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Sunday, November 22, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Monday Week 34 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 21:1-4)

Jesus takes a look at contributions today. He looks into the treasury to see what people were putting. Sadly, he found out that those who had more were putting less, yet they were making people feel that they were putting enough. But Jesus was impressed by the widow who put in two copper coins. And he testified: "Truly I tell you; this poor widow has put in more than all of them;"

We've got different treasuries. Jesus is interested in what we are putting into what we claim to treasure. What are you contributing now into the treasury of your future? What are you contributing into the treasury of your faith as a child of God? What are you contributing into the treasure of your education? What are you contributing into that your business?

Our society is going down because people who have much to contribute are actually putting little or nothing. Our leaders have no time for us. They have nothing to offer. Some of them only sleep at the time of contributions. Some are as good as dead. Nothing moves them. There is no spirit of sacrifice in them.

The Church is losing its taste because some people are not putting in their best. Some of the priests and laity are not giving much of their devotion and sincere response to the demands of the word of God.

The education system is shipwrecked because the government is not seeing it as an important sector to be given much attention to. The teachers are not giving the students the best of what they should receive. The students are not ready to put in their effort to study and research.

A lot of marriages are collapsing because either the husband or the wife is not giving much. What are you putting in to foster harmony and love in that family? What are you contributing for the upkeep of your children? 

Jesus looks up today to see why people no longer care to put in their best.  He is concerned that parents no longer put in much with regard to the discipline of the children. They no longer give their time to ensure that the present generation receive the values they need. They feel it is enough to feed, clothe and send the children to school with no home training, leaving them at the mercy of half-baked teachers. They are ever ready as well to abuse any teacher that insists on giving the best to such a child.

The 'how much' question is a very important one. It is a question that seeks for a sincere answer. You know when you're giving your best. I should know too well when I am giving my own best as well. This question challenges us not to cheat on God, on the society, on the Church and on our fellow human beings.


Oh God, you gave us your best, your only and your all in our Lord Jesus Christ who came and gave us His life and all. In our Lord Jesus You look to see if we are giving our best, we pray by your grace to put in our best in our endeavours for the glory of your name, for the renewal of the world and for our joy and salvation through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Monday (34th Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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