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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of 31st December by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(John 1:1-18)

Jesus has been from the beginning. He is the Word of eternal life. The word that was with God, the Word that was God, the Word that came to dwell among us, the Word we celebrate in the incarnation and Nativity of Christ. The Word that took flesh. Jesus Christ is the One that came to His own people, but His people did not receive Him.

He came to set the records of the law straight. He came to accomplish the law given through Moses. He came as a fulfilment of the law of Moses. Moses worked for this Word. In Moses, the plan of rescuing the people from bondage was conceived. Through him, the Israelites were set free from captivity in Egypt. Through him (Moses) we heard the voice of hope: "the Egyptians you see today, you shall see no more".

He did for the people of Israel through the law, what Jesus Christ came to do for the New Israelites through His saving grace. Thus, the law works in tandem with divine grace.

In our world today, we have serious need of a harmonious marriage between law and grace. The law, the society and the people in the state should work together with grace, religion and the Church with the will of God as guideline and the good of the people in the society at heart.

Let us all be inspired by the grace of God in obedience to the Word of God to enforce positive laws for the good of all, the security of every human person, protecting the dignity and integrity of man, respecting the sacredness of human life and being responsible and accountable to the people of God in the Church and in the society at large.

God has given us the grace, wisdom and strength to be our brother's keeper in this world. As we pray for His grace and blessings upon us even as we place our trust in Him, let us not fail to play the roles He has blessed us with His heavenly light to perform on the stage of life.


We are your people Lord, look kindly upon us. Answer our prayers we pray O Lord. Enlighten the law enforcement agencies to work under the direction of the grace in Christ Jesus.

As we continue to wait for your intervention in hope, we pray that the law and grace may work for the salvation of our people and the release of all the captives especially the release of the auxiliary Bishop of Owerri Archdiocese from the hands of his abductors. These we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your day (7th day of Christmas Octave)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Jesus’ Birth – The Glory of God (

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