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Sunday, December 20, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of 21st December by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 1:39-45)

The season of Christmas is close at hand. Among other characteristics of this season, we have visitation at the heart of the celebration. It is for sure a time to share joy, to spread love and encounter people in their world from different backgrounds. It is a time family dispersed for one reason or the other get reunited once again. People scattered by marriage, because of business, education etc come to meet one another once more. This is what Christmas teaches, this is what Mary lived out by visiting her kinswoman today in the gospel. 

This holy season is a time to give testimony of what the Lord has done for us in Christ. Mary carried her joy to Elizabeth. Elizabeth rejoiced in the joy of Mary and shared her experience with Mary. This is a time of pouring out joy from the heart. This is a time of speaking out. This is a time of gratitude.

Mary had no intention of going to make a show, to demonstrate how highly favoured above others she was. She innocently and sincerely wished to share what the Lord has done for her. Can you show people how the Lord has blessed you and help them to receive same blessing? Can you go beyond giving the youths drinks to empowering them? Can you share that little you have with that woman you're better than?

Go outside your comfort zone child of God when you have been favoured by God. Take along that your joy and make everyone you meet get a share of it.

Let us pray

Thank you, Lord for sharing your joy to the world. Thank you for the gift of our Blessed Virgin Mary who has taught us to share joy in our world. Help us to live our life spreading your joy that we may joyfully welcome Christ and live for ever with him in heaven. Amen.

God bless your Monday (21st December 2020)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Share the joy of Christmas | LOG-ON Events and Promotions | Happenings | city'super 

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