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Thursday, January 28, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Friday Week 3 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 4 :26-31)

With two parables of the scattered seed and the mustard seed the Lord Jesus tells us about the kingdom of God; how it begins, grows and becomes a place of refuge.

We too are kingdom seeds scattered in the world. We may not know. God is doing a lot of great works in us. Without our knowledge in our mother's wombs, the Lord took care of us. We came into being, we started maturing. We think it is ordinary. There is something extraordinary about our growth. We are growing into something spiritual. We are maturing into divine greatness.

Do you know that it is not careless that you're where you're? That is your soil of growth. It may seem to be a nursery bed, there too is your place of blossoming. Grow from there. Discover the nutrients the Lord has deposited there for your spiritual and holistic development.

You may be thinking that you're just scattered. In the sight of God, you're never scattered. You're kept where you will see the ladder to heaven. From where you are, God wants you to make heaven. You don't need to leave that your husband to make heaven. You may not need to leave Nigeria to make heaven. You may not need to leave that school campus to make heaven. All you need do is to be determined to surprise the world.

The kingdom of God surprises the world a lot. People of the Kingdom are causes of wonder to people of the world. They will wonder how the mustard in you became the giant. They will wonder how you changed from the old you to the new you. They will wonder how you're moving from nothingness to something great. They will marvel at how that your family they have written off is suddenly attracting the blessings of God. This is what happens when we live our lives looking up to the heavens from where our help comes. Just as the sun do a lot of good to the plant, that is how God from heaven is determined to bring you to his kingdom. Make yourself available for Him. Grow where you're.

The Lord wants to harvest something better from you. The Lord wants the best from you. The Lord wants the best for your family. He wants the best for your soul. May you grow to the full stature of perfection God desires for you.


Oh God, I am determined this day to grow from where you have planted me. Help me to mature and qualify for the kingdom you have destined for me. No matter where life has scattered me, help me to gather myself together in You. May my little efforts just like the mustard seed bear abundant fruits of heavenly blessings through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Friday (Week 3, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Adventures in Lymeland: Grow Where You Are Planted (

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