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Sunday, March 7, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Monday Week 3 of Lent by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 4:24-30)

Jesus invites us to make personal effort to receive Him in our hearts even as we embark on the collective, communal devotions.

A lot of people hide under the umbrella of the crowd. They say: "We are Christians, we are people of God, we go to Church, we are in CWO, we are CMO, we are priests, we are religious, we are seminarians, we are this and that"

What is important is what we are as individuals, whom we are before God. Jesus exposed the truth of his mission to the Jews. Those who will receive God's mercy, love, compassion, miracles and favours need not to be Jews. But anyone at all, who sincerely search for the Lord and follow the instruction of God. To such people, God shows his wondrous love. Christ gave example with the Zarephath woman to whom Elijah was sent. She was not a Jew. Naaman who was healed by Elisha too was not a Jew. Yet, there were many lepers in Israel then. Disposition makes the whole difference.

Do you have the proper disposition that will enable you attract the graces packaged for you this season? 

Internalize the exercises of this season. Respond personally to the call our Lord Jesus makes on you this Holy period. 

Don't fight against the work of our Lord in your life. Don't take Jesus out of the city of your life. Don't nurture the intention of throwing Jesus Christ and all that He represents to the wind especially His word. Treasure it.


Oh God, we need your blessings this period. We need your grace. We don't want to hide in the crowd again. We present ourselves to you. Give us the disposition to do your holy will. Help us to pay heed to your word. Make us beneficiaries of eternal life and joy. We shall be among the receivers of this year's Lenten season through Christ our Lord. Amen

 God bless your Monday (3rd Week of Lent)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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