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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of 30th December by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 2:36-40)

About Anna, the widowed woman in today's gospel, the Bible writes: "She did not depart from the temple, worshipping with fasting and prayer night and day"

We are encouraged to keep our fingers crossed in prayers with faith to God till something positive happens. We may be tempted to depart from the temple by several discouraging forces. We may be tempted to stop praying and start to listen to gossips. We may be tempted to start entertaining fears and lose hope. Let's not give up on what God can do especially when it has become obvious that the world is not a place of refuge. The Lord alone is our refuge and strength, He is a helper close at hand even when the earth seems to rock. Let's pray God to use human beings well to the glory of his name.

Anna gave testimonies of what the Lord did in Christ. She spoke of the redemption of Jerusalem to all. She thanked God for His wondrous deliverance.

We pray for our country and hope to thank God soonest for the redemption of our people. We pray Him to spare the lives of all in bondage. We pray for the release of captives. We pray for the peace in our land. We keep our fingers crossed for God to safeguard our faith in Him. We pray for the conversion of all who have departed from the temple with the sacred, who have shattered and battered the holy of holies, who have profaned the holy name of God, who have been blindfolded by greed and wickedness.


With our fingers crossed and our eyes turned heavenward we pray you Oh Lord to put a new song of praise and thanksgiving on our lips for the redemption of your people. We pray especially for individuals who are held captives by forces of darkness to be freed by your powerful hands. Arise and manifest your glory for all to see through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your day (6th day within Christmas Octave)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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