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Friday, January 29, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday Week 3 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 4:35-41)

This is the question Jesus asks us today in the gospel reading of today; Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?

Dear child of God, close your ordinary eyes and open your spiritual eyes. Behold Jesus standing before you, inquiring the reason for your fears. Can you feel the presence of Jesus in your life journey? Can you feel the impact of being with you in that boat, your family boat, your spiritual boat, your business boat, your academic boat, your marital boat, your vocational boat? Just name it.

Why are you afraid when the Lord is nearby? Why are you afraid when you have God above? Do you not know again that He is above your problems, your sorrows, your sicknesses, your worries, your fears and the tempests raging around you?

Why are you afraid? Is it about the resumption of schools, house rents, insecurity here and there, recklessness and bad governance, non-payment of salaries and arrears?   May God calm your fears. See beyond those intimidating voices encircling you. They want you to die before your time. Say no. Yes, we may be afraid as humans, but let us not be afraid in a faithless manner. Let us entrust our cares and fears to the Lord who supports us in our problems.

He acts when all hope seems to be lost. Let us not fail to call on Him. Let not the darkness of our fears block our view from seeing with our eyes of faith the hand of God commanding the forces that terrify us: "Peace! Be still". The Lord will not allow you to perish. He will not allow you to be put to shame. He will not fail to rebuke your intimidators. The wind of your life must cease. But till then, be calm in the Lord. He doesn't sleep. Let your faith in Him not be sedated by fear. May the causes of your fears obey the voice of God and stop.


Thank You Lord God for reassuring me today that you're close at hand to handle my fears. I bring to You this day all the reasons of my fear. I pray for the grace to confront them with faith. May I not perish in fear but be saved by my faith and trust in You. There's nothing You cannot do for me. Yes, even the wind and sea obey You. May my fears obey You and be still through Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen

God bless your Saturday (3rd Week, Ordinary time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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