


Dear Lord, a lot of forces and acquaintances are striving to seize us so that we are unable to give you and humanity our best; the best of our time, talents and treasures. We most of the time fall into the temptation of caring about what we eat, what we gain. Help us to realize that there is something called selfless service and bless us for the times we deny ourselves of certain joys for your sake and the sake of our fellow human beings. Prove to the world that it is not foolishness to be sacrificial through Christ our Lord. Amen

Holy Mary, pray for us.

God bless your Saturday (Week 2, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Fr Julian O Ekeh

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