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Monday, January 18, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Tuesday of Week 2 Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 2:23-28)

The sabbath observances so took the attention of the Pharisees that they lost respect and regard for Christ's lordship. They bowed for the law and disregarded the author of the law.

Jesus taught them that He is the Lord of the Sabbath. Being the Lord of the sabbath, He made them know that He made the sabbath for man and not the other way round. Thus, the sabbath should not be used to dehumanize and devalue man.

Jesus is the Lord of our lives. In his lordship over us, He wishes the best for us. He wishes us the freedom of the children of God. He wishes us to live in faith and conviction and not in fear and intimidation.

What are the things you are bowing to as Lord? If it is not Christ the Lord, then there's a problem. What are the forces questioning the will of God for you? What are the intimidating voices trying to frustrate your confidence in the Lord?

Nwa Chukwu, fear not, Jesus is the only Lord of your life. When troubles come, He intervenes; when the devil threatens, He defends you; when you hand over your care and worries to Him, He supports you. May the Lord be the Lord of your family, Lord of your marriage, Lord over your problems, Lord over your challenges, Lord over your joblessness, Lord over your hopeless situations, Lord over the meaninglessness you encounter.


Lord Jesus, the sabbat is meaningless without You. Thank You for accepting to be the Lord of my life. I hereby accept you as my personal Lord and Saviour. Deliver me from the grip of the forces that wants to exercise lordship over me. Keep me under your care now and forever. Amen

God bless your Tuesday (Week 2, Ordinary Time, Yr. B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Knowing Jesus – Why Did the Lord Jesus Work on the Sabbath? (

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