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Saturday, December 19, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of 4th Sunday of Advent Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 1:26-38)

We are presented with the angelic salutation that led to the pregnancy and birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. The sending of the angel by God carried with it a lot of good packages from the city of God above to the city of man below.

As we travel from the high and low places for Christmas, we are called upon, on this last Sunday of Advent to contemplate on the pregnant mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are called to consider what we are carrying with us as we move. We are encouraged to check ourselves to ensure what we bear. The holy mother bears the holy fruit, the blessed fruit of her womb; Jesus. What are you bearing? What fruits were you able to bear during the course of advent?

We are all pregnant

Pregnancy is a state of awaiting delivery. When a woman is pregnant in the Igbo culture, the whole family bears the pregnancy with her. The man takes very good care of her especially when the child is the first. They talk about the expected child, people forecast the sex of the child, people make their wish for the babe to be born. People make their promises of care and love for the expected babe.  The benefits the child will enjoy are provided beforehand. Provisions are made to keep the mother at home without doing anything till the child matures to the desired stage.

This shows the involving nature of pregnancy on the day-to-day parlance. How involved are we in the pregnancy of the blessed virgin Mary? What lessons are we to draw from her as we go to celebrate the birth of Christ? Let us outline some of the fruits that should occupy our womb  this period.

The Word and Sacraments

In some people you will find fibroid, in others mere void, some fail to nurture the babies well, others decide to abort them.

The word of the angel today said: Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.

The fruit you bear must be Jesus Christ. Have you been living like one who have received Jesus in the Word and Eucharist?

Grace of God

Full of grace is another line spoken by the angel. Have you been able to fill your life with the grace of God this period? Are you in the state of grace as you prepare to welcome the Lord? Will He be greeted by the fragrance of holiness when he visits you this Christmas holiday? Have you prepared yourself to win more favour in the sight of God as he comes?

Beware of carrying wrong fruits

In pregnancy, we should remember possession. Who possessed you? Who overshadowed you? Whose seed are you carrying? From whom did you get that which is in you? From the spirit of God or from the spirit of the evil one? The Holy Spirit gives holy fruits, blessed fruits, virtuous fruits, peaceful fruits, joyful fruits. The evil one carries unholy fruits.

Check your baggage

Let's open our traveling bags and check well what we are journeying with for the Christmas celebration. Are you going with hatred? Remove it. Are you going to inflict pain? Unpack. Are you going with jealousy, revenge, stinginess, dubiousness, accusation, sadness etc. Remove these.

And learn from Virgin Mary on what you should do.

Carry Jesus. Accept the word and allow him to dwell within you. Carry Him about to people you will meet. Just be a monstrance that shows Christ to your world. Be a bearer of Good news. Put smile on people's faces. Mary took the message of joy to Elizabeth. Share your joy in the Lord to people around you.

Let God's will and not yours be done.

Be humble. No matter who and what you think you're. Forgive and share love. Put songs of joy in people's mouths and smiles on faces of those you will meet.

When you do these Mary will count you as those who helped her in bearing the Saviour and presenting Him to the world.

Let us pray

O God your message to Mary brought joy to many homes, a joy shared to human race. As we approach the Nativity celebration of Christ, may we keep away everything that will make it impossible for You to dwell among us. Holy Mother Mary, intercede for us that we may learn how to be temples of the Holy Spirit. These we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen

Happy Sunday (Advent, Week 4)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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