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Sunday, December 27, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of the feast of the Holy Innocents by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Matthew 2:13-18)

Today is the feast of the Holy Innocents. These are children who should be the age mates of Jesus Christ. Herod killed them all in search of the new-born child, Jesus. Thus, Jesus was left without age grade companions.

What was the offense of these children? Just that they came into the world when a wicked ruler wanted to live for ever on the throne. When wickedness refused to give way for peace, righteousness, humility, and progress to reign. They were born into the world of 'anti-lifers' who never wanted 'pro-lifers' to see the light of the day. They were born into the world where protectors of life turn to destroyers of life.

These kids were living innocently, pure and unstained, admiring the world, putting smiles on the faces of their family members. They had no enemies, they suspected no one, they trusted everyone, they welcomed and embraced all who came by.

Lo and behold, the hunters came taking them one after the other. I can imagine the innocence. I can imagine the holiness. I see the children thinking that the swords were toys. I see them opening wide their hands to be carried by these strange faces who entered into their homes. In their innocence, they positioned their heads so well and received the cuts that took their lives.

They never knew Jesus, in their innocence of who Jesus was they gave their life for Him.

We live and die innocently daily. Some people spend their time loving people who think only evil of them. Some others have been wrongly accused, blackmailed and killed when all they were after was the good of the other. Some husbands or wives die every day because of what their partners think about them which they are actually innocent of. Some have lost jobs, political positions, fortunes and their good names for what they know nothing about.

God knows about these. You may think He fled, but He will come back to deal with the Herods when the right time comes. The unrepentant Herods who take advantage of the innocence of the holy people of God, should beware that there is time for reckoning.

The blood and suffering of the innocents will not be in vain. Have you been making any innocent person to suffer? Ask his forgiveness and pray God to pardon you. 

Don't regret your innocence and holiness.

May the prayers of the Holy Innocents encourage us not to give up in living pure even if we will suffer martyrdom.

Let us pray

For your sake Oh Lord, the Holy Innocents gave their lives, help us to give our lives to you as sweet smelling sacrifices to you all the days of our lives, deliver all those who are passing through martyrdom on account of your holy name. We pray these through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Monday (Christmas Octave)

Happy Christmas and Feast of the Holy Innocents.

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

#HolyInnocents #EkeJulian #ChimaIsaac 

Image from: An Examination of Conscience for the Feast of the Holy Innocents (

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