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Monday, November 30, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Tuesday of the 1st Week of Advent by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 10:21-24)

In the Gospel of today, Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit. His great joy is because it pleased God to reveal to the little ones what He didn't reveal to the mighty.

We join Jesus in thanksgiving for this holy season of advent when we anticipate the coming of God in the lowliest form to save and redeem us in our lowliness, to dwell with us, taking our nature and replacing it with His own divine  nature.

It is in Jesus Christ that God has revealed to us the unseen God because Christ is the image of the unseen God in whom we have redemption. We are called upon to take up child-like nature in order to welcome Christ who is coming to us like a child. This childlikeness takes us back to the innocence and purity we received at baptism when we got our rebirth.

Jesus comes to reveal to us the way to heaven which we lost through disobedience in Adam and Eve. In Him, through Mary, the revelation of God through incarnation is made possible.

We should appreciate the daily opportunities we have to see what God reveals to us. We should ensure that this year's advent is properly utilized to open our spiritual eyes to see beyond material and bodily preparations, to grasp the spiritual undertones of the grace God offers us this advent.

Our blessedness depends on what we see, how we accept this season, how we visualize what this season stands for. May God from above look down and see our effort and really rejoice in the Holy Spirit for what God is going to reveal to us about our life, about our ways, about decisions, about our celebrations, about our relationships, about our challenges, about our holistic wellbeing etc.

Let us pray

Thank You Lord God for your joy in the Holy Spirit over us even in our nothingness. We believe in you. We know you are rejoicing because of what you will make out of our nothingness. We hand over our little faith to you. Make of us what is your will and help us to work well with the grace You lavish on us this period through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Tuesday. (Advent Week 1)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of the Feast of St. Andrew by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



November 30

(Matthew 4:18-22)

The Church today celebrates the feast of St Andrew the Apostle. He was one of the first duo called by Jesus Christ. They left all they were doing before Christ called them and followed Him. They left their former master when they encountered a better master. Andrew was known for bringing people to Christ. He wants others to share whatever good thing he discovered. He presents people to Christ for blessing.

In the Gospel of today, we take up something very important from the life of the Apostle we are celebrating. Like other Apostles of his kind, Andrew made no delay on leaving his nets to follow Jesus Christ. What's that your instrument of fishing? What are those occupations occupying the place of God in your life? What are those things you do that do not add any value to your spiritual wellbeing?

You've got to leave certain things in order to live the way God wants you to live. You've got to leave certain places and persons if you really intend to make it to heaven. You must say goodbye to certain old ways, the old sinful ways, so as to follow the way to heaven that Jesus traces for you.

Have you really left anything to follow Christ? If there is nothing you have sacrificed for Christ; something that you really loved doing but God doesn't approve, something that gives you worldly joy but will not lead to your eternal joy, then, know that you have not actually started following Jesus Christ.

There should be no procrastination in deciding to leave the old bad ways for a new way. Andrew's decision was prompt and immediate. Let us know the urgency of following where God leads.

Let us pray

O God, we want to follow you. But when we decide to really follow you a lot of obstacles and our attachments to some activities hold us down. We give ourselves excuses not to follow you immediately the way you want. We beg of you Oh Lord to help us follow you all the days of our lives and rejoice with you in heaven forever and ever. Amen

St Andrew the Apostle, Pray for us.

God bless your Monday.

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Reflection on the Gospel of First Sunday of Advent Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 13: 33-37)

Thank God. Advent is here again; a time for preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.  The word advent is derived from the Latin "adventus" which means "arrival" or "ad venire" meaning "to arrive".

The Oxford Dictionary sees the word as the arrival of a notable person or thing. In our usage of the term, the notable personality whose arrival we are expecting is the Second Person of of the  Blessed Trinity, God who wished to come to become man, God who wants to bring us back in order that His light may shine us, that we may be saved.

We re-enact the waiting the Israelites waited long ago for the coming of Christ in the flesh. We at the same time bring to our consciousness the preparation we should embark on in expectation for the Second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in glory.

This is indeed a serious period. It is an important moment. It calls for sober reflection. It is not a time to sleep. We are called upon to put up the right disposition of one who is faced with something serious. We may liken the time to:

An examination Time

No serious student sleeps carelessly when he should prepare for an examination. A serious student will burn the midnight oil, remaining awake, studying. During the time preceding the exams, the student listens attentively taking nothing for granted. He does well all the assignments given to him by the teachers. He leaves no stone unturned. Thus, Jesus wants us to pay attention to the instructions He gives us today with regard to being awake and watchful. He gives us assignments to be watchful and prayerful. These are fine guides to examination of our lives this period. Thorough examination of conscience is called for by our Lord Jesus Christ today. If he arrives, will He find our hearts good enough to welcome Him? He comes like an innocent Child. He wants our hearts to be like that of the child. He wants us to be pure and sinless. He wants us to accept His word with sincerity of purpose. Let this coming bring a change of heart. Let it bring us back to spiritual senses.

A Treatment Time

This is a time to treat ourselves of our viruses.  It is a time of healing. When one is sick, sleeping without doing anything about it will be a wrong thing to do. Force yourself up. Go and purchase the medication you need. Here, we talk of medicine for the soul. We've got to be healed of our spiritual infirmities. We have to be healed of that spiritual headache weighing us down as children of God. All those things that condition your mind not to pray, should be treated. Get rid of all those falsehoods making you no longer to watch against the attack of sin, the entanglement by immorality and the stranglehold of prayerless living. See the doctor of your life. Listen to Him in prayers. Open your heart to Him in confession, remain admitted in His hospital till He comes to discharge you, then will you savour the joy of the salvation His coming offers you.

A Time of Navigation

It is not a good thing to sleep while driving or sailing. As Jesus comes, He expects us to come to Him as well. He comes to meet us, so must we go out to meet Him. We must not sleep on the steering. This will cause accident. We must not go without following directions, this will bring disaster. We must not be stopping unnecessarily to enter into conversation with any person we meet, this may land us into wrong hands. The Lord lands at the port of our world. Let us not sleep away allowing this gracious time to slip away from us. May we go without delay to pick Jesus and bring Him home.

Here Jesus is like that little child in the nursery or primary school you certainly need to go bring home after school daily. Don’t take that siesta coming few minutes to the time. You may leave the babe stranded because that sleep may take your hours.  It is wrong thing to sleep when it is time to bring home that son of your future joy. He is hope to your world.

A Time to wake up and ask questions

There are important questions we need to ask ourselves in order to know whether we are  awake or not. We have to know the state of our spiritual alertness and readiness to let Jesus in.

Do not sleep on this spiritual duty. Sleep is good. But it is good when it is natural, divine, if it gives you the rest that comes from God. Don't sleep an induced sleep child of God.

What is sedating you? What is the cause of your sleep at wrong times? Are you enjoying natural or abnormal sleep? On this heavenly journey you are not supposed to sleep. Don't overfeed yourself with things that weaken your soul.

It is time to be awake. You have slept enough. Enough is enough of sleeping. The rising bell has gone. Let us rise to meet the Lord.

Let us Pray

Thank you oh God for this holy season of the Church. Thank you for ushering us into a new year of the Church.  Thank you for the wakeup call. Help us to pay heed and remain awake in prayerful watch.   May we get prepared for your Son's coming in a manner pleasing to you through Christ our Lord. Amen

Happy First Sunday of Advent

Happy new year of the Church

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Friday, November 27, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday Week 34 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 21:34-36)

Jesus tells us not to be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life.

Nothing should weigh you down child of God. What is weighing you down? Are you bothered about cares and worries on how to make money and survive, provide this or that for the family?

Are you weighed down by what to eat or drink? Are you weighed down by the feeling that others are making it in life, and you seem not to be making any headway?

Don't be weighed down. Cheer up. Keep the faith. Don't be frustrated by what this life is throwing at you.  Don't lose God and the love of God in search and quest for things the world promises to give that only succeeds in wearying you. Don't stop praying because the things of the world that got your fancy are not forthcoming. The Lord himself is coming. He's coming with blessings. He's visiting to restore all you have lost.

Don't lose your inner peace and joy in the Lord. Let the joy of the Lord strengthen you to pray. Let the joy of the Lord motivate you to keep watch.  Let the joy of the Lord that comes from living in communion with the Divine give you the strength to escape from the snares of the devil.

Let us pray

Thank You Lord Jesus for warning us against allowing ourselves to be weighed down. God you know how much we are daily pressed down by disappointments, frustrations and our unsatisfied desires. We are tempted to be going for the accidentals of life. Forgive us. Lift us. Raise us from the dust of sin, drunkenness and dissipation. Keep us spiritually alert to wait for your coming to bring a positive change in our lives through Christ our Lord.

God bless your Saturday (34th Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Reflection on the Gospel of Friday Week 34 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 21:29-33)

God continues to assure us in our various doubts that He is near us at those times He seemed to be afar. Just as people see the fig trees coming out in leaf and conclude that summer is near, so also are we called upon to believe the word of God that He's near us than we think when we see problems coming our way.

Will I ever see good in my life? Will happiness ever return to my life? Will the brokenness of my family ever be healed? Is my case not a finished case? Will people ever  see a reason to call me blessed? Will the plan of God for me ever be actualized? Will I go back to school? Will I graduate? Can I make it without staining my hands?

These are the many questions that we ask when we feel that we are far removed from God's favour. Jesus tells us that we are still God's favourites. These are the questions we use to express that God has abandoned us. With these we show our fear to the immediate things we see. But Jesus is telling us that they point to a greater and better future.

It is difficult to be seeing evil and expect good. It is not easy to be in trouble and look forward to salvation. It is not very simple to have tears on the eye and hope for laughter. It is not easy to believe that something afar is very near.

But Jesu is telling you that the kingdom of God is near to you. From this kingdom, may your rewards, blessings and peace flow, may your tears be wiped. May every force hindering the word of God for your life from coming to pass, pass away for God to showcase you positively to the world.

Let us Pray

O God, you made us in your image and spoke words of blessings into our lives. May these words come to pass in our lifetime for our generation to see. May the powers militating against your good words in us bow in the face of your divine blessings through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Friday (34th Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Thursday Week 34 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 21:20-28)

In the face of the many troubling and frightening situations around us, the Lord Jesus gives us a message of hope. In the middle of the great distress, heartbreak, confusion, hardship pains and hopelessness, Jesus tells us to take courage. It is not going to be our end. Our end is in in Christ, our destiny is found in God.

Hear the words of Jesus: " Now when these things begin to take place, look up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."

Child of God, what are the forces trying to turn your face downwards? Why are you finding it difficult to raise your heads in prayer? Why are you no longer responding to the call by Christ through the Church to lift up your heart in faith? Why do you seem to believe that it is over? What's making you feel that you're already conquered?

You can't be destroyed, the present evil forces threatening to be in control of your life or to take the center stage in your life will pass away.

Don't give up! Look up! Your redemption is near. Push on. Fight on. Fight till the end. Your worries will come to an end. Your tears will be wiped. Your labours will be rewarded. Your sorrows will turn to joy. What is coming will make you forget what you've been through. Something good is coming your way. Only remain on the way of righteousness and flee from evil ways.

Let us Pray

Oh God, the present is filled with pain and sorrows. We are wearied by ceaseless troubles coming to our world and our lives as individuals. But we thank You, for reminding us that You are up above for us. Open your heavenly treasury and pour upon us the blessings of your redemption. Deliver us from all evils threatening us through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Thursday (34th Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Wednesday Week 34 Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 21:12-19)

We live in a world where we are hated for nothing. You may not be loved by everyone. There's not even any way you will be loved by all, no matter what.  The worst of it all is when you're hated by your own people for no just cause. Sometimes, you suffer for being good. You think of how to make people feel good, how to better their lot, but they're only concerned about your downfall. They are wicked to you, they treat you unfairly, they persecute you.

You may be married into a family where your in-laws have refused to appreciate your worth and whatever you do. You may be working in an office where everyone is against you because of your firmness on what is right. You may have been given a bad name by someone you sacrificed for. You may be passing through hell in your ministry in the hands of people you spend sleepless night thinking of how to make their situation better. They may have frustrated your life; made you feel abandoned. Don't hate yourself for the sake of such haters. The Lord Jesus is saying today that "not a hair of your head will perish."

At the time of persecutions and in the face of the trials and hatred of evil men, hear the will of God for you:  "This will be a time for you to bear testimony. Settle it therefore in your minds, not to meditate beforehand how to will be hated for my name's sake. But not a hair of your head will perish. By your endurance you will gain your lives."

Don't stop living the life of testimony. Keep bearing witness to the goodness of God in your life. Remain positive. The haters want to make your life bitter. Say no to that if you want to be better. God wants you to be the better version of yourself. Don't allow the many hands being laid on you to pull you down. Feel the hand of God above you, blessing you. 

The most painful hatred and persecution is when it is coming from your family. Bear it, endure it for the sake of God. Don't give up, the love of God is greater than the hatred of men.

Let us Pray

O God, we are worried about the too much hatred in the world. We find ourselves mediating on how to respond to the challenges posed by forces persecuting us. We thank you for giving us the way out and reassuring us that we are safe in your hands no matter what may betide us. Bless and save us by your grace through Christ our Lord.

God bless your Wednesday (34th Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Monday, November 23, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Tuesday Week 34 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Lk. 21:5-11)

The Lord Jesus today calls our attention to the end and the last days. This call is a timely one as we draw close to the end of this Liturgical year. The pictures of the tumult and the many other signs that bring up the question: ‘when will it be?’ is not for us to live in fear but in faith.

False preachers will take advantage of the events and different things happening around us to preach end time messages. God alone knows when and how it will be.

The call today is for us to keep our eyes fixed on doing the will of God, remaining faithful to the end. The call is for us not to be deceived. The invitation is for us to confront the many forces deceiving us, distracting us and keeping our eyes away from doing the will of God.

Jesus wants us to be careful lest we be led astray by the ephemerals, by the adornments, by makeups, by materialism etc. Jesus wants us to be prepared spiritually for the day of the Lord, by taking more seriously the God of the temple and not just the decorations and superficialities.

In fear of losing things of this world, we may lose a lot of heavenly rewards. But if in faith we hope for what lies ahead, God will not fail to keep us safe even though the earth should rock, because the Lord of host is with us, the God of Jacob is our stronghold. May we be delivered from fear of uncertainties, saved from eternal damnation and strengthened in faith to gain eternal salvation.

Let us Pray

Lord God, we are afraid of so many things. But we thank you for reassuring us in Christ that these will take place but will never be the end. Keep our faith strong in you. Keep us faithful till the end and save us from taking wrong decisions out of fear through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Tuesday (34th Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Monday Week 34 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 21:1-4)

Jesus takes a look at contributions today. He looks into the treasury to see what people were putting. Sadly, he found out that those who had more were putting less, yet they were making people feel that they were putting enough. But Jesus was impressed by the widow who put in two copper coins. And he testified: "Truly I tell you; this poor widow has put in more than all of them;"

We've got different treasuries. Jesus is interested in what we are putting into what we claim to treasure. What are you contributing now into the treasury of your future? What are you contributing into the treasury of your faith as a child of God? What are you contributing into the treasure of your education? What are you contributing into that your business?

Our society is going down because people who have much to contribute are actually putting little or nothing. Our leaders have no time for us. They have nothing to offer. Some of them only sleep at the time of contributions. Some are as good as dead. Nothing moves them. There is no spirit of sacrifice in them.

The Church is losing its taste because some people are not putting in their best. Some of the priests and laity are not giving much of their devotion and sincere response to the demands of the word of God.

The education system is shipwrecked because the government is not seeing it as an important sector to be given much attention to. The teachers are not giving the students the best of what they should receive. The students are not ready to put in their effort to study and research.

A lot of marriages are collapsing because either the husband or the wife is not giving much. What are you putting in to foster harmony and love in that family? What are you contributing for the upkeep of your children? 

Jesus looks up today to see why people no longer care to put in their best.  He is concerned that parents no longer put in much with regard to the discipline of the children. They no longer give their time to ensure that the present generation receive the values they need. They feel it is enough to feed, clothe and send the children to school with no home training, leaving them at the mercy of half-baked teachers. They are ever ready as well to abuse any teacher that insists on giving the best to such a child.

The 'how much' question is a very important one. It is a question that seeks for a sincere answer. You know when you're giving your best. I should know too well when I am giving my own best as well. This question challenges us not to cheat on God, on the society, on the Church and on our fellow human beings.


Oh God, you gave us your best, your only and your all in our Lord Jesus Christ who came and gave us His life and all. In our Lord Jesus You look to see if we are giving our best, we pray by your grace to put in our best in our endeavours for the glory of your name, for the renewal of the world and for our joy and salvation through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Monday (34th Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Reflection on the Gospel of the Solemnity of Christ the King by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


( Matthew 25:31-46)

On this last Sunday of the Ordinary time, the Church celebrates the solemnity of Jesus Christ as the king of the universe. The reign of Jesus is not only in heaven but here He reigns. We are thus invited to discover how he reigns in a world that seem to deny his reign . In the universe revolting against the dominion of light while clamouring for the dominion of darkness. Christ reigns whether we recognize it or not, whether we acknowledge it or not. But living in consciousness of this recognition is very important. Keeping the vision of the reign of God in our midst means a lot.

Today we recall one of the three offices of Christ: Prophet, Priest and King. We participate in these offices by virtue of our baptism. Christ was anointed with these and in turn makes us sharers in the three offices.

This celebration was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925 to remind Christians that their allegiance was to their spiritual ruler in heaven as opposed to earthly supremacy. In line with the gospel of today, Pope Benedict XVI remarked that Christ's kingship is not based on "human power" but on loving and serving others( Catholic World News, Nov. 27, 2006)

Let us with the aid of the gospel discover how  Christ reigns and how he wants us to live and reign wit Him.


Jesus takes us to a time when He will appear in glory. He narrates the story of how the son of man will sit on His throne in the company of the angels. But in the time being, He is in the human form.  Aware of His powers, He took the human nature. Still aware of His greatness, He humbled Himself. He teaches us that it is not by power nor by might but by the Spirit. Thus, He invites  us to see beyond the various powers that seem to be on the throne of our life to picture Him sitting on the throne. He wants us to live in hope of the Lord who comes  to reign with spiritual powers. He wants to keep our spiritual eyes open and fixed on Him.

The throne on which Christ sits is a glorious throne. He thus wants us to beware of the numerous thrones that tend to keep away our eyes from expecting the right place and the favourable words that flow from the throne of God.

What are the thrones winning your attention? Throne of worldly powers? Throne of earthly possessions? Throne of immorality? Throne of secularism? Name it. If it is a throne that lacks divine glory shut it!

Any throne aimed at dethroning Christ be destroyed. Are you dethroning or enthroning Christ in the various situations of your life? In your vocation, business, marriage, endeavours? Which position are you occupying around the throne of God? Right or left?


The Lord Jesus, willing to make us heirs of the heavenly kingdom came on earth and prayed that the kingdom comes. As He lived in the world, He established the kingdom through His teachings, preachings and healings. Indeed He went about doing good. He gave His all. He gave Himself in the Eucharist. From His side flowed out water and blood. He formed the Church as a sign of His presence and reign in the world. Through the Church the word continues to resound. He perpetuates His services and acts of charity.

When He was about to leave He taught His followers the path of service by washing their feet. He called upon them to do same for each other. 

He is the king we are celebrating today, a king that serves. A king who shepherds. A king who puts his life on the line for his subjects to live. A king who lets his subject to go. We are celebrating a king who shares palliatives no matter how little. We are celebrating a king who weeps when his subjects are at risk. He is not one that does not care about the hard life in his country. He is not a king who hikes fuel prices anyhow. He is not a king who denies the problems being faced by his subjects.

Jesus is a king who feeds the hungry and comes also as a hungry man. He is a king who comes to see His people in prison and free them. He is a king who is interested in clothing the naked and chose to become naked in order to cloth us with spiritual garb of integrity and dignity. Jesus is the king who quenches the thirst of others even while remaining thirsty. These are the numerous services Jesus gave and continues to give. 

He invites us to make His reign known in a world where the spirit of service is lacking. Jesus wants us to serve God in the poorest of the poor. Jesus wants us to see God in those who lack beauty and attraction. Jesus wants us to go to the world and make His kingdom known. He reminds us that it is going to be the parameter of judgment on the last day. He will judge based on how we crown Him before men. How we live for His glory and manifest His goodness among men.

The kingship of Christ is a revolution against the power tussles in our world. It is a revolution against the superman mentality of our rulers. It is a kick against the intimidation, brutality,    oppression and suppression by our present day leaders.

We receive today the mandate from Jesus Christ through the  Church to go into the world and shine and taste good like light and salt of the earth that we are called to be. As individuals in various capacities, Jesus brings to our notice that we should be of good service to our world.  We should attract the rain of God's blessings and favours upon a world in the famine of wickedness.

We must care and love especially those whom the society rejects. By so doing, we shall be securing good place at the right hand of God in heaven.


Oh Lord Jesus,  You are the King of kings, You're the Lord of lords,  You're the Almighty, You're the Eze ndi eze, You reign in the whole world. You reign in the heavens. We acknowledge You as the Lord. We are subjecting ourselves to your rulership. Your kingship is good for us. Ride on. We pledge ourselves to You. You reign in our families, continue, You reign in our workplaces continue, You reign even in sickness and bitterness, even in the pandemic and fears, even in the protests and lockdown. Don't stop reigning. We beseech You to destroy spiritually whatever powers that hinder your reign. Help us to serve you and make you reign now for ever. Amen.

Happy Solemnity of Christ the King ( Last Sunday, Ordinary Time, Yr A)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Friday, November 20, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday Week 33 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 20:27-40)

The gospel reading of today is the narrative about the woman married by seven brothers with no child and the question by the Sadducees concerning whose wife she will be at resurrection.

Jesus made them to understand that God is God of the living, not of the dead. Thus, at the resurrection they will be like angels with no need to marry and be given to marriage. Jesus added an important caveat about God and our relationship with God here and hereafter. He said: "...for all live to him".

What does it mean to live for God? Living for God is living to please God. Living for God is a life of openness to God. Living for God is living in abandonment to His Holy will. Living for God is daily presentation of ourselves to God like Mary whose presentation we celebrate today. Living for God is making ourselves available for God to do with us as he is pleased. Living for God is constantly saying Yes to God and saying No to the enemies of God. Living for God is living in constant remembrance of life after life. Living for God means not being distracted and carried away by the ephemerals of this life and the vain glories of our world. Living for God challenges us to hope for the resurrection and rise up against sin, the flesh and the devil.

Dear friends in Christ, ask yourself this important question: Who am I living for? Yes! It is important. Who are you living for? Are you living for God or for money? Are you living for God or for your boyfriend/girlfriend? Are you living for God or for your business? Are you living for God or for your selfish gains? For whom do you live? Whosoever you live for here, Him shall you live with in eternity.

Just like God chose Mary from His kingdom above to give us a king that will open the heavenly kingdom for us, let us like Mary make ourselves readily available to partake of the heavenly inheritance that goes beyond whatever joy this life offers.

Let us pray

Thank you, Jesus for the gift of the resurrection. Let this resurrection power strengthen us to do your will. Give us the grace to live our lives for you alone. Forgive us for the years we have wasted living for what does not enhance our spiritual wellbeing. Save us from the grip of attachment to the enemies of our living in you and rising to eternal life. We make these prayers through Christ  our Lord. Amen

Holy Mary, Pray for us.

God bless your Saturday (33rd Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Friday Week 33 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 19:45-48)

Jesus entered the temple in Jerusalem. He was driven to drive out the people because of what He saw happening in the house of God. The house of prayer lost its worth. He saw people who sold. He did not just see money changers, He also saw value changers. He was shocked. He must have questioned: Has it reached this level? Has it actually got to this?  How did we get to this in the first place?

Has it got to this? is an important question Jesus asks each and every one of us in shock about the unexpected things we do. Jesus is wondering when the Church became disco halls. Jesus is asking: how have we allowed values to be turned upside down? How come are we normalising the abnormality of nudity? Why are people comfortable in desecrating holy things? How come is it that there is no fear again in people about duping and stealing in the name of God?

How did we get to the level of not being ashamed of immoral acts? How come are people now exposing themselves anyhow even in the house of God? How is it that the Church has become a place to display ungodly packages? 

Jesus is indeed poised by a drive to drive out. He wants to drive out whatever evil we've got in us. He wants to drive out that which is stubborn in us. He wants to drive far away all forms of materialism that devalues spirituality. Jesus wants to drive away everything the devil is displaying in you that will not lead to your edification.

Dear child of God, what are those behaviours you have been displaying that God is not happy about? What are those evils you showcase that has shattered your marriage and your family? What are the packages you present on the way of people who wants to worship God in spirit and in truth that distract their attention from divine attraction? What are those forces robbing you of the zeal to really pray as you should? 

Expose all these in sincerity to God. Though you have annoyed God through them, confess to Him that you want to start all over again. Let God know your regrets for ever getting to the extent of no longer caring about the sacredness of God, of your life and of the lives of others who are for sure living temples of the Holy Spirit.

Let Us Pray

Oh, my loving Jesus, thank you for opening my eyes to see my misdeeds. I am Sorry for having got to the point of exchanging eternal values with ephemerals of the world. Almighty God, by the power of your Spirit, drive away from us the evil drives that intend to make us to be driven away from your kingdom through Christ our Lord.

God bless your Friday (33rd Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Thursday Week 33 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 19:41-44)

The popular account of Jesus' weeping was the occasion of the death of Lazarus His friend. In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus also wept.

Today, Jesus is pictured weeping passionately and bitterly.

Every weeping of Jesus is followed by a saving action. At the tomb of Lazarus, it was followed by a prayer and a restoration to life. In Gethsemane, it was followed by the determination to suffer and die for the salvation of human race.

Today's Gospel reading's account recounts a weeping over Jerusalem. These were some of Christ's words while weeping: “Would that even today you knew the things that make for peace!...for the days shall come upon you...because you did not know the time of your visitation."

In the previous weepings of Jesus above, His concern was the grip of the devil on His creatures, those made in divine image and likeness. He was heartbroken because of the sorry situation and pitiable state of man under satanic manipulation.

In the weeping of today, Jesus is rather distressed at the firm grip of man on the devil. He is not finding it funny that man has refused to take divine initiative, redemption and visitation seriously. The comfort of man while at enmity with God was a problem for Him. Jesus weeps because of the destruction that will soon come on those who had every opportunity to be at peace in the kingdom of God.

Is Jesus still weeping over us? Have we comforted Jesus for the weepings over our inability to make peace with Him?

When Jesus visits our world today, are we going to be like those who did not know the time God visited?

What will God see when He comes? Will He see what will make Him tearful or joyful?

Jesus will certainly weep for the wickedness in our world. Jesus will weep over the killings in Nigeria. Jesus will weep because of the exploitation of the poor masses. Jesus weeps because of the high level of ritualism and diabolism in our cities and villages. Jesus weeps at the insecurity in our land. Jesus weeps in a country where the education of the youth is not taken seriously. Jesus weeps because of misappropriation of values here and there. Jesus weeps at the level of heartless cybercrimes. Jesus weeps at the collapse of morality, sanctity and integrity. Jesus weeps at religiosity without spirituality. Jesus weeps bitterly because of our stubborn attitude towards positive change and conversion.

Jesus does not enjoy weeping. He wants us to make him glad by living in awareness of his love for us.


Weep no more dear Lord Jesus Christ. We have really caused you deep pain by not welcoming you at the various times you visited us with your words of conversion expecting our repentance and total change of heart. Sorry Lord for our wickedness and sins. Give us grace to make you happy here on earth and reign with you forever and ever. Amen

God bless your Thursday (33rd Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Wednesday Week 33 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh




A faithful person is a person who is loyal, steadfast, resolute to whatever or whoever he owes allegiance. He is strongly devoted in supporting someone or something he admires and loves. A faithful person is true to his word, promise or vow. He carries out his duty with diligence. He doesn't betray the trust deposited on him.

The Gospel of today placed side by side the faithful and the unfaithful servants. In the faithful servants we saw devotion and respect for their master. Their master went to receive a kingly power and handed them ten pounds. The faithful ones, in reverence, traded with theirs and made extra pounds. The other returned nothing but insults to the master. While the faithful was made to reign with the master, the wicked servants were condemned and slain.

The faithful sees good. The unfaithful sees evil. The faithful sees reasons to love. The unfaithful sees reasons not to love. The faithful is determined and resolute. The unfaithful is careless and takes things for granted. The faithful person is aware of the little things that matter. The unfaithful one wants it big all the time. The faithful person is understanding and patient. The unfaithful one is never patient.  The faithful has no excuses to fail in his vow. The unfaithful looks for excuses not to keep his vows.

How faithful are you? Have you accepted all that the Lord has given to you in the proper disposition? Are you faithful living your Christian faith? Are you steadfast to the vows you made to that your husband? Are you living faithful to your wife as you vowed on your wedding day? Are you faithful with the time God gave you to manifest His goodness dutifully or are you using it in a wicked way living in sin and idleness?

Let us pray

Heavenly Father, you're a faithful God. You're calling us to faithfulness. You continue to give us opportunities to prove our fidelity. Help us to be faithful to you and to our fellow human beings, to be faithful with the responsibilities you have bestowed on us, to be faithful in our calling and be admitted into the kingdom of God at last through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Wednesday (33rd Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Monday, November 16, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Tuesday Week 33 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 19:1-10)

The Gospel of today presents to us the effort made by Zacchaeus to see the Lord. He climbed the sycamore tree. He didn't allow his stature to be a hindrance for him. He didn't allow the many things that made him fall short of the glory of God to keep him down perpetually. He made up for all he lost by climbing.

This is interesting. In our today's world of make-up where makeup artists are really making it big by adding beauty into the lives of some persons through enhancement, we have a lesson to learn from them. Spiritual makeup is necessary. Whatever we have lost should be regained by sincere effort. We have to take the decision not to lower our worth before God. We've got to boost our confidence in God once again.

Our sins may attempt to give us the feeling that God will not accept us again. We may look at the various persons who are better than us and think that we are too far away from God.

Lazarus felt this way for long and kept working behind. He kept lagging behind spiritually.  All he was able to see were his shortcomings.

But he took a step of growth. That step gave him an edge over his fears. He was able to see Jesus and experience Him personally.  Jesus made him promises that he could not believe. Jesus came to his life, entered his home and brought salvation there.

To grow spiritually therefore, we must like Zacchaeus long to see Jesus. We have to rise above the forces pulling us down; the forces of the crowd condemning us, the forces of our conscience accusing us and the force of uncertainty about the mercy of God.

To grow spiritually we must present ourselves as we are to God. Expose ourselves to God and allow Him to address us. To grow we must listen to the word of God, pay attention to his assuring word calling us to come to Him.

To grow spiritually we must say bye to our old evil ways. Let us climb the tree of the cross of our Lord Jesus to receive the salvation He gave mankind by His death thereon. Let us kneel at the tree of the confessional and receive forgiveness and never be lost.

Let us pray

Dearest Lord Jesus Christ, we want to grow. We really want to see you at work in our lives. We would like to behold you face to face after our earthly sojourn. Look and see the crowds blocking our view. We can no longer see clearly because of shortness in grace. Speak grace into our lives. Nourish us graciously through your word and the sacraments. May we grow into mature Christians and no longer be attached to the passing things of this world through Christ our Lord. Amen

St. Elizabeth of Hungary, pray for us.

God bless your Tuesday (33rd Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Monday Week 33 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 18:35-43)

An Anonymous man, known for his blind condition heard about Jesus in the Gospel reading of today. When he confirmed that Jesus was passing by, he cried out: Son of David, have mercy on me! He cried the louder even after being rebuked by those who were in front of him. For his sake, Jesus stopped. Jesus asked him what he wanted. His reply was: "Lord let me receive my sight" and Jesus said to him: Receive your sight; your faith has made you well." He received his sight and started glorifying God.

Do you really know what you want? Is an important question. Knowing what you want from God matters a lot. Knowing what you want in life matters a lot. Living with a goal in view is necessary. Even when you are yet to know what the future holds. Even if you cannot see what lies ahead. Even when you're not sure of what next to do. Even when you're not certain how your dreams will be actualized, having a wish, a desire, an expectation helps a lot.

Yes! You can't see tomorrow, you may not know where you will be, whether or not you will succeed. In this situation of blindness, you've got to be in the right frame of mind.

Set your priorities well. Know how to put your needs in order. Place God where He should be. Let the spiritual order take precedence in all your affairs. The blind man taught us these. He saw the need for sight.  He needed not to be taken around. He needed to overcome self-pity. He was no longer comfortable lazing about. He longed to see the promised Messiah and not just be hearing about Him.

When grace brought Jesus close, he grabbed the opportunity.

Do not miss the opportunity given to you to achieve your goals.  Don't fear the rebukes by the storms of life. Do not be weighed down by the changes and chances of life. Do not be discouraged by betrayals, do not be disappointed by fake friends, do not rely on the promises of those who claim to offer you fish and stop you from going to the river to fish. Do not be intimidated by the enemies of your destiny.

What do you want? Our wants must be those that help us achieve the everlasting longing of our soul, heaven.

Do you want a happy home? Pray for it and make Jesus stop to address the issues in your home.  Do you want a good result? Work for it and call upon the mercy of God.  Do you want to succeed in life, call upon the mercy of God and receive the counsel He offers you.

Know this: God cares about what you want. He stops to attend to you when He finds out that you really know what you want.  How does He find out that you know what you want? When in the midst of the discouraging voices you keep pushing towards actualizing your destiny. God knows what you want when you raise your voice in prayer calling on His mercy. You will know what you want when you sit down and listen to the voice of Jesus in you directing you where what you want could be found. You will know what you want by telling yourself the truth about what you're really not supposed to want but you unfortunately find yourself in the messy situation of wanting them. May you want what you're supposed to want and have them satisfied.


Lord Jesus Christ, the noise and unnecessary advertisements in the world confuse us about what we really want. But we want you, we really need you so much. With you in our lives, we will be healed of the blindness that makes us not to see your plan for us. Grant us our prayers and help us to answer well daily when you ask us what we want through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Monday (33rd Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of 33rd Sunday Year A by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Matthew 25:14-30)

While growing up as a child in those days, my father, a teacher, will never make any journey without giving us an assignment or duty that will preoccupy us till his return. Together with mum whatever task given to us (be it academic or domestic, be it writing or peeling cassava, sweeping or washing, or frying 'garri') was properly supervised for either reward or punishment. It was indeed a thing of joy to hear: "Well done!" from the no- nonsense man or "I gbaliala!"

A good result or an improvement in result attracted high rewards. Sunday lunch, sometimes rice, was never eaten until we answered what we understood from the reflections and readings of the Mass. When one answers well or does anything so well, dad will always give him a golden handshake with the invitation: "Kwerem na aka" We longed to hear that. It was an encouragement. It was a challenge and motivation at the same time. But failures attracted punishment and even the risk of losing certain benefits like Christmas clothes. Worse still, the cloth or toy bought for you may be given to another.

The above can help us to understand the importance of doing well and not toiling with the opportunities and talents given to us by God. Jesus wants us to be dutiful, devoted and industrious in every good course. Thus, He gives the talents wishing that they are not made latent.

In the Gospel today, the master of the servants, as he was about to embark on the journey, gave them talents. To the first He gave Five, to the second he gave two and lastly to the third he gave one.  The one that received five traded with it and made extra five, the second did same and made extra two. But the one that received one dug a pit and hid his master's money.

The master was very happy with the two servants that made good returns. He was happy with them for a job well done. He expressed his satisfaction to them respectively in the following words: "Well done and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much; enter into the joy of your master" Interesting right? O yes!

The one who received one talent became "Ogbenye na amusu"(ungrateful wretch) after calling his master names, returned his one talent saying: "Now you have what is yours".

At the end of the day the one talent he had was taken away from him and given to the one who made more five and the master punished this servant severely calling him: "Worthless"

Are you in the category of "Well done" Christians or "Worthless" ones?



Dear friends in Christ, the Lord is not unaware of who you are. He's not unaware of what you can do and what you can't do. He knows your present situation. He knows the problem you're facing at the moment. He knows what you can achieve. He knows your distractions. He knows when you're making sincere effort no matter how little your output may seem to be. God knows how weak you are. He knows your limitations, abilities and capabilities. God knows your shortcomings too.

He sees all these. But notwithstanding these, He trusts you so much. Because He believes in you, He entrusts priceless talents to you trusting that you will deliver.


The Lord gives each and everyone of us what will be okay for us. He gives each community, state or nation what they will use to do well. To some individuals He has given mechanical skills, others academic endowments, social skills, entertainment skills, organizational powers, physical elegance etc.

To different countries God gave human and natural, mineral resources. Are we doing well with them?  Are we putting them to good use? If God returns to Nigeria, will he tell our politicians well done? Will he tell us individually and collectively, well done for using our various talent to edify our society and live as people accountable to Him?

Discover your gift and serve God with it. Let the introspection start now!


Don't eye another person's gift. Don't be envious of it. Thank God for the effort the other person is making to develop his talent and work also on yours. Contentment is a keyword here. Be contented with who you're and what God has given you. David had to remove the military apparel given to him and worked with the Spirit, the gift of God to him. The ordinary stone in his gifted hands did extraordinary wonders.

Don't waste your time envying others and what you think God gave them that He did not give you. You will live a frustrated life if you do so.

It is one of those heritages we learnt from Igbo cultural values. In the Igbo village setting, if for any reason the food will not be eaten from the same dish,  it is prohibited that a child looks into the dish of another and more seriously too into the mother's food pot.

We should be satisfied with what God has been pleased to give to us. We shouldn't begrudge God or envy our neighbour who has anything we think we lack.

The Lord will bless you and congratulate you for putting the talents you have received into good use like the servants who received five and two talents. Make no complaints, do not entertain any form of inferiority complex as a result of unnecessary comparison. Don't put up the bad habit of giving excuses for failure. Do your best rather to surmount all odds in order to succeed.

Don't say like the person with one talent: I failed because of covid19, I failed because our teacher doesn't know how to teach, I failed because my school is not among the best schools. I became an armed robber because of unemployment. I failed in my marriage because my husband was not reciprocating my love. I failed to raise my children well because of poverty.

You're blessed beyond your imagination. You're highly gifted. Protect what God has given you jealously. Do not waste it. Do not allow the opportunities you've got no matter how little they are to slip from you.

Forgot about what others have God will judge you based on what He has given you and your effort to use them according to His will for you.


This is the blessing and prayer of the master when he handed over the talents to the servants.

When God gives you any gift, He wishes that you may blossom with it, that you may shine with it. God's intention is usually that you may bear fruit,fruit that will last.

What is making you think that you will never do well? What is informing your decision to bury your God-given talents? Who is feeding you with the falsehood that you have got nothing from God? Who said that you're Godforsaken?  It is not true!  Have you been a failure all along? You can do better. Yes! You can! Keep making effort in good direction.  You will do well even with that your little.

May you do well in your spiritual life. May you do well in your business. May you do well in your marriage. May you do well in your vocation. May you do well in your education. May you do well in governance. May you do well even in those areas of life that people have written you off.

You will no longer be a disappointment unto God, to yourself, to your family and your world.

May you do so well here to hear God tell you: Well done good and faithful servant...


Oh God, we want to do well. We thank you for wishing us well. We have done badly in so many areas of our lives. But we believe that you have not given up on us. Thank you for the talents you have blessed us with and help us to put them into good use for the greater glory of your name that we may rejoice to hear: "Well done" at last through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Happy Sunday (33rd Sunday, Ordinary Time, Year A)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Friday, November 13, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday Week 32 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 18:1-8)

With the parable of the unrighteous Judge and the widow, Jesus taught His disciples the need to pray always and never lose heart. The woman never relented until the judge gave her attention. Thus, Jesus calls on us all to keep on calling on God night and day for God will not fail to vindicate us.

Meanwhile, it is not just about praying or pretending to be at prayers. Faith matters a lot. It is not just a case whereby we only remember God when we want to use Him to achieve our selfish goals, like the politicians who automatically become Churchmen during campaigns but when they win, they keep God aside.

God should not be used in a selfish way. Religion should not be wrongly manipulated. Prayers and spiritual matters should never be used to deceive people. Worshipping God should go beyond workability. A life of prayer that is at the same time a life of faith is seen in the man who believes in pleasing God and doing his best and, then, sees every other thing happening around as the will of God.

Relationship with God transcends merely what human eyes see. It will indeed be a fallacy of reductionism when we think that God will stop being God to us because what we asked Him or what we want Him to do for us at a particular time was not done in our way. Prayer should have to do with docility to the will of God. 

We should pray with our whole mind and also work with our strength under the influence of divine grace. But let our disposition be to give our whole fiat like Mary: "Let it be done to me according to your will.”

That is faith. It is what God looks at. Yes! that supernatural gift by which we believe in whatever God has revealed. God comes at the last day to see faith in the hearts that prayed to Him here on earth.

Let your faith in God motivate you to be a man of prayers. This faith will make your prayers to go beyond mere lip service to become alive. You will start living what you're praying, and your religious duties will be more meaningful. May Jesus find us always praying and living our lives in faith.

Let us Pray

Strengthen our faith O Lord to pray in ways pleasing to you. Make our faith strong enough that we may realize that with you we are more than conquerors. Grant the prayers we make to You in faith through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Saturday (32nd Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Friday Week 32 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 17:26-37)

Jesus is warning each and everyone of us to fight for our salvation in fear and trembling without looking back. He's warning against lazing about instead of being focused on being saved. He calls for readiness and alertness. He uses Lot's wife as an example of a character we should never emulate.

Lot's wife disobeyed the warning not to look back. What was she missing in Sodom? What's there to miss in what should be destroyed? For you not to be destroyed there are indeed certain things you must definitely have to destroy or rather allow God to destroy them. If you don't destroy these, they will end up destroying you.

These elements of destruction may be your attachments to certain vices. They may be sinful relationships, they may be covenants with the devil, just name it. Break away from such bonds before they break you.

Work on yourself. The journey to heaven is a personal one. Remember Lot's wife. You may have started as a family, as a group, as an organization, as a fellowship etc. But don't forget that you should not allow them to make you disobey God. Try to carry your husband or wife along to the heavenly journey but when he or she refuses, do not allow him or her to pull you down. Move on, remember Lot's wife. Try your best to carry your family's issues but don't let them weigh you down in journeying to God. Don't allow anything make you go back to those things you have left behind to follow Christ.

Leave those old bad habits at Sodom and move on. Leave those bad unrepentant friends and ride on. Don't go back to weariness in prayers, don't go back to missing Masses. Don't go back to cheating, don't go back to sexual immorality and other forms of immorality, don't go back to fraud and cultism.

Have you said goodbye to those things? Mean it and move on.

Listen, you do not know when the Lord will come. But his coming will spell salvation for some and destruction for others. Do not fail to learn from what happened to Lot's wife.

Let us pray

Loving Saviour, thank you for ever wishing that we be saved and not destroyed. Save us from the temptation of looking back and admiring the evils world and the dark world of sin from where you are transferring us to the kingdom of light. May  we be disciplined enough to do every day of our life what you have called us to do and through them give you glory, through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Friday (32nd Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Thursday Week 32 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh




As a child, growing in my village, playing football with peers and mates was common. Football was not only played at the field but also at the ogbakoro,(A large empty well swept space for village meetings)  in front of the obiri,(The central meeting center of the family) or the Ime Ogba( compound ).

I started going out with my mates to play outside at the ogbakoro even though I was not a good player. One of the Sundays, they came to call me for us to go and play a friendly match with another kindred. My mum took me inside, locked me in there and sent those boys away. In her judgment, they were not people who will help me realize my dream. She weighed each and everyone of them and told me: "Don't go out with them". It was a sad day for me, but I later realized the reason why she insisted: "do not follow them".

In today's Gospel Reading, Jesus presents to us what lies ahead of us, the kingdom. He reveals to us the enemies of the kingdom who claim to present the kingdom to us. And He maintains: Don't follow them.

A lot of things are promising us heaven on earth, better life, brighter future, shortest way to make money, successes without tears, favour without labour etc. False prophecies and forecasts are here and there, Jesus warns: "Do not follow".

Whatsoever that will not lead you to the kingdom of God, shun it. Anything that will not take you to God's desired destiny for you, flee from it. Any place that will be an occasion to sin, avoid it.

Are you worried about when the kingdom will come? Work towards it, it will surely come, but no man knows when.

Are you crying and asking when things will be better for you? Don't stop making effort, God will intervene, he will surely come. But until He comes, there are places you should not go. You don't run from one prayer house to the other, you don't move from Church to Church, from one man of God to the other. Stand firm on Christ the solid rock.

Jesus paid for the kingdom with his blood through suffering. Let us not forget that we should embrace the sufferings of our lives and the various necessary disciplines we must go through before entering the kingdom of God.

Let's not go with those who make living in the world difficult by their irresponsibility. Let us endeavour to go with those who live based on the heavenly standard.

Let us not follow bad policy maker, evil compromisers and those who perpetrate all forms of evil. Don't go with Antichrists, Don't follow enemies of the cross. Do not follow the false preachers. Do not follow the self-acclaimed prophets. Do not follow the false preachers. Follow Christ. Remain a Christian till the end. Jesus will meet you and take you to His kingdom.

Let us pray

Thank you, Jesus, for showing us the way to follow in order to get to your kingdom. Give us the grace to obey your voice and avoid the places you said we should not go. May we have the divine wisdom to overcome the temptations of deceptive pointers leading us to perdition. May we not miss the heavenly kingdom but live and reign with you there for ever and ever. Amen.

God bless your Thursday ( 32nd Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Wednesday Week 32 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 17:11-19)

Jesus healed ten lepers in the gospel of today. In their desperation to be well, they shouted on top of their voices for the mercy of Christ. They were ready to do whatever they were asked to do. They followed the instruction to go and show themselves to the priest and on their way, they got their healing.

Nine of them went away after being cleansed. Only one returned with thanks and praise. Jesus asked about others. He showed how interested He is with such return. He expressed His love for the grateful heart and His disappointment with the nine ingrates.

We must learn to return our thanks, praise and appreciation to God in adoration and humility for all that God continues to do for us.

Do you return after your daily work to say thanks to Jesus? After getting what you asked from God, do you remember to thank Him? Have you easily forgotten your past and how God raised you? Have you erroneously started believing that it is by your own power?

Always return with thanks; it is very important. Have you turned against that Church that groomed your faith from infancy? Have you started fighting that system that protected you? How often have you bitten the fingers that fed you? Do you neglect the people that offered you help when you were helpless? Have you returned to thank your parents for all they did for you from infancy till now? Have you gotten that job and forgot the persons who helped you? Have you won that election and turned against the poor masses who voted you in with bad governance instead of appreciating them with good work?

Have you returned to say thanks to those teachers that led you out of the world of ignorance?

Are you the type that remembers only the evil done to you in perpetuity but forgets the good done for you in a twinkle of an eye?   

Could it be that the nine others believed that they have stressed themselves much and can't stress themselves again coming back to Jesus? Don't forget how sleepless you were when praying for marriage, thank God for that union daily. Don't forget how you prayed to enter into that vocation, stop being over ambitious and be thankful.

Let us go back to God and say: "Thank you".

Let us pray

You have done so much for us O Lord. We have come to say thanks to you for all you have been to us and for all you have been doing for us from our conception till now. Help us to live a thankful life. Help us to be grateful to people we meet in our daily activities. May we be among the number that will be blessed the more for returning with grateful hearts through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Wednesday (32nd Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Monday, November 9, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Tuesday Week 32 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 17:7-10)

Fulfilment is the achievement of something desired, promised or predicted.

In today's Gospel Reading, Jesus tells us what should be desired and our attitude towards what is desired of us. He reminds us of what should be our vow and promise: to do what we are asked to do. He takes our mind to what is expected from us and reveals to us the predictions of God for us in all we do. These, to a greater extent, when realized, determine our joy and satisfaction in life.

Jesus calls on us to take the little things we do daily seriously and see them as what we ought to do and not doing them out of compulsion, grudgingly or because of what we stand to gain from it.

What is the disposition with which you do the things you do for God and for people around you? What inspires the good jobs you're doing? Are you doing them to serve the eye? Why did you do that donation in the Church or in the meeting? Why did you pay that young girl's school fees? Why did you give that person a lift? What's the secret behind that charity you did? What's the secret behind your philanthropy?

If you're doing it just for the reward, it is not a genuine purpose. If you're doing good to be seen and acknowledged it is erroneous. If you always want to be thanked for all you do, you may be frustrated.

Let's have the right attitude, let's put up the proper disposition for doing and being good for goodness sake. Let the good things we do just flow out of goodwill. Let our joy be in doing whatever we're called upon to do with our whole heart. Are you carrying out that job conscientiously?  Are you doing that public project well? Are you constructing that road well with the right quality and quantity of materials? Are you fulfilled after doing it?

Can you be proud to say: " I did it well, I am fulfilled", "I read well, I am fulfilled", "I led well, I am fulfilled", "I am marrying my husband/ Wife well, I am fulfilled" "I taught my students what I should teach them, I am fulfilled".

Fulfilment should guide us in our self-evaluations for self-realization. After we have achieved whatever we may have achieved in life, let our consciences be our judge as to whether we have done what we are supposed to do or not. Thus, Jesus insists that our response after any job well-done should never be to pride ourselves or expect too much, he rather admonished us to say: “We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty"

Just target fulfilment. It comes from being sincere about what one is asked to do and doing it well. May God help us to do our best without unnecessary expectations.

Let us pray

Oh, our dear Jesus, we thank you for taking up the duty of instructing us daily and loving us beyond measures. Help us to derive joy in doing the things we do. Help us to expect nothing much but appreciate the fact that you have already done so much for us. May our peace of soul come from obeying your will for us and living in the state of grace always through Christ our Lord. Amen

St Leo the Great, pray for us.

God bless your Tuesday (32nd Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

  1 st Sunday of Lent, Year C: Homily by Fr Isaac Chima Theme: Temptation: knowing how and when the devil strikes Readings:  Deut 26:4-...