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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Thursday Week 34 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 21:20-28)

In the face of the many troubling and frightening situations around us, the Lord Jesus gives us a message of hope. In the middle of the great distress, heartbreak, confusion, hardship pains and hopelessness, Jesus tells us to take courage. It is not going to be our end. Our end is in in Christ, our destiny is found in God.

Hear the words of Jesus: " Now when these things begin to take place, look up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."

Child of God, what are the forces trying to turn your face downwards? Why are you finding it difficult to raise your heads in prayer? Why are you no longer responding to the call by Christ through the Church to lift up your heart in faith? Why do you seem to believe that it is over? What's making you feel that you're already conquered?

You can't be destroyed, the present evil forces threatening to be in control of your life or to take the center stage in your life will pass away.

Don't give up! Look up! Your redemption is near. Push on. Fight on. Fight till the end. Your worries will come to an end. Your tears will be wiped. Your labours will be rewarded. Your sorrows will turn to joy. What is coming will make you forget what you've been through. Something good is coming your way. Only remain on the way of righteousness and flee from evil ways.

Let us Pray

Oh God, the present is filled with pain and sorrows. We are wearied by ceaseless troubles coming to our world and our lives as individuals. But we thank You, for reminding us that You are up above for us. Open your heavenly treasury and pour upon us the blessings of your redemption. Deliver us from all evils threatening us through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Thursday (34th Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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