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Thursday, December 24, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Christmas Vigil by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 2:1-14)

The Gospel of this Holy Night shows us the shepherds keeping watch, keeping vigil, being watchful, being vigilant.

This holy night brings to an end the advent wait and watch. In this vigil the angel of the Lord will appear with the Good News we have longed to hear. He appears to the lowliest, to the timid, to those who are having sleepless night, to those whose hope is only in the Lord. He comes to those who are cold. He speaks joy to those in toil. He comes to those who wished and prayed that darkness be over. He announced the dawn of a new day. He pronounced victory over Satan. What a joyful angelic announcement! The angel of the light announces a message that cancels the evil messages announced by the angel of darkness, of sin, of pandemics, of diseases, of pain, of violence, of poverty, of disappointments and frustration.

In the dark night of fear the angel of God appears. He has a message of great joy. Yes, great joy! Joy in the night? Any light at the end of this tunnel of my life? Any hope in the face of the intimidating voices of the enemy of world peace, world health, religion, education and human relation?

The angel gives a response from above: Be not afraid; for behold I bring you good news of great joy which will come to all the people; for to you is born this day a Saviour who is Christ the Lord.

Alleluia. What is the good news you have longed to hear and worked to receive? May you see the hand of God at work in your life and glory in the good news of the birth of Christ. The Lord that fulfilled the promise of sending a Saviour will surely save you from the forces terrifying you.

The darkness will not reign for ever. The night of your life will certainly encounter the great light that will shatter it. The situation that has sworn not to see you rejoice will   bow at the presence of the angels singing and dancing to "Gloria in excelsis Deo". Suddenly indeed as the Gospel puts it you shall praise and glorify the Lord.

The Lord is born to do great new things in our lives.

The night will never stop you Oh beloved in Christ.

But endeavour to be one of those men with whom the Lord is pleased.

Your night is over! Amen

Happy Christmas to you.


I can feel your presence Oh Emmanuel. The night could not stop you. You're highly welcome into my life and my family. Look in Lord, You will see how afraid we are, how we are surrounded by many reasons to weep. Alas You cried on the night you were born to take away our nights of weeping and sorrowing. Destroy the darkness of our world and bless us with the Good News of your saving presence through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Ñurianu n'omumu  Kristi.

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: The Birth of Jesus Christ – Children\’s Land (

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