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Friday, December 25, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of the Feast of St. Stephen (Dec. 26) by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Matthew 10:17-22)

We are celebrating a man who lived a life of testimony for Christ. He is St Stephen, a deacon and the first martyr of the Church. He is known to be a man filled with the Holy Spirit.

Because he possessed the Spirit of God in him, he was able to live based on the gospel message of today which foretold: They will deliver you up to councils and flog you in their bear testimony before them and the Gentiles.

What type of testimony is expected of you at such critical moments? St Stephen teaches us how to bear witness and testify to God.

Stand your ground

Do not allow yourself to be intimidated when you're doing what is right. When you're on the side of God, there may be disputes but they will not overcome you.

Be Wise

Wisdom is needed to bear witness to God. Witnessing to God is not a careless thing. It demands wisdom from above. Stephen operated with wisdom which is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Little wonder his enemies were unable to withstand his wisdom.

Look up not down

Do not allow the enemies of God to put you to shame or force you to be ashamed of the message you carry. Be proud and look up. Forget about what they do from below. From below, the dragon wants to drag you unto sin, to drag you down and water down your zeal. Let your passion be a firebrand type. Let your motivation be so high that you will be able to see beyond the present sufferings and tactics the devil wants to use against you. See the blessings that lie ahead. See the heavens opened for your sake. See the myriads and hosts of angels on your side encouraging you to do good, shun vices and condemn evil.


Forgiveness is an important way of bearing testimony to God. Jesus did it on the cross. Testimony for Christ calls for imitation of Christ. Stephen was able to do this perfectly well just at Christ did it on the cross, forgiving his enemies and making excuses for them. Forgiveness is something very hard to do especially to those who wish you death. Go ahead and do it, attract the blessings of God by bearing such a testimony.

Commit your soul to God

When worse comes to worse, put your whole trust in God. Only what God wills will take place in your life. Committing one's spirit into God's hands means telling God to have his own way. When you do this, God will sustain you to the end and indeed save you at last as He saved Stephen eternally.


We thank you Lord for St Stephen the first martyr of the Church. We face martyrdom in our daily life here on earth. Give us the fortitude to bear testimony to you through the opportunities these problems offer us to glorify God by our words and actions through Christ our Lord.

 St Stephen, Pray for us.

God bless your Saturday.

Happy Christmas to you.

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

#SaintStephen #26December #StStephen

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