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Monday, December 28, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of 29th December by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 2:22-35)

Simeon in the temple stands on the land of hope, in the expectation of divine consolation for the people of Israel, in prayerful longing for the deliverance of the people from the shackles of darkness, from the stranglehold of fear and a total emancipation from bad and corrupt leadership.

To the greater glory of God, with his own eyes, he saw the salvation and deliverance he prayed for in Christ. And so, he prayed God to let him die in peace. He sang his nunc dimittis, having carried Jesus with his own hands, having received the Prince of peace, having witnessed the new era of calmness, serenity and divine governance.

But prior to this time, he never rested, he gave no sleep to his eyelids, he never stopped being at alert, he never stopped thinking of the situation of the masses.

What do we see around us today? Is it not hopelessness all over? Is it not insecurity right, left and center? Is it not I don't care attitude everywhere?

Where are those who should midwife our expectations in this land? Are they not sleeping and lavishing the God-given resources of the people on frivolities?

The Lord has saved us. He has given us all we need to live well and peaceful, prosperous and happy but the evil men do not want the light to shine.

We really want to see the salvation of our land from the evil hands of thugs, of hooligans, of drug addicts, of fraudsters, of armed robbers, of kidnappers, of men with no fear of God, of men with no sense of the sacred, of men who lack respect for the sanctity and dignity of human life.

May we see the salvation   and light of God in our families. May the light of God light up our society, expose evil men, bring them to repentance and direct us on how best to live to the glory of God.


We look up to you Lord in a failed society. Our hope is all in You. Men have failed us, our leaders have disappointed us, the agencies that should account for our wellbeing have all failed us.You alone can save us. Will You also fail us? Oh no! Come to our aid now. Let the light of your salvation shine on us. Save Lord! lest we perish. May we sing and praise you for saving all those in any form of chains especially those we have in mind through Christ our Lord. Amen

Have a blessed day. (5th day within the Octave of Christmas)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

#Nundimittis #EkeJulian #ChimaIsaac #Simeon #PresntationOfJesus

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