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Sunday, November 22, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of the Solemnity of Christ the King by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


( Matthew 25:31-46)

On this last Sunday of the Ordinary time, the Church celebrates the solemnity of Jesus Christ as the king of the universe. The reign of Jesus is not only in heaven but here He reigns. We are thus invited to discover how he reigns in a world that seem to deny his reign . In the universe revolting against the dominion of light while clamouring for the dominion of darkness. Christ reigns whether we recognize it or not, whether we acknowledge it or not. But living in consciousness of this recognition is very important. Keeping the vision of the reign of God in our midst means a lot.

Today we recall one of the three offices of Christ: Prophet, Priest and King. We participate in these offices by virtue of our baptism. Christ was anointed with these and in turn makes us sharers in the three offices.

This celebration was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925 to remind Christians that their allegiance was to their spiritual ruler in heaven as opposed to earthly supremacy. In line with the gospel of today, Pope Benedict XVI remarked that Christ's kingship is not based on "human power" but on loving and serving others( Catholic World News, Nov. 27, 2006)

Let us with the aid of the gospel discover how  Christ reigns and how he wants us to live and reign wit Him.


Jesus takes us to a time when He will appear in glory. He narrates the story of how the son of man will sit on His throne in the company of the angels. But in the time being, He is in the human form.  Aware of His powers, He took the human nature. Still aware of His greatness, He humbled Himself. He teaches us that it is not by power nor by might but by the Spirit. Thus, He invites  us to see beyond the various powers that seem to be on the throne of our life to picture Him sitting on the throne. He wants us to live in hope of the Lord who comes  to reign with spiritual powers. He wants to keep our spiritual eyes open and fixed on Him.

The throne on which Christ sits is a glorious throne. He thus wants us to beware of the numerous thrones that tend to keep away our eyes from expecting the right place and the favourable words that flow from the throne of God.

What are the thrones winning your attention? Throne of worldly powers? Throne of earthly possessions? Throne of immorality? Throne of secularism? Name it. If it is a throne that lacks divine glory shut it!

Any throne aimed at dethroning Christ be destroyed. Are you dethroning or enthroning Christ in the various situations of your life? In your vocation, business, marriage, endeavours? Which position are you occupying around the throne of God? Right or left?


The Lord Jesus, willing to make us heirs of the heavenly kingdom came on earth and prayed that the kingdom comes. As He lived in the world, He established the kingdom through His teachings, preachings and healings. Indeed He went about doing good. He gave His all. He gave Himself in the Eucharist. From His side flowed out water and blood. He formed the Church as a sign of His presence and reign in the world. Through the Church the word continues to resound. He perpetuates His services and acts of charity.

When He was about to leave He taught His followers the path of service by washing their feet. He called upon them to do same for each other. 

He is the king we are celebrating today, a king that serves. A king who shepherds. A king who puts his life on the line for his subjects to live. A king who lets his subject to go. We are celebrating a king who shares palliatives no matter how little. We are celebrating a king who weeps when his subjects are at risk. He is not one that does not care about the hard life in his country. He is not a king who hikes fuel prices anyhow. He is not a king who denies the problems being faced by his subjects.

Jesus is a king who feeds the hungry and comes also as a hungry man. He is a king who comes to see His people in prison and free them. He is a king who is interested in clothing the naked and chose to become naked in order to cloth us with spiritual garb of integrity and dignity. Jesus is the king who quenches the thirst of others even while remaining thirsty. These are the numerous services Jesus gave and continues to give. 

He invites us to make His reign known in a world where the spirit of service is lacking. Jesus wants us to serve God in the poorest of the poor. Jesus wants us to see God in those who lack beauty and attraction. Jesus wants us to go to the world and make His kingdom known. He reminds us that it is going to be the parameter of judgment on the last day. He will judge based on how we crown Him before men. How we live for His glory and manifest His goodness among men.

The kingship of Christ is a revolution against the power tussles in our world. It is a revolution against the superman mentality of our rulers. It is a kick against the intimidation, brutality,    oppression and suppression by our present day leaders.

We receive today the mandate from Jesus Christ through the  Church to go into the world and shine and taste good like light and salt of the earth that we are called to be. As individuals in various capacities, Jesus brings to our notice that we should be of good service to our world.  We should attract the rain of God's blessings and favours upon a world in the famine of wickedness.

We must care and love especially those whom the society rejects. By so doing, we shall be securing good place at the right hand of God in heaven.


Oh Lord Jesus,  You are the King of kings, You're the Lord of lords,  You're the Almighty, You're the Eze ndi eze, You reign in the whole world. You reign in the heavens. We acknowledge You as the Lord. We are subjecting ourselves to your rulership. Your kingship is good for us. Ride on. We pledge ourselves to You. You reign in our families, continue, You reign in our workplaces continue, You reign even in sickness and bitterness, even in the pandemic and fears, even in the protests and lockdown. Don't stop reigning. We beseech You to destroy spiritually whatever powers that hinder your reign. Help us to serve you and make you reign now for ever. Amen.

Happy Solemnity of Christ the King ( Last Sunday, Ordinary Time, Yr A)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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