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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of 23rd December by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 1:57-66)

Before the birthday celebration of Jesus Christ, the Church in her wisdom wishes to present to us the one who has been destined to come before the messiah to prepare His way for Him. He is John the Baptist.

His birth was also a miraculous one. People marvelled at the events that took place with his birth. And they are right to wonder. Come to think of it. His birth took place when the parents were already advanced in age. He was born by an old mother. What will this child be? His dumb father spoke on his naming day. What will this child be?  He got a strange name from above and not from earthly lineage. What will this child be?

All these marvels and impossibilities were made possible because of Jesus Christ, a child yet to be born.

While asking the question about what the child John will be, let us keep an eye on what the child Jesus, the one who brought John into being would be.

He will be the Saviour of the world, He will be the deliverer, He will be the reason for us to speak, He will give us authority of expression and confidence (Ike nkwuweokwu). He will put smiles on our faces, give us hope and fill us with joy. He will bring peace to us. He will be the answer to our prayers. He will be our all in all.

What do you want the child Jesus to be for you? Are you ready to do the tasks he will entrust to you? Are you ready to nurture Him with the care and respect he requires? 

What will the child Jesus be in your life? 

Reflect on these, marvel on what you want the Lord to do in your life. Work for his glory like John the Baptist, and you will realize your being in Him as John did.


Heavenly Father, as we wonder and marvel in expectation for what you're about to do for us in Christ, keep our eyes fixed on you and help us to live out the purpose for which we are born into this world through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Wednesday (23rd, December 2020)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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