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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Thursday Week 33 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 19:41-44)

The popular account of Jesus' weeping was the occasion of the death of Lazarus His friend. In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus also wept.

Today, Jesus is pictured weeping passionately and bitterly.

Every weeping of Jesus is followed by a saving action. At the tomb of Lazarus, it was followed by a prayer and a restoration to life. In Gethsemane, it was followed by the determination to suffer and die for the salvation of human race.

Today's Gospel reading's account recounts a weeping over Jerusalem. These were some of Christ's words while weeping: “Would that even today you knew the things that make for peace!...for the days shall come upon you...because you did not know the time of your visitation."

In the previous weepings of Jesus above, His concern was the grip of the devil on His creatures, those made in divine image and likeness. He was heartbroken because of the sorry situation and pitiable state of man under satanic manipulation.

In the weeping of today, Jesus is rather distressed at the firm grip of man on the devil. He is not finding it funny that man has refused to take divine initiative, redemption and visitation seriously. The comfort of man while at enmity with God was a problem for Him. Jesus weeps because of the destruction that will soon come on those who had every opportunity to be at peace in the kingdom of God.

Is Jesus still weeping over us? Have we comforted Jesus for the weepings over our inability to make peace with Him?

When Jesus visits our world today, are we going to be like those who did not know the time God visited?

What will God see when He comes? Will He see what will make Him tearful or joyful?

Jesus will certainly weep for the wickedness in our world. Jesus will weep over the killings in Nigeria. Jesus will weep because of the exploitation of the poor masses. Jesus weeps because of the high level of ritualism and diabolism in our cities and villages. Jesus weeps at the insecurity in our land. Jesus weeps in a country where the education of the youth is not taken seriously. Jesus weeps because of misappropriation of values here and there. Jesus weeps at the level of heartless cybercrimes. Jesus weeps at the collapse of morality, sanctity and integrity. Jesus weeps at religiosity without spirituality. Jesus weeps bitterly because of our stubborn attitude towards positive change and conversion.

Jesus does not enjoy weeping. He wants us to make him glad by living in awareness of his love for us.


Weep no more dear Lord Jesus Christ. We have really caused you deep pain by not welcoming you at the various times you visited us with your words of conversion expecting our repentance and total change of heart. Sorry Lord for our wickedness and sins. Give us grace to make you happy here on earth and reign with you forever and ever. Amen

God bless your Thursday (33rd Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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