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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of January 1st (New Year Day) by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 2:16-21)

Today is the First day of January, a new year begins today. A new day starts today, a new month starts this day, the brand-new week has begun. It is a Thanksgiving Day for the year that has come to an end for this one to begin.

The octave of Christmas ends today. In a very special way Mary is celebrated as the Mother of God. The story of nativity of the Lord which cannot be told without Mary is refreshed once again. The Gospel of today takes us to Bethlehem with the Shepherds who were privileged to receive in their dark night the message and good news of the newborn king.

The birth of Jesus brought about a new era, a new order, a new reign, a new joy, a new dawn.

Let's go with the shepherds to see what the new dawn has in stall for us.

What the shepherds saw:


They found an ordinary woman God chose to make His mother. They may have wondered who the mother of God will be. Is it really possible that God will be carried by a mere woman? No woman touched the ark of the covenant, how come a woman became the new ark of the new covenant? What an amazing thing!  What a mystery! This is not reincarnation, where people believe that a man can come back to his son as a baby. This is incarnation where for the first time God chose to be born as a man by woman. Mary became a God bearer, a grace carrier, and a vessel for disseminating the word of God, the blessings from above and the fulfilment of God's will. Are we God bearers or evil bearers? May we bear the heavenly blessings of joy, happiness, peace, love and favours this new year and put away every dark element.


The shepherds did not find Mary alone. Mary was with Joseph. Mary is not performing the role of being the mother of God alone. The task of showing concern about things of God, of overseeing the realization and perfection of the will of God as against that of the devil, of evil men and of the world is a responsibility we all have to take active part in. Like Joseph, we should make the work of bearing God easier for all the bearers of God. We should encourage all those who bear the image of God with them. We should respect those who make sincere effort to see that God reigns. We should take our place close to God, lubricating our relationship with Him. We should see to it that the God who comes into us matures to produce virtuous fruits.


We celebrate Mary the Mother of God this day because she nurtured life, life of God, life of grace, life of holiness, life of peace, of dignity and integrity, of security and prosperity, of respect for the rich and the poor, of religion and tradition, of culture and structure. Like the mother of God, let us preserve the life of grace. That God may bless us with grace upon grace. Let us be open to the will of God, be patient and not take laws into our hands but submit to the will of the Almighty. Let us carry God to the nooks and crannies of the world, wherever we are catapulted to; politics, business, academics, etc. Let's bring God to every facet of life.

Let us endeavour to ensure that God lives in us, let us try our hardest effort to see to the realization of the divine will for us. Let us go back to the drawing board to know if or not we are on the right lane where God has destined us to be. Let us give birth to godliness, let us nourish goodness, let us create a conducive atmosphere for God to live with us.

Let us not kill God, let us not abort God, let us not put God aside, even as we are starting this new year. Let us make sure we begin with God. Let the reckless lifestyles of previous years be destroyed. Let insecurity of life and property be a thing or the past. Let us keep the commandments of God. Let us make news positively and not negatively. Let the shepherds gather to give thanks and praise to God for what He has done for us and for what we have allowed God do through us. Let them not gather because of our killing of God, because of our kidnapping of God, because of our silencing of God, because of persecutions and oppositions to the word of God flowing from us.

May we not be murderers of God neither in ourselves nor in others.


Oh God bless and keep us Amen. May Your face shine upon us, be gracious to us. Amen. Lift your countenance upon us and give us your peace. Amen. May we begin this year with you our God, and like your mother bear your blessing to all people in the world. May your family on earth find reasons to rejoice again after many past years, days and months of sorrows and pain. Give us renewed joy in Christ who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen

Mary Mother of God, intercede for us for the release of Bishop Moses Chikwe

Happy New Year.

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

#2021 #NewYear #HappyNewYear #MaryMotherOfGod

Urgent Call for Prayers: #BringBackBishopMosesChikwe


Dear friends, joins us in prayer as we storm the heavens with our supplications for the release and safe return of the Auxiliary Bishop of Owerri Archdiocese, Most Rev. Moses Chikwe.

In a circular signed by the Chancellor of the Archdiocese, Msgr. Alphonsus Oha, the Archbishop of Owerri, Most Rev. Anthony J.V. Obinna, has directed that a special prayer programme be observed today, December 31, 2020 (Thursday), for the release of His Lordship, Bishop Moses Chikwe.

The prayer journey will commence at 4:00pm with Rosary procession in or around the parish Churches in the Archdiocese and concludes with the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The Archdiocese calls on all parishes, Chaplaincies, Special Jurisdictions in Owerri Archdiocese to observe this special prayer programme.

Bishop Moses Chikwe and his driver, Mr. Ndubuisi Robert, were abducted by unknown gunmen in the evening of Sunday, 27 December 2020. The sad and shocking incident took place around Site and Services, New Owerri, Imo State. The kidnappers are yet to make any contact with the Archdiocese.


Fresh Dew Media.

#CatholicChurch #OwerriArchdiocese #PopeFrancis #CatholicBishopsConferenceOfNigeria #HopeUzodimma #ImoState #CaholicBishopsConference #Buhari #ChimaIsaac #BishopMosesCkikwe #CNN #BBC #Trump #AchbishopObinna #CatholicBishop #Christians #Christianity #ImoHouseOfAssembly #FederalGovernmentOfNigeria

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of 31st December by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(John 1:1-18)

Jesus has been from the beginning. He is the Word of eternal life. The word that was with God, the Word that was God, the Word that came to dwell among us, the Word we celebrate in the incarnation and Nativity of Christ. The Word that took flesh. Jesus Christ is the One that came to His own people, but His people did not receive Him.

He came to set the records of the law straight. He came to accomplish the law given through Moses. He came as a fulfilment of the law of Moses. Moses worked for this Word. In Moses, the plan of rescuing the people from bondage was conceived. Through him, the Israelites were set free from captivity in Egypt. Through him (Moses) we heard the voice of hope: "the Egyptians you see today, you shall see no more".

He did for the people of Israel through the law, what Jesus Christ came to do for the New Israelites through His saving grace. Thus, the law works in tandem with divine grace.

In our world today, we have serious need of a harmonious marriage between law and grace. The law, the society and the people in the state should work together with grace, religion and the Church with the will of God as guideline and the good of the people in the society at heart.

Let us all be inspired by the grace of God in obedience to the Word of God to enforce positive laws for the good of all, the security of every human person, protecting the dignity and integrity of man, respecting the sacredness of human life and being responsible and accountable to the people of God in the Church and in the society at large.

God has given us the grace, wisdom and strength to be our brother's keeper in this world. As we pray for His grace and blessings upon us even as we place our trust in Him, let us not fail to play the roles He has blessed us with His heavenly light to perform on the stage of life.


We are your people Lord, look kindly upon us. Answer our prayers we pray O Lord. Enlighten the law enforcement agencies to work under the direction of the grace in Christ Jesus.

As we continue to wait for your intervention in hope, we pray that the law and grace may work for the salvation of our people and the release of all the captives especially the release of the auxiliary Bishop of Owerri Archdiocese from the hands of his abductors. These we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your day (7th day of Christmas Octave)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Jesus’ Birth – The Glory of God (

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of 30th December by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 2:36-40)

About Anna, the widowed woman in today's gospel, the Bible writes: "She did not depart from the temple, worshipping with fasting and prayer night and day"

We are encouraged to keep our fingers crossed in prayers with faith to God till something positive happens. We may be tempted to depart from the temple by several discouraging forces. We may be tempted to stop praying and start to listen to gossips. We may be tempted to start entertaining fears and lose hope. Let's not give up on what God can do especially when it has become obvious that the world is not a place of refuge. The Lord alone is our refuge and strength, He is a helper close at hand even when the earth seems to rock. Let's pray God to use human beings well to the glory of his name.

Anna gave testimonies of what the Lord did in Christ. She spoke of the redemption of Jerusalem to all. She thanked God for His wondrous deliverance.

We pray for our country and hope to thank God soonest for the redemption of our people. We pray Him to spare the lives of all in bondage. We pray for the release of captives. We pray for the peace in our land. We keep our fingers crossed for God to safeguard our faith in Him. We pray for the conversion of all who have departed from the temple with the sacred, who have shattered and battered the holy of holies, who have profaned the holy name of God, who have been blindfolded by greed and wickedness.


With our fingers crossed and our eyes turned heavenward we pray you Oh Lord to put a new song of praise and thanksgiving on our lips for the redemption of your people. We pray especially for individuals who are held captives by forces of darkness to be freed by your powerful hands. Arise and manifest your glory for all to see through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your day (6th day within Christmas Octave)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: 

Monday, December 28, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of 29th December by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 2:22-35)

Simeon in the temple stands on the land of hope, in the expectation of divine consolation for the people of Israel, in prayerful longing for the deliverance of the people from the shackles of darkness, from the stranglehold of fear and a total emancipation from bad and corrupt leadership.

To the greater glory of God, with his own eyes, he saw the salvation and deliverance he prayed for in Christ. And so, he prayed God to let him die in peace. He sang his nunc dimittis, having carried Jesus with his own hands, having received the Prince of peace, having witnessed the new era of calmness, serenity and divine governance.

But prior to this time, he never rested, he gave no sleep to his eyelids, he never stopped being at alert, he never stopped thinking of the situation of the masses.

What do we see around us today? Is it not hopelessness all over? Is it not insecurity right, left and center? Is it not I don't care attitude everywhere?

Where are those who should midwife our expectations in this land? Are they not sleeping and lavishing the God-given resources of the people on frivolities?

The Lord has saved us. He has given us all we need to live well and peaceful, prosperous and happy but the evil men do not want the light to shine.

We really want to see the salvation of our land from the evil hands of thugs, of hooligans, of drug addicts, of fraudsters, of armed robbers, of kidnappers, of men with no fear of God, of men with no sense of the sacred, of men who lack respect for the sanctity and dignity of human life.

May we see the salvation   and light of God in our families. May the light of God light up our society, expose evil men, bring them to repentance and direct us on how best to live to the glory of God.


We look up to you Lord in a failed society. Our hope is all in You. Men have failed us, our leaders have disappointed us, the agencies that should account for our wellbeing have all failed us.You alone can save us. Will You also fail us? Oh no! Come to our aid now. Let the light of your salvation shine on us. Save Lord! lest we perish. May we sing and praise you for saving all those in any form of chains especially those we have in mind through Christ our Lord. Amen

Have a blessed day. (5th day within the Octave of Christmas)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

#Nundimittis #EkeJulian #ChimaIsaac #Simeon #PresntationOfJesus

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Sunday, December 27, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of the feast of the Holy Innocents by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Matthew 2:13-18)

Today is the feast of the Holy Innocents. These are children who should be the age mates of Jesus Christ. Herod killed them all in search of the new-born child, Jesus. Thus, Jesus was left without age grade companions.

What was the offense of these children? Just that they came into the world when a wicked ruler wanted to live for ever on the throne. When wickedness refused to give way for peace, righteousness, humility, and progress to reign. They were born into the world of 'anti-lifers' who never wanted 'pro-lifers' to see the light of the day. They were born into the world where protectors of life turn to destroyers of life.

These kids were living innocently, pure and unstained, admiring the world, putting smiles on the faces of their family members. They had no enemies, they suspected no one, they trusted everyone, they welcomed and embraced all who came by.

Lo and behold, the hunters came taking them one after the other. I can imagine the innocence. I can imagine the holiness. I see the children thinking that the swords were toys. I see them opening wide their hands to be carried by these strange faces who entered into their homes. In their innocence, they positioned their heads so well and received the cuts that took their lives.

They never knew Jesus, in their innocence of who Jesus was they gave their life for Him.

We live and die innocently daily. Some people spend their time loving people who think only evil of them. Some others have been wrongly accused, blackmailed and killed when all they were after was the good of the other. Some husbands or wives die every day because of what their partners think about them which they are actually innocent of. Some have lost jobs, political positions, fortunes and their good names for what they know nothing about.

God knows about these. You may think He fled, but He will come back to deal with the Herods when the right time comes. The unrepentant Herods who take advantage of the innocence of the holy people of God, should beware that there is time for reckoning.

The blood and suffering of the innocents will not be in vain. Have you been making any innocent person to suffer? Ask his forgiveness and pray God to pardon you. 

Don't regret your innocence and holiness.

May the prayers of the Holy Innocents encourage us not to give up in living pure even if we will suffer martyrdom.

Let us pray

For your sake Oh Lord, the Holy Innocents gave their lives, help us to give our lives to you as sweet smelling sacrifices to you all the days of our lives, deliver all those who are passing through martyrdom on account of your holy name. We pray these through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Monday (Christmas Octave)

Happy Christmas and Feast of the Holy Innocents.

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

#HolyInnocents #EkeJulian #ChimaIsaac 

Image from: An Examination of Conscience for the Feast of the Holy Innocents (

Homily of the Feast of the Holy Family by Fr. Isaac Chima

Gen.15:1-6, 21:1-3

Heb. 11:8,11-12,17-19


Dear brothers and Sisters, today is a great feast that celebrates the beauty of an institution established by God from the day of creation, that is the Family. The church presents us the wonderful family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph as a model of every Christian family. She invites us to learn from them on how to build up our own family in accordance with the will of God.

The first and second readings present us with a powerful virtue that should be the root of every family. It is the virtue of strong faith in God even in the most uncertain times of our lives. They told us the story of Abram and Sarah and their unwavering faith in God. They remained faithful to God even when it seemed that nature contradicted the promises of God to them on account of their old age. Every family is called to have faith in God, both in good times and in bad times. The letter to the Hebrews tells us that no one can please God without faith.

The gospel of today showed us another quality that should not lack in a family, a quality that flows from faith in God. It is the quality of Obedience to the instruction of God. The gospel showed us the Holy Family faithfully obeying God’s law given through Moses concerning the purification of the mother and the redeeming of the child by presenting Mary and the Baby Jesus in the Temple. Obedience to the word of God should be a foundational virtue in every Christian family. This obedience should be in good times and in difficult times. A family that obeys the teachings of God will always find strength in God when they are in difficulty.

Now, let us look at the person of Joseph to see some virtues of a husband in the family. Joseph was a man who showed extreme love, devotion and care for his wife, Mary, even in the most extreme circumstances. Every husband should be a man of devotional love and care to his wife in all circumstances of life. Joseph did not want to disgrace his wife when he found out that she was pregnant outside their marriage. Every husband should seek the best for his wife. Tolerance is the key. Joseph was a protector of the Holy family in times of danger, guiding the family to Egypt and back to protect them from the Massacre of Herold. Every husband should protect his family from all threats to peaceful existence.   With Mary, Joseph searched for Jesus when he was lost in the temple. Loving parents should always search for their children whenever they are not where they want them to be. They will not allow their children to be lost to bad friendships in the society.

Let us also look at the person of Mary? Her silence and faith in God are golden. She was a woman of faith, who believed in God and put herself at the service of God and her husband. Any woman who is close to God will love her husband and children unconditionally. The peaceful home of the holy family was a demonstration that Mary was a woman of peace and few words. Peace should be the second name of every woman in the family. Every woman should be a messenger of peace, love and care to her husband and children. Mary was a caring mother to her family, a housekeeper who was close to her son. Every woman should be a homemaker and a close friend to her children to know their needs.

Together, parents have the responsibility to build a home where peace, love, care, tolerance will be present. A family where children can grow in love and peace. Marriage is an institution of love. Parents have the duty to train their children not only in school, but also in the faith. Teach your children the faith in God, good moral life and good societal values, and they will be wonderful treasures to you. The family is the microcosm church, the first place where the children learn about God. Therefore, parents should unite their families in prayer and the word of God every day. A family that prays together stays together. Do not forget to bring them to church to hear the word of God. The book of Proverbs 22:6 says, “train your child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

How about the children? Obedience to parents is the gift and duty every child owes to parents. Christ was obedient to his parents. He obeyed and followed them back to Nazareth when they found him in the temple teaching the teachers of the law. He obeyed Mary at the marriage in Cana and, thus, performed his first miracle. Obedience to parents is the requirement of the fourth commandment. It says, “Honour your father and your mother that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God gives you.” (Exodus 20:12). This is the only commandment that has a promise attached to it. Children should not grieve their parents by the type of friends thy make. Do not abandon your parents to loneliness.  

I end this homily with the advice of Saint Paul to families in Ephesians chapter six verses one to four, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honour your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise, that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth. Fathers and mothers, do not provoke your children to anger; but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

Happy Feast of the Holy Family. May the virtues and blessings of the Holy Family fill your homes.

Fr. Isaac C. Chima

#HolyFamily #CatholicChurch #ChimaIsaac

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Saturday, December 26, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of feast of the Holy Family by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 2: 22-40)

The question about culture and religion that always comes up with regard to which one is superior, gets some clarifications in today's Gospel message.

The question of where marriage is in the Bible has made a good number of persons not to value and appreciate the Christian institution of marriage. Such persons maintain that the sacrament of matrimony is not necessary after the agreement by the two families. Some even do it just "to fulfil all righteousness" without actually believing in its importance.

The family of Joseph and Mary presented to us today is a good example for us. They had agreed traditionally to get married with each other. Under the same tradition, Joseph was allowed to send Mary away. But the higher authority of God came in to bless the union. Under the above tradition, man was allowed to divorce wife with just a letter. But Jesus, teaching about the Christian marriage cancels divorce in marriage. This is a Christian marriage and never that of Judaism. What makes a marriage Christian is the presence of Christ in it. Jesus was present at that marriage at Cana to sanctify the union of the couple who invited Him. Today, Jesus is taken into the temple to reclaim what is done there with regard to the family. We saw clearly how Simeon gave way and prayed his 'nunc dimittis', as holy and righteous as he was, as correct and knowledgeable as he was, through him, tradition gave way for God to take absolute control. The presentation was not necessary for Jesus, it was necessary for us to learn what God wants from us as members of the new family and worshipping community He forms in Christ.

God intervenes in the human family just as he did in the first reading from the book of Genesis 15:1-6;21:1-3. He tells us what a real family should be; an abode built on the foundation of faith and not just human inclination. Thus, He points out what should be expelled from the family for it to maintain its holy worth.

I am talking on marriage at this introductory level because, it is marriage that brings the family into existence. The union of Joseph and Mary created an avenue for God to enter into the human family to bless it and reveal the power of Emmanuel in families.

This feast fits so well this period we are celebrating the incarnation. The divine family, the trinitarian family came to abide in the human household ratifying all her activities, upholding the noble ones while discarding the obnoxious ones.

In the light of today's feast of the Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph and the scriptural readings of today, let us see what God wills for our families.


The husband and wife are encouraged to see one another as special gifts from the Lord. You're special presents from the Almighty for each other. Thus, wish each other well, pray for and with one another. Feel the other's pain and your partner's excitement. Do you react accordingly as God wants you to react to your husband or wife? Adam reacted: Oh, the bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh. Joseph cuddled, consoled and reaccepted Mary. Why is it that you have not welcomed that your husband or wife as your gift from God whether he/ she is sweet or bitter?



The father and mother who presents each other as a gift to one another should as well present the fruit of their union to God. As you take them to school to train their minds, send them also to all the activities of the Church for spiritual exercises that train and form their consciences. Do we still have parents who ask their children when last they went to confession and why they failed to receive the Holy Communion on Sundays? Do parents make the mistake of presenting their children to the world and not to God? If they do the world swallows them. That's what we see today. Take them to the Lord from infancy. Don't make any mistake at the foundation, foundation once destroyed...


Mary and Joseph marvelled at everything said about the child Jesus. Parents will like to hear successful stories and good news about their children. As a child in your own family, what do your parents hear about you? What news do you usually bring to them? Hypertension among parents is usually caused by their thinking about their children. Do well, save yourself and your parents from shame. May your children bring you joy. May they be strong and wise like Jesus and be decorated with divine favour.


We may not have noticed this aspect of the family. Most of the time we talk only about the complete family consisting of the father, mother and children. At a time, when God chooses, some members of the family depart. One of the persons we saw in the temple where Jesus was presented was Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, who lived with her husband only for seven years and became a widow.

God reveals to us through her that when the challenges that face the family strike, we should not lose our faith. Anna never departed from the temple till old age. Do not abandon God if any misfortune has come on you in your family.

God will never abandon us. He will keep establishing our families in His love. May we not stop loving Him.


Thank you Lord God Almighty for instituting the human family and desiring to pattern it after the divine family. Make our homes sacred abodes for your dwelling. May we follow the examples of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in our living and activities in this world. Bless our homes and everyone therein. Answer the prayers we make at our family altars on daily basis through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your family.

Happy Holy Family Sunday and merry Christmas to you. (Feast of the Holy Family, Year B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


Image from: The Feast of the Holy Family Prepares Your Family for the New Year - The Best Catholic

Friday, December 25, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of the Feast of St. Stephen (Dec. 26) by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Matthew 10:17-22)

We are celebrating a man who lived a life of testimony for Christ. He is St Stephen, a deacon and the first martyr of the Church. He is known to be a man filled with the Holy Spirit.

Because he possessed the Spirit of God in him, he was able to live based on the gospel message of today which foretold: They will deliver you up to councils and flog you in their bear testimony before them and the Gentiles.

What type of testimony is expected of you at such critical moments? St Stephen teaches us how to bear witness and testify to God.

Stand your ground

Do not allow yourself to be intimidated when you're doing what is right. When you're on the side of God, there may be disputes but they will not overcome you.

Be Wise

Wisdom is needed to bear witness to God. Witnessing to God is not a careless thing. It demands wisdom from above. Stephen operated with wisdom which is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Little wonder his enemies were unable to withstand his wisdom.

Look up not down

Do not allow the enemies of God to put you to shame or force you to be ashamed of the message you carry. Be proud and look up. Forget about what they do from below. From below, the dragon wants to drag you unto sin, to drag you down and water down your zeal. Let your passion be a firebrand type. Let your motivation be so high that you will be able to see beyond the present sufferings and tactics the devil wants to use against you. See the blessings that lie ahead. See the heavens opened for your sake. See the myriads and hosts of angels on your side encouraging you to do good, shun vices and condemn evil.


Forgiveness is an important way of bearing testimony to God. Jesus did it on the cross. Testimony for Christ calls for imitation of Christ. Stephen was able to do this perfectly well just at Christ did it on the cross, forgiving his enemies and making excuses for them. Forgiveness is something very hard to do especially to those who wish you death. Go ahead and do it, attract the blessings of God by bearing such a testimony.

Commit your soul to God

When worse comes to worse, put your whole trust in God. Only what God wills will take place in your life. Committing one's spirit into God's hands means telling God to have his own way. When you do this, God will sustain you to the end and indeed save you at last as He saved Stephen eternally.


We thank you Lord for St Stephen the first martyr of the Church. We face martyrdom in our daily life here on earth. Give us the fortitude to bear testimony to you through the opportunities these problems offer us to glorify God by our words and actions through Christ our Lord.

 St Stephen, Pray for us.

God bless your Saturday.

Happy Christmas to you.

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

#SaintStephen #26December #StStephen

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Thursday, December 24, 2020

Emmanuel – God is with us: Christmas homily by Fr. Isaac C. Chima


Emmanuel – God is with us

My dearest brothers and sisters, Happy Christmas. On that very night of the birth of Christ, the heavens were filled with Joy, the earth was filled with the glory of God, the angels sang with joy to the glory of God, the shepherd could not hide their admiration of the marvellous presence of God, the sheep knelt and welcomed Christ with good cheers, the stars danced and shined like never before. It was indeed a night of grace.

We have every course to rejoice for the Saviour has come to visit us again, His name is Emmanuel: God is with us. God has revealed to us what many prophets, kings and wise men longed to see but could not.

From the time Adam and Eve sinned against God and became short of the glory and love of God, God started searching for a way to come close to man again, let us say to restore man to his glory. Through many ways he revealed himself to the people of old and spoke with them according to the second reading of today. Through many means he prepared them for the coming of his son.

Finally, in our own time, the appointed time he has revealed himself to us and spoken to us through his Son. The birth of Christ was the fullness of God’s revelation to humanity, the full manifestation of the love and glory of God to men. The manifestation of the light that dispels the darkness of sin and death.

With the birth of Christ, God has broken the reign of sin, he has dispelled the power of darkness and restored us back to his friendship. We have become his loving Children once more.

My dearest people, Christ now lives in our midst. God, in the birth of His Son, took flesh and lived among us. This is the mystery of Incarnation. He is no longer far from our reach. He has come down from heaven to be close to all of us. He is living with you, he is living with me. His name is Emmanuel, God is with us.

If he is close to us, it means he will feel what we feel and know our problems too. Let us not be afraid to call him our brother and also invite him in our lives.

But in the Gospel of today, John told us that He came to his people and his people didn’t welcome him. Could it be true that there are some people among us who still find it very difficult to welcome Christ into their private lives? Are there people who still prefer to live according to their own designs and not according to the teaching of Christ? We reject Christ when we hate other people; we reject Christ when we fail to forgive others; we reject Christ when we open ourselves to sin. This Christmas gives such people a great opportunity to change their hearts and welcome Christ, the light and joy of the world.

The Gospel equally told us that to those who accepted him, he gave the power to become the sons and daughters of God. Dearest brothers and sisters, Christ is knocking at the door of your hearts. His name is Emmanuel – God is with us. He wants to be with you. He wants to make you heir to the kingdom of God. Happy Christmas to you all.

Fr. Isaac C. Chima



Image from: That baby in the manger is God! Immanuel – For the Love of His Truth

Reflection on the Gospel of the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(John 1:1-18)

Our Lord Jesus Christ is born to us. Our king has come. Unto us a child is given. His reign will be for ever and ever.

We are celebrating a great mystery. The mystery of incarnation. The mystery of taking flesh. The mystery in which the divine is revealed in the midst of humans. We are celebrating the mystery of coming down, of taking up and of giving. God in Christ comes down to dwell with man. He comes down to live among men. He comes down to mix up divinity with humanity. He comes down to observe what is going on among his creatures. He comes to redeem what belongs to Him which is at the mercy of destruction. 

Jesus comes down to deify us, to make us be like God, to give us what the devil deceptively promised Adam and Eve, to restore us to our initial innocence and holiness. Little wonder He came as a child. He comes once again to make us children of God. He comes to take away the fear we plunged ourselves into when we listened to the enemy and became enemies of God. He comes to make us friends of God once again.

He reinstates us with His coming. He gives us back our dignity. He shows us the best way to God; the child-like way, the simple way, the humble way, the peaceful loving way. 


He came to his own says John in the Gospel of today. We are His. We belong to Him. We are His people, the sheep of His flock. Do we really know that we are God's? Have we in anyway snatched ourselves out from God and handed it to the devil? Have we stopped living for the Word that was in the beginning to start to live like those of the world?

He comes to reclaim us. He comes to recreate the world. He comes to possess his possession. He knows us as His. We are precious in His sight. So, he took a vacation from the heavenly mansions to be with His people to enjoy with them, feel with them, weep with them and celebrate with them. 

You're His. We are his own. But whose own have you chosen to be? Have you disowned your owner? God forbid!


It is very sad and embarrassing when you go out to warmly greet and hug someone you know too well, and the person coldly asks you: who are you? Have we met? I don't remember knowing you?

That's the tragedy of the incarnation. Do we live as those who recognize what God did for us in sending Jesus to save us? Do we really recognise God hidden in our form of man? Do we really recognize Christ hiding in our fellow humans in need of our love and care? Do we recognize Christ hiding behind the holy Eucharist?


If we recognize Christ, we will make way for Him to dwell in us. If we recognize Christ, we will be more humble. If we recognize Christ, we will stop celebrating Christmas in sin. If we recognize Christ, we will allow His word to really take flesh in us and dwell among us. If we recognise Christ, the world will be a better place because we will not allow His efforts at saving us to be in vain. If we recognize Christ, we will not stop adoring Him. If we recognize Christ, we will see Him as the King of kings and Lord of Lord's. We will present ourselves and our gifts to Him. We will open our hands to take the holiness he offers and hand over to Him our sins which He comes to carry.

We will understand so well that He comes as a child so as to make us children of God. Yes we will receive the power of becoming His loving children.

What's blocking your view from seeing and recognizing Christ? Your lack of faith? Your love for money? The company you keep? Your weakness to pray? Your pride and stubbornness?  Check well and know if you live your life as someone who has recognized Jesus who has come, who comes and who continues to come to us.


You're welcome Oh Great God who became a babe for us. We thank You for coming so close to us for us to recognize you. Open our eyes to see your glory even in your simplicity. May we not take the opportunities You give us to recognize You for granted. May we be your true children and receive the various privileges and graces you continue to shower upon us now and to eternity. Amen.


Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



image from: 

Reflection on the Gospel of Christmas Vigil by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 2:1-14)

The Gospel of this Holy Night shows us the shepherds keeping watch, keeping vigil, being watchful, being vigilant.

This holy night brings to an end the advent wait and watch. In this vigil the angel of the Lord will appear with the Good News we have longed to hear. He appears to the lowliest, to the timid, to those who are having sleepless night, to those whose hope is only in the Lord. He comes to those who are cold. He speaks joy to those in toil. He comes to those who wished and prayed that darkness be over. He announced the dawn of a new day. He pronounced victory over Satan. What a joyful angelic announcement! The angel of the light announces a message that cancels the evil messages announced by the angel of darkness, of sin, of pandemics, of diseases, of pain, of violence, of poverty, of disappointments and frustration.

In the dark night of fear the angel of God appears. He has a message of great joy. Yes, great joy! Joy in the night? Any light at the end of this tunnel of my life? Any hope in the face of the intimidating voices of the enemy of world peace, world health, religion, education and human relation?

The angel gives a response from above: Be not afraid; for behold I bring you good news of great joy which will come to all the people; for to you is born this day a Saviour who is Christ the Lord.

Alleluia. What is the good news you have longed to hear and worked to receive? May you see the hand of God at work in your life and glory in the good news of the birth of Christ. The Lord that fulfilled the promise of sending a Saviour will surely save you from the forces terrifying you.

The darkness will not reign for ever. The night of your life will certainly encounter the great light that will shatter it. The situation that has sworn not to see you rejoice will   bow at the presence of the angels singing and dancing to "Gloria in excelsis Deo". Suddenly indeed as the Gospel puts it you shall praise and glorify the Lord.

The Lord is born to do great new things in our lives.

The night will never stop you Oh beloved in Christ.

But endeavour to be one of those men with whom the Lord is pleased.

Your night is over! Amen

Happy Christmas to you.


I can feel your presence Oh Emmanuel. The night could not stop you. You're highly welcome into my life and my family. Look in Lord, You will see how afraid we are, how we are surrounded by many reasons to weep. Alas You cried on the night you were born to take away our nights of weeping and sorrowing. Destroy the darkness of our world and bless us with the Good News of your saving presence through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Ñurianu n'omumu  Kristi.

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: The Birth of Jesus Christ – Children\’s Land (

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of 24th December by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 1:67-69)

Filled with joy in the Holy Spirit, Zechariah prophetically blessed the Lord for the gift of John the Baptist and his mission in preparing the way for the Lord. He thanked God for visiting his people and redeeming them.

We thank God today for guiding us through the advent season. We are like Zechariah and Elizabeth who waited for divine visitation. The Lord really visited when the time came. All of us; men and women, boys and girls, little children and everyone who waited spiritually in holy preparations for the coming of the Lord are to thank God for leading us thus far. The day of the Lord shall dawn upon us from on high.

Let's put the finishing touches, lets pack out the germs that may be harmful to the child to be born. Let us do the final disinfection and fumigation of our spiritual environment. Let's raise our hearts and minds to the Lord as He comes from on high.

The promise of God will soon be actualized.  Bless the Lord for what he will do in your life. Glorify Him for what you want Him to do for you.

He comes for you in a special way. He addresses you child of God. As for you little child, you shall be called a prophet of God the Most High. Through you, God's light shall shine. May God make His glory shine in you as He comes. May there be a dawn of new blessings, of favours, of peace, of Divine intervention and visitation. The Lord will certainly come soon. Let's put away every darkness and wait for the dawn of a new day, new healing, new order and new vision.


O Lord, we wait for the dawn of a new day from on high. We are tired and sick of the old days of bad governance, of insecurity, of poverty, of lockdown, of pandemics, of hopelessness, tears and sorrows. You alone can save us. The world has gone so low and lost every value. We look up for your glory to come upon us from on high. On you we rely. Do not delay or disappoint us O Lord our God. Amen

God bless your Thursday (24th December 2020)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Zechariah’s Benedictus, So Ancient Yet So Divine - Veritas846 

Sharing in the Vocation of John the Baptist: Homily of 23rd December by Fr. Isaac Chima


Sharing in the Vocation of John the Baptist: Homily of 23rd December by Fr. Isaac Chima

The two readings of today focused on the personality of John the Baptist and what he will be. The Gospel recounted the great miracle that occurred at the naming ceremony of John and how the people wondered what the child would eventually become.

The answer to their speculation about the future of John the Baptist was provided in the first reading. The prophet Malachi said, Behold, I will send the prophet Elijah before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes: he will convert the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers, so that when I come, I will not strike the earth with extermination.

That was the vocation of John to the Messiah who is to come. In likewise manner, every Christian has a task to fulfil for the coming of Christ this Christmas. The prophet Isaiah said, prepare a way for the Lord, make his path straight. This is our own duty to Christ this Christmas.

We have to start this preparation from ourselves and then, extend it to others. We have the duty to pull down whatever will prevent us from experiencing the joy of Christmas: anger, hatred, jealousy, lust, pride etc.

We also have the duty to assist our neighbours to prepare for the coming of Christ, just as John the Baptist did for the people of Israel. Let us tell them to change their ways of sin so that the joy of Christmas will be theirs.   

Fr. Isaac Chinemerem Chima.

University of the Holy Cross, Rome

Image from: John the Baptist - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of 23rd December by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 1:57-66)

Before the birthday celebration of Jesus Christ, the Church in her wisdom wishes to present to us the one who has been destined to come before the messiah to prepare His way for Him. He is John the Baptist.

His birth was also a miraculous one. People marvelled at the events that took place with his birth. And they are right to wonder. Come to think of it. His birth took place when the parents were already advanced in age. He was born by an old mother. What will this child be? His dumb father spoke on his naming day. What will this child be?  He got a strange name from above and not from earthly lineage. What will this child be?

All these marvels and impossibilities were made possible because of Jesus Christ, a child yet to be born.

While asking the question about what the child John will be, let us keep an eye on what the child Jesus, the one who brought John into being would be.

He will be the Saviour of the world, He will be the deliverer, He will be the reason for us to speak, He will give us authority of expression and confidence (Ike nkwuweokwu). He will put smiles on our faces, give us hope and fill us with joy. He will bring peace to us. He will be the answer to our prayers. He will be our all in all.

What do you want the child Jesus to be for you? Are you ready to do the tasks he will entrust to you? Are you ready to nurture Him with the care and respect he requires? 

What will the child Jesus be in your life? 

Reflect on these, marvel on what you want the Lord to do in your life. Work for his glory like John the Baptist, and you will realize your being in Him as John did.


Heavenly Father, as we wonder and marvel in expectation for what you're about to do for us in Christ, keep our eyes fixed on you and help us to live out the purpose for which we are born into this world through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Wednesday (23rd, December 2020)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of December 22nd by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 1:46-56)

Mary teaches us today how to address our souls. Unlike the rich fool who said to his soul: 'Take ease, eat, drink and be merry' (Luke 12:19) in line with St Paul's words in 1Corinthians 15:32; let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.

Mary teaches us how to be excited in the Lord and how to manage reasons for joy.

The period we are entering is a period of joy. A lot of people choose this time, to live the epicurean type of life. A good number of people celebrate wrongly. Some people fail to understand the reason for the season. They take to eating and drinking and getting drunk. They take to dancing and blocking the roads. The train for tournaments, play and fight for money without going to Church. They take to steal, cheat and defraud to make money to buy the latest gadgets and wears. All these they do in the name of being happy or longing for 'Christmas Joy'. 

Mary tells us what should be our joy this holy season. Hear from her: My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour. If your joy is not in the Lord, if what is giving you fun is not holy, if the why of your rejoicing is carnal and unspiritual, then, you're missing the mark, and to miss the mark is to commit sin.

If you can look away from all these sinful ways of living, of catching fun, of making money, of rejoicing in the world, of taking care of your body more, then you can address your soul: My soul, rejoice in the Lord.

Ensure that you're rejoicing in the Lord, in holiness and in virtues.  Rejoice in the Lord my soul in the face of confusions, rejoice in the Lord my soul when I have no much to eat or drink, rejoice in the Lord when uncertainties surround you all over. Rejoice in the promise of the Lord even when the present seem not to have anything to offer. Rejoice in the Lord. He will show his mighty arm in your life. He will fill your hunger with good things.  He will exalt you. Be interested in what the Lord does in the spiritual realm. 

May your soul find reasons to rejoice in the Lord even when the world around you tells you to be sad.

Let us pray

Dear Lord, help us to see your hand at work in our lives and find reasons to praise and worship you with songs and prayers. Put new songs in our mouths. Calm our troubled souls and still the roaring of waters in our families. May we as individuals rejoice like Mary and never stop worshipping you while celebrating. May our joy come from you always. Amen.

God bless your Tuesday (22nd December 2020)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of 21st December by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 1:39-45)

The season of Christmas is close at hand. Among other characteristics of this season, we have visitation at the heart of the celebration. It is for sure a time to share joy, to spread love and encounter people in their world from different backgrounds. It is a time family dispersed for one reason or the other get reunited once again. People scattered by marriage, because of business, education etc come to meet one another once more. This is what Christmas teaches, this is what Mary lived out by visiting her kinswoman today in the gospel. 

This holy season is a time to give testimony of what the Lord has done for us in Christ. Mary carried her joy to Elizabeth. Elizabeth rejoiced in the joy of Mary and shared her experience with Mary. This is a time of pouring out joy from the heart. This is a time of speaking out. This is a time of gratitude.

Mary had no intention of going to make a show, to demonstrate how highly favoured above others she was. She innocently and sincerely wished to share what the Lord has done for her. Can you show people how the Lord has blessed you and help them to receive same blessing? Can you go beyond giving the youths drinks to empowering them? Can you share that little you have with that woman you're better than?

Go outside your comfort zone child of God when you have been favoured by God. Take along that your joy and make everyone you meet get a share of it.

Let us pray

Thank you, Lord for sharing your joy to the world. Thank you for the gift of our Blessed Virgin Mary who has taught us to share joy in our world. Help us to live our life spreading your joy that we may joyfully welcome Christ and live for ever with him in heaven. Amen.

God bless your Monday (21st December 2020)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Share the joy of Christmas | LOG-ON Events and Promotions | Happenings | city'super 

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of 4th Sunday of Advent Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 1:26-38)

We are presented with the angelic salutation that led to the pregnancy and birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. The sending of the angel by God carried with it a lot of good packages from the city of God above to the city of man below.

As we travel from the high and low places for Christmas, we are called upon, on this last Sunday of Advent to contemplate on the pregnant mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are called to consider what we are carrying with us as we move. We are encouraged to check ourselves to ensure what we bear. The holy mother bears the holy fruit, the blessed fruit of her womb; Jesus. What are you bearing? What fruits were you able to bear during the course of advent?

We are all pregnant

Pregnancy is a state of awaiting delivery. When a woman is pregnant in the Igbo culture, the whole family bears the pregnancy with her. The man takes very good care of her especially when the child is the first. They talk about the expected child, people forecast the sex of the child, people make their wish for the babe to be born. People make their promises of care and love for the expected babe.  The benefits the child will enjoy are provided beforehand. Provisions are made to keep the mother at home without doing anything till the child matures to the desired stage.

This shows the involving nature of pregnancy on the day-to-day parlance. How involved are we in the pregnancy of the blessed virgin Mary? What lessons are we to draw from her as we go to celebrate the birth of Christ? Let us outline some of the fruits that should occupy our womb  this period.

The Word and Sacraments

In some people you will find fibroid, in others mere void, some fail to nurture the babies well, others decide to abort them.

The word of the angel today said: Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.

The fruit you bear must be Jesus Christ. Have you been living like one who have received Jesus in the Word and Eucharist?

Grace of God

Full of grace is another line spoken by the angel. Have you been able to fill your life with the grace of God this period? Are you in the state of grace as you prepare to welcome the Lord? Will He be greeted by the fragrance of holiness when he visits you this Christmas holiday? Have you prepared yourself to win more favour in the sight of God as he comes?

Beware of carrying wrong fruits

In pregnancy, we should remember possession. Who possessed you? Who overshadowed you? Whose seed are you carrying? From whom did you get that which is in you? From the spirit of God or from the spirit of the evil one? The Holy Spirit gives holy fruits, blessed fruits, virtuous fruits, peaceful fruits, joyful fruits. The evil one carries unholy fruits.

Check your baggage

Let's open our traveling bags and check well what we are journeying with for the Christmas celebration. Are you going with hatred? Remove it. Are you going to inflict pain? Unpack. Are you going with jealousy, revenge, stinginess, dubiousness, accusation, sadness etc. Remove these.

And learn from Virgin Mary on what you should do.

Carry Jesus. Accept the word and allow him to dwell within you. Carry Him about to people you will meet. Just be a monstrance that shows Christ to your world. Be a bearer of Good news. Put smile on people's faces. Mary took the message of joy to Elizabeth. Share your joy in the Lord to people around you.

Let God's will and not yours be done.

Be humble. No matter who and what you think you're. Forgive and share love. Put songs of joy in people's mouths and smiles on faces of those you will meet.

When you do these Mary will count you as those who helped her in bearing the Saviour and presenting Him to the world.

Let us pray

O God your message to Mary brought joy to many homes, a joy shared to human race. As we approach the Nativity celebration of Christ, may we keep away everything that will make it impossible for You to dwell among us. Holy Mother Mary, intercede for us that we may learn how to be temples of the Holy Spirit. These we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen

Happy Sunday (Advent, Week 4)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

First Image from: 

Second Image from:

Friday, December 18, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday of the 3rd Week of Advent by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 1:5-25)

At that point in time when Zachariah made prayers and offering of incense his habit God gave him assurance of answered prayers. In his old age God blessed him and his wife with the gift of John the Baptist.

Are you asking the "how can" or "how shall" question?  Are you thinking of the inabilities and helplessness of your family? Of your husband, wife or children? Of your husband to place food on your table? Of your wife to understand how broke you're? Of your children's dependence on you even when they're grown?

Live beyond all these. Do not make them a problem. Forge ahead.  Present yourself joyfully to the Lord. Drop your worries and fears at his feet. Do not doubt what He can do. He knows how to bring a total turnaround. Your spiritual sacrifices will never be in vain.

Don't stop offering your incense. Look up to him. Your eyes have only to see. You will even be speechless at how God will intervene. He will take away your reproaches among men. He will come to your aid even at the last hour. Remain in His presence. Don't make a move away from Him.

May we be in prayers as we await the coming of the Lord which is at hand.

Let us pray

Let our prayers in this holy season rise before you Oh Lord like incense. We offer them up to you with our individual, family, ecclesiastical and societal problems. May we hear you tell us: Do not be afraid... Your prayer is answered. Answer us and make haste to come to take away and shame through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Saturday (19the December 2020)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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  1 st Sunday of Lent, Year C: Homily by Fr Isaac Chima Theme: Temptation: knowing how and when the devil strikes Readings:  Deut 26:4-...