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Sunday, January 31, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Monday Week 4 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Mark 5:1-20)

The miracle in today's gospel reading is an interesting one. Jesus healed the demoniac who has been tormented for years by Legion of unclean spirits. He had been held bound for years. He has broken the chains and yet remained in captivity.  He's as good as dead. Little wonder he lives among the dead. Crying became his only song. Bruising himself became his daily exercise. What a life of frustration!

Dear Child of God, what is the captivity that has made you "O di ndu onwu ka mma" like this man who lives night and day among the tombs? What is the unclean spirit that has destroyed the peace of your soul? What is that situation leaving you with tears night and day?

It has an evil agenda. It wants to stop you from worshiping the Lord. Never you stop worshipping the Lord no matter what you're passing through. Could you imagine that this man who was under this situation still used his reserved energy and the opportunity that came his way to run from afar to Jesus and worship Him?

This carries a message for you and I. Let us carry that our problem, the evil possessions, the headaches, the heartbreaks, the disappointments, the failures, the shame, the condemnations, the sins and just name it, to Jesus.

Jesus comes to give you reasons to be happy once again. Jesus comes to put new song into your mouth. Jesus comes to turn your sorrow into joy, your tears into smiles, your mourning into testimony.

You will be amazed when that will happen. The demoniac became quiet and Jesus confronted his problems one on one. Jesus showed him how much he is loved. Jesus brought an end to his traumas. Jesus went to the extent of destroying a whole swine and indeed anything that could stand on his way to total cleansing and liberation of this man. He was free. Unu ahulanu ije love ya na Chi!

He decides immediately never to leave Jesus. He sings: "Jesus You love me too much". He decides to follow Jesus. But Jesus sent Him back on a mission, the mission of testifying to the goodness of the Lord.

May God send you on this mission this day, this month and this year. The mission is: "Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you". May you go home with this testimony. May your children come home with such good news of divine goodness. May you come back home carrying your sheaves in joy having gone out with tears. May you be blessed with reasons to thank the Lord and may what the Lord does be permanent in your life.


I worship you Lord for the daily miracles I receive from you even those I do not see as miracles. I bring to you my worries, tears, torments, attacks and heartbreaks. I come with my challenges and difficulties. Command every evil manipulation in me to give way. Give me reasons to thank you and bear the message of your goodness to my friends and to the world through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Monday( 4th Week, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: My-Testimony-Featured2.jpg (590×400) (

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