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Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Sharing in the Vocation of John the Baptist: Homily of 23rd December by Fr. Isaac Chima


Sharing in the Vocation of John the Baptist: Homily of 23rd December by Fr. Isaac Chima

The two readings of today focused on the personality of John the Baptist and what he will be. The Gospel recounted the great miracle that occurred at the naming ceremony of John and how the people wondered what the child would eventually become.

The answer to their speculation about the future of John the Baptist was provided in the first reading. The prophet Malachi said, Behold, I will send the prophet Elijah before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes: he will convert the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers, so that when I come, I will not strike the earth with extermination.

That was the vocation of John to the Messiah who is to come. In likewise manner, every Christian has a task to fulfil for the coming of Christ this Christmas. The prophet Isaiah said, prepare a way for the Lord, make his path straight. This is our own duty to Christ this Christmas.

We have to start this preparation from ourselves and then, extend it to others. We have the duty to pull down whatever will prevent us from experiencing the joy of Christmas: anger, hatred, jealousy, lust, pride etc.

We also have the duty to assist our neighbours to prepare for the coming of Christ, just as John the Baptist did for the people of Israel. Let us tell them to change their ways of sin so that the joy of Christmas will be theirs.   

Fr. Isaac Chinemerem Chima.

University of the Holy Cross, Rome

Image from: John the Baptist - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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