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Saturday, December 26, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of feast of the Holy Family by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 2: 22-40)

The question about culture and religion that always comes up with regard to which one is superior, gets some clarifications in today's Gospel message.

The question of where marriage is in the Bible has made a good number of persons not to value and appreciate the Christian institution of marriage. Such persons maintain that the sacrament of matrimony is not necessary after the agreement by the two families. Some even do it just "to fulfil all righteousness" without actually believing in its importance.

The family of Joseph and Mary presented to us today is a good example for us. They had agreed traditionally to get married with each other. Under the same tradition, Joseph was allowed to send Mary away. But the higher authority of God came in to bless the union. Under the above tradition, man was allowed to divorce wife with just a letter. But Jesus, teaching about the Christian marriage cancels divorce in marriage. This is a Christian marriage and never that of Judaism. What makes a marriage Christian is the presence of Christ in it. Jesus was present at that marriage at Cana to sanctify the union of the couple who invited Him. Today, Jesus is taken into the temple to reclaim what is done there with regard to the family. We saw clearly how Simeon gave way and prayed his 'nunc dimittis', as holy and righteous as he was, as correct and knowledgeable as he was, through him, tradition gave way for God to take absolute control. The presentation was not necessary for Jesus, it was necessary for us to learn what God wants from us as members of the new family and worshipping community He forms in Christ.

God intervenes in the human family just as he did in the first reading from the book of Genesis 15:1-6;21:1-3. He tells us what a real family should be; an abode built on the foundation of faith and not just human inclination. Thus, He points out what should be expelled from the family for it to maintain its holy worth.

I am talking on marriage at this introductory level because, it is marriage that brings the family into existence. The union of Joseph and Mary created an avenue for God to enter into the human family to bless it and reveal the power of Emmanuel in families.

This feast fits so well this period we are celebrating the incarnation. The divine family, the trinitarian family came to abide in the human household ratifying all her activities, upholding the noble ones while discarding the obnoxious ones.

In the light of today's feast of the Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph and the scriptural readings of today, let us see what God wills for our families.


The husband and wife are encouraged to see one another as special gifts from the Lord. You're special presents from the Almighty for each other. Thus, wish each other well, pray for and with one another. Feel the other's pain and your partner's excitement. Do you react accordingly as God wants you to react to your husband or wife? Adam reacted: Oh, the bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh. Joseph cuddled, consoled and reaccepted Mary. Why is it that you have not welcomed that your husband or wife as your gift from God whether he/ she is sweet or bitter?



The father and mother who presents each other as a gift to one another should as well present the fruit of their union to God. As you take them to school to train their minds, send them also to all the activities of the Church for spiritual exercises that train and form their consciences. Do we still have parents who ask their children when last they went to confession and why they failed to receive the Holy Communion on Sundays? Do parents make the mistake of presenting their children to the world and not to God? If they do the world swallows them. That's what we see today. Take them to the Lord from infancy. Don't make any mistake at the foundation, foundation once destroyed...


Mary and Joseph marvelled at everything said about the child Jesus. Parents will like to hear successful stories and good news about their children. As a child in your own family, what do your parents hear about you? What news do you usually bring to them? Hypertension among parents is usually caused by their thinking about their children. Do well, save yourself and your parents from shame. May your children bring you joy. May they be strong and wise like Jesus and be decorated with divine favour.


We may not have noticed this aspect of the family. Most of the time we talk only about the complete family consisting of the father, mother and children. At a time, when God chooses, some members of the family depart. One of the persons we saw in the temple where Jesus was presented was Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, who lived with her husband only for seven years and became a widow.

God reveals to us through her that when the challenges that face the family strike, we should not lose our faith. Anna never departed from the temple till old age. Do not abandon God if any misfortune has come on you in your family.

God will never abandon us. He will keep establishing our families in His love. May we not stop loving Him.


Thank you Lord God Almighty for instituting the human family and desiring to pattern it after the divine family. Make our homes sacred abodes for your dwelling. May we follow the examples of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in our living and activities in this world. Bless our homes and everyone therein. Answer the prayers we make at our family altars on daily basis through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your family.

Happy Holy Family Sunday and merry Christmas to you. (Feast of the Holy Family, Year B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


Image from: The Feast of the Holy Family Prepares Your Family for the New Year - The Best Catholic

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