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Saturday, January 16, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of 2nd Sunday Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(John 1:35-42)

We are invited to a life of reflection. A life that reflects the goodness of God, the will of God and the love of God.


The Gospel of today takes us to the pointer made by John the Baptist where showing his disciples Jesus, he said: "Behold the lamb of God".

The fruit of this clarion call made by John was that two of his disciples who heard him say this left him to follow Jesus. When you see brighter part, better future, do you show it to people around you?  Will you as an employer freely approve your employee to move higher, step up and encourage him or her? Or will you be selfish wishing him/her to remain under you? Will you tell that person the truth about what lies ahead, make him know when your importance in his life expires and convince him to move on for good? Let go of your selfish interest that hinders people from seeing the glory of God you're meant to help them see. Do not allow any force or attachment make you not to realize your dream. Know what you want and what God wants for you.


Ihe onye na acho ka o na ahu is an Igbo saying meaning one gets what he desires.  Jesus asks the two disciples of John that followed Him: what do you seek? This question is important in our day-to-day dealings. Before we enter into any relationship, do we first of all define the terms involved? What do you want from that school? What do you want from that organization? What do you want from that Church? What do you want from that government? Are those expectations genuine and noble? Are you going for them properly? If so, ride on. If not stop and ponder.


The inquisitiveness of these two disciples who had the desire to follow Jesus took them to see where Jesus stays, and they were satisfied with it and stayed with Him that day. Andrew was one of the two, they stayed and stayed on and brought others to continue staying with Jesus. He invited his brother Peter. 


Our everyday life is punctuated by 'come and see' thus, we hear of 'veni, vidi, vici' (I came, I saw, I conquered). It is either that you're waiting, you're coming or you're seeing. Our presence in the world tells us that we have come to see. We look up to Christ to take us, to guide us to see with His light, to give us a clearer vision of life, a vision that will help us judge correctly which way to follow or not.

Be that as it may, the word of God today helps us to see our life as an invitation card and a pointer to people. Our life should invite people to come and stay for good. Our life should be a pointer and reflection to the life of God and will of God.


What do you show? What have you to show? 'Come and see' is an introduction into an individual's innermost life. 'Come and see' is an act of opening the door of one's heart for others to look into, to admire and to come in or run away from. When people receive this invitation from you, what do they see at the end of the day?

That person that trusted you and followed you home you as a friend, what did he see?  That little boy/ girl that looked up to you and followed you as a mentor, daddy, or uncle, what did he/she see? That woman who heard your sweet loving voice and followed you home as a wife what are you showing her?  When you have used your beauty to charm that young man into your life, what does he see there in? When your profession or vocation invites people innocently to you, what do they see at the long run?

As Jesus shows himself to us and calls us to show goodness to people around us, let us endeavour to make people who come close to us to see what will make them get connected to God. Let us cleanse ourselves of whatever that defiles the authentic divine presence in our lives. As Jesus beckons us to come, let us present ourselves to Him and live with Him in holiness for ever.


Thank You Jesus for always drawing us to your side to see your goodness. Make us missionaries of your goodness wherever we may be. Forgive us for the many times we misrepresented you by showing sinful and irritating behaviours to people who come to us. Give us the grace to carry your image with us all the days of our life being holy for the sake of your kingdom through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Happy Sunday (2nd Sunday, Ordinary Time, Yr. B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Matthew 4 - Wealthy Fisherman Follow Jesus - YouTube 

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