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Monday, November 9, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Tuesday Week 32 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 17:7-10)

Fulfilment is the achievement of something desired, promised or predicted.

In today's Gospel Reading, Jesus tells us what should be desired and our attitude towards what is desired of us. He reminds us of what should be our vow and promise: to do what we are asked to do. He takes our mind to what is expected from us and reveals to us the predictions of God for us in all we do. These, to a greater extent, when realized, determine our joy and satisfaction in life.

Jesus calls on us to take the little things we do daily seriously and see them as what we ought to do and not doing them out of compulsion, grudgingly or because of what we stand to gain from it.

What is the disposition with which you do the things you do for God and for people around you? What inspires the good jobs you're doing? Are you doing them to serve the eye? Why did you do that donation in the Church or in the meeting? Why did you pay that young girl's school fees? Why did you give that person a lift? What's the secret behind that charity you did? What's the secret behind your philanthropy?

If you're doing it just for the reward, it is not a genuine purpose. If you're doing good to be seen and acknowledged it is erroneous. If you always want to be thanked for all you do, you may be frustrated.

Let's have the right attitude, let's put up the proper disposition for doing and being good for goodness sake. Let the good things we do just flow out of goodwill. Let our joy be in doing whatever we're called upon to do with our whole heart. Are you carrying out that job conscientiously?  Are you doing that public project well? Are you constructing that road well with the right quality and quantity of materials? Are you fulfilled after doing it?

Can you be proud to say: " I did it well, I am fulfilled", "I read well, I am fulfilled", "I led well, I am fulfilled", "I am marrying my husband/ Wife well, I am fulfilled" "I taught my students what I should teach them, I am fulfilled".

Fulfilment should guide us in our self-evaluations for self-realization. After we have achieved whatever we may have achieved in life, let our consciences be our judge as to whether we have done what we are supposed to do or not. Thus, Jesus insists that our response after any job well-done should never be to pride ourselves or expect too much, he rather admonished us to say: “We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty"

Just target fulfilment. It comes from being sincere about what one is asked to do and doing it well. May God help us to do our best without unnecessary expectations.

Let us pray

Oh, our dear Jesus, we thank you for taking up the duty of instructing us daily and loving us beyond measures. Help us to derive joy in doing the things we do. Help us to expect nothing much but appreciate the fact that you have already done so much for us. May our peace of soul come from obeying your will for us and living in the state of grace always through Christ our Lord. Amen

St Leo the Great, pray for us.

God bless your Tuesday (32nd Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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