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Monday, December 21, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of December 22nd by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 1:46-56)

Mary teaches us today how to address our souls. Unlike the rich fool who said to his soul: 'Take ease, eat, drink and be merry' (Luke 12:19) in line with St Paul's words in 1Corinthians 15:32; let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.

Mary teaches us how to be excited in the Lord and how to manage reasons for joy.

The period we are entering is a period of joy. A lot of people choose this time, to live the epicurean type of life. A good number of people celebrate wrongly. Some people fail to understand the reason for the season. They take to eating and drinking and getting drunk. They take to dancing and blocking the roads. The train for tournaments, play and fight for money without going to Church. They take to steal, cheat and defraud to make money to buy the latest gadgets and wears. All these they do in the name of being happy or longing for 'Christmas Joy'. 

Mary tells us what should be our joy this holy season. Hear from her: My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour. If your joy is not in the Lord, if what is giving you fun is not holy, if the why of your rejoicing is carnal and unspiritual, then, you're missing the mark, and to miss the mark is to commit sin.

If you can look away from all these sinful ways of living, of catching fun, of making money, of rejoicing in the world, of taking care of your body more, then you can address your soul: My soul, rejoice in the Lord.

Ensure that you're rejoicing in the Lord, in holiness and in virtues.  Rejoice in the Lord my soul in the face of confusions, rejoice in the Lord my soul when I have no much to eat or drink, rejoice in the Lord when uncertainties surround you all over. Rejoice in the promise of the Lord even when the present seem not to have anything to offer. Rejoice in the Lord. He will show his mighty arm in your life. He will fill your hunger with good things.  He will exalt you. Be interested in what the Lord does in the spiritual realm. 

May your soul find reasons to rejoice in the Lord even when the world around you tells you to be sad.

Let us pray

Dear Lord, help us to see your hand at work in our lives and find reasons to praise and worship you with songs and prayers. Put new songs in our mouths. Calm our troubled souls and still the roaring of waters in our families. May we as individuals rejoice like Mary and never stop worshipping you while celebrating. May our joy come from you always. Amen.

God bless your Tuesday (22nd December 2020)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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