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Friday, November 27, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Friday Week 34 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 21:29-33)

God continues to assure us in our various doubts that He is near us at those times He seemed to be afar. Just as people see the fig trees coming out in leaf and conclude that summer is near, so also are we called upon to believe the word of God that He's near us than we think when we see problems coming our way.

Will I ever see good in my life? Will happiness ever return to my life? Will the brokenness of my family ever be healed? Is my case not a finished case? Will people ever  see a reason to call me blessed? Will the plan of God for me ever be actualized? Will I go back to school? Will I graduate? Can I make it without staining my hands?

These are the many questions that we ask when we feel that we are far removed from God's favour. Jesus tells us that we are still God's favourites. These are the questions we use to express that God has abandoned us. With these we show our fear to the immediate things we see. But Jesus is telling us that they point to a greater and better future.

It is difficult to be seeing evil and expect good. It is not easy to be in trouble and look forward to salvation. It is not very simple to have tears on the eye and hope for laughter. It is not easy to believe that something afar is very near.

But Jesu is telling you that the kingdom of God is near to you. From this kingdom, may your rewards, blessings and peace flow, may your tears be wiped. May every force hindering the word of God for your life from coming to pass, pass away for God to showcase you positively to the world.

Let us Pray

O God, you made us in your image and spoke words of blessings into our lives. May these words come to pass in our lifetime for our generation to see. May the powers militating against your good words in us bow in the face of your divine blessings through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Friday (34th Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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