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Friday, November 13, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday Week 32 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 18:1-8)

With the parable of the unrighteous Judge and the widow, Jesus taught His disciples the need to pray always and never lose heart. The woman never relented until the judge gave her attention. Thus, Jesus calls on us all to keep on calling on God night and day for God will not fail to vindicate us.

Meanwhile, it is not just about praying or pretending to be at prayers. Faith matters a lot. It is not just a case whereby we only remember God when we want to use Him to achieve our selfish goals, like the politicians who automatically become Churchmen during campaigns but when they win, they keep God aside.

God should not be used in a selfish way. Religion should not be wrongly manipulated. Prayers and spiritual matters should never be used to deceive people. Worshipping God should go beyond workability. A life of prayer that is at the same time a life of faith is seen in the man who believes in pleasing God and doing his best and, then, sees every other thing happening around as the will of God.

Relationship with God transcends merely what human eyes see. It will indeed be a fallacy of reductionism when we think that God will stop being God to us because what we asked Him or what we want Him to do for us at a particular time was not done in our way. Prayer should have to do with docility to the will of God. 

We should pray with our whole mind and also work with our strength under the influence of divine grace. But let our disposition be to give our whole fiat like Mary: "Let it be done to me according to your will.”

That is faith. It is what God looks at. Yes! that supernatural gift by which we believe in whatever God has revealed. God comes at the last day to see faith in the hearts that prayed to Him here on earth.

Let your faith in God motivate you to be a man of prayers. This faith will make your prayers to go beyond mere lip service to become alive. You will start living what you're praying, and your religious duties will be more meaningful. May Jesus find us always praying and living our lives in faith.

Let us Pray

Strengthen our faith O Lord to pray in ways pleasing to you. Make our faith strong enough that we may realize that with you we are more than conquerors. Grant the prayers we make to You in faith through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Saturday (32nd Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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