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Friday, November 20, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday Week 33 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 20:27-40)

The gospel reading of today is the narrative about the woman married by seven brothers with no child and the question by the Sadducees concerning whose wife she will be at resurrection.

Jesus made them to understand that God is God of the living, not of the dead. Thus, at the resurrection they will be like angels with no need to marry and be given to marriage. Jesus added an important caveat about God and our relationship with God here and hereafter. He said: "...for all live to him".

What does it mean to live for God? Living for God is living to please God. Living for God is a life of openness to God. Living for God is living in abandonment to His Holy will. Living for God is daily presentation of ourselves to God like Mary whose presentation we celebrate today. Living for God is making ourselves available for God to do with us as he is pleased. Living for God is constantly saying Yes to God and saying No to the enemies of God. Living for God is living in constant remembrance of life after life. Living for God means not being distracted and carried away by the ephemerals of this life and the vain glories of our world. Living for God challenges us to hope for the resurrection and rise up against sin, the flesh and the devil.

Dear friends in Christ, ask yourself this important question: Who am I living for? Yes! It is important. Who are you living for? Are you living for God or for money? Are you living for God or for your boyfriend/girlfriend? Are you living for God or for your business? Are you living for God or for your selfish gains? For whom do you live? Whosoever you live for here, Him shall you live with in eternity.

Just like God chose Mary from His kingdom above to give us a king that will open the heavenly kingdom for us, let us like Mary make ourselves readily available to partake of the heavenly inheritance that goes beyond whatever joy this life offers.

Let us pray

Thank you, Jesus for the gift of the resurrection. Let this resurrection power strengthen us to do your will. Give us the grace to live our lives for you alone. Forgive us for the years we have wasted living for what does not enhance our spiritual wellbeing. Save us from the grip of attachment to the enemies of our living in you and rising to eternal life. We make these prayers through Christ  our Lord. Amen

Holy Mary, Pray for us.

God bless your Saturday (33rd Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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