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Monday, November 23, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Tuesday Week 34 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Lk. 21:5-11)

The Lord Jesus today calls our attention to the end and the last days. This call is a timely one as we draw close to the end of this Liturgical year. The pictures of the tumult and the many other signs that bring up the question: ‘when will it be?’ is not for us to live in fear but in faith.

False preachers will take advantage of the events and different things happening around us to preach end time messages. God alone knows when and how it will be.

The call today is for us to keep our eyes fixed on doing the will of God, remaining faithful to the end. The call is for us not to be deceived. The invitation is for us to confront the many forces deceiving us, distracting us and keeping our eyes away from doing the will of God.

Jesus wants us to be careful lest we be led astray by the ephemerals, by the adornments, by makeups, by materialism etc. Jesus wants us to be prepared spiritually for the day of the Lord, by taking more seriously the God of the temple and not just the decorations and superficialities.

In fear of losing things of this world, we may lose a lot of heavenly rewards. But if in faith we hope for what lies ahead, God will not fail to keep us safe even though the earth should rock, because the Lord of host is with us, the God of Jacob is our stronghold. May we be delivered from fear of uncertainties, saved from eternal damnation and strengthened in faith to gain eternal salvation.

Let us Pray

Lord God, we are afraid of so many things. But we thank you for reassuring us in Christ that these will take place but will never be the end. Keep our faith strong in you. Keep us faithful till the end and save us from taking wrong decisions out of fear through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Tuesday (34th Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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