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Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of 24th December by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 1:67-69)

Filled with joy in the Holy Spirit, Zechariah prophetically blessed the Lord for the gift of John the Baptist and his mission in preparing the way for the Lord. He thanked God for visiting his people and redeeming them.

We thank God today for guiding us through the advent season. We are like Zechariah and Elizabeth who waited for divine visitation. The Lord really visited when the time came. All of us; men and women, boys and girls, little children and everyone who waited spiritually in holy preparations for the coming of the Lord are to thank God for leading us thus far. The day of the Lord shall dawn upon us from on high.

Let's put the finishing touches, lets pack out the germs that may be harmful to the child to be born. Let us do the final disinfection and fumigation of our spiritual environment. Let's raise our hearts and minds to the Lord as He comes from on high.

The promise of God will soon be actualized.  Bless the Lord for what he will do in your life. Glorify Him for what you want Him to do for you.

He comes for you in a special way. He addresses you child of God. As for you little child, you shall be called a prophet of God the Most High. Through you, God's light shall shine. May God make His glory shine in you as He comes. May there be a dawn of new blessings, of favours, of peace, of Divine intervention and visitation. The Lord will certainly come soon. Let's put away every darkness and wait for the dawn of a new day, new healing, new order and new vision.


O Lord, we wait for the dawn of a new day from on high. We are tired and sick of the old days of bad governance, of insecurity, of poverty, of lockdown, of pandemics, of hopelessness, tears and sorrows. You alone can save us. The world has gone so low and lost every value. We look up for your glory to come upon us from on high. On you we rely. Do not delay or disappoint us O Lord our God. Amen

God bless your Thursday (24th December 2020)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Zechariah’s Benedictus, So Ancient Yet So Divine - Veritas846 

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