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Saturday, October 31, 2020




(Matthew 5:1-12a)

A teacher entered a classroom in a mission school and asked the students what they will be in the future. Some said Politicians, others medical doctors, some others chose to be Engineers, pastors and so on. But a particular student answered what shocked the teacher. He said: I am becoming a saint.

This is indeed what we are all called to be. In whichever profession we find ourselves, we have received the divine mandate to sanctify what goes on there. Thus, the saints are those who were professionals in different works of life, but they made these professions holy and made themselves holy in undertaking their different life roles.

Today is the solemnity of All Saints. It is a special day in the Church. We are celebrating our fellow human beings who lived like us, in this world of ours, in different ages and time. We are celebrating excellence. We are celebrating people who stood out and stood firm on holy ground. Those who, like Moses, removed their Sandals to stand on the mountain of the Lord, who today with millions of angels rejoice in the heavenly Jerusalem.

We are celebrating Ndiche nke nzuko. They are ndi puru iche nke Chukwu. They lived in the world with their contemporaries, but they lived a remarkable life of uprightness. Ndi iche are those who refused to be stained. They refused to be corrupted.

They are our parents and ancestors. Some were canonized, while myriads were never canonized. We celebrate all of them today. They washed their robes in the blood of the lamb and lived with the beatific vision in view and today their names are written in the book of life. Some were apostles, some were martyrs, some virgins, some pastors, some palm wine tappers like my grandfather, some were farmers, some traders, some choristers, some husbands, some wives, some youths, some soldiers, some judges.

The gospel of today gave us the qualities that made them to receive the blessings from the Lord. They were poor in spirit, they suffered, they were hungry without palliatives and never became thieves, their greatest hunger was righteousness and justice. They never stopped protesting against sin because of discovered goodies.

They were merciful and not brutal. They were peacemakers and not avenging armies. They were persecuted and called names by their colleagues for their refusal to join them in evil. But they have their rewards in heaven.


Be A Living Saint

Saints are not made after death as people erroneously believe. Sainthood is a lived life. Be a saintly musician, not a sinful one. Be a saintly footballer not a bad one. Be a saintly actor not sinful one. Be a Holy Priest or Pastor and not a bad one.

Can people look back after your life and thank God for the gift of your person to humanity or rejoice that your evil has come to end? 

Saints are not Superhumans

Yes, saints are those faced with the ordinariness of day-to-day activities, the joys and sorrows.

They are men who fell, they failed severally too. But they rose as many times as they fell. Then they took the decision never to fall again. They sinned but they confessed and returned to the state of grace and died in the state of grace.

They were stained before they became saints. If they were not stained there won't have been need to wash in the blood of the lamb.

Let your humanness and weakness not weigh you down. You can become a saint.

They are our Role Models

St Paul will say, 'imitate me as I imitate Christ'. These numberless saints tried their best to live the life of the beatitude in different ways. We should make them our role models since they modelled their lives after Christ. Who is your model? Don't make an Antichrist your role model? The saints are the 'Pro Christs' we should keep their lifestyles as our model.

Spiritual Excellence

We should endeavor to excel in greater values. The beatitude Jesus released today teaches us how to make heaven out of our everydayness.  Let us not use our lacks, the persecutions, the sufferings and even the joys as excuses to look away from our heavenly target. Heaven should be our only goal.

Remembering Heaven

Remembering heaven will help me on my journey of becoming a saint.  I will realize that everything does not end here. I will be aware that every opportunity paves way for my sainthood. Remembering heaven will make a Governor know that He can make heaven through just a tenure. It can challenge a policeman to stand out in the midst of the many forms of corruption associated with the force. It will make each and everyone of us put God first in all we do, seeking to do not our will or the will of people but the will of God.

Are we becoming saints or becoming all the more stained?

Is it possible to have saints in this generation? Has God any hope among us? To live for us must be Christ and to die gain. When we live this way, we are truly becoming saints.

Let us Pray

Dear Lord, we want to live saintly lives. We want to answer that universal call to holiness that you made in a more personal way. A lot of trials and temptations are around us. The world and its forces continue to draw us. We need your grace to be in the world and not of the world. Help us to become living saints touching lives in a positive way here on earth to be united with you for ever in heaven, through Christ our Lord. Amen

Happy Sunday and Solemnity of All Saints.

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Friday, October 30, 2020




(Luke 14:1.7-11)

Jesus encourages us to be humble. He wants us to stop assuming too much. He wants us to stop taking up what we are not. He wants us to stop seeking honour in the wrong way. Yes, to stop claiming and forming.

Jesus wants us to be happy being where we are and from there work sincerely for where he leads. He wants us to be real. He wants us to ascend gradually. He doesn't want us to fall. He doesn't want us to take up the qualities of Lucifer. Pride, the opposite of humility, goes before a fall. But the humble man will be exalted by God.

Humility teaches me to think of the other first. Humility will make me reserve the best for others and not see myself as the most qualified. Humility will teach me to be respectful. Yes, to respect myself and respect others. Not to embarrass myself and not to embarrass others. Humility will teach me that the position I am occupying today has been occupied by people before me and that I will not be the last to occupy it.

Humility will not stop teaching me. The school of humility is a school no one should ever graduate from. Humility will teach me how to accept corrections. It will remind me that I am not above mistakes. Humility will make me teachable, indicating to me that I do not know it all. Humility will help me to take instructions from people even from those working under me. Humility will help me to be open to ideas from others. Humility will help me to grow.

Humility will teach me to see the dignity in human persons. She will teach me not to talk to people anyhow. Humility will remind me of my humanity and the humanity in others. Humility will call my attention to the humus that I am, the dust that I am to which I shall return. It tells me on daily basis: Julian you're nothing you know...

Humility will make me exalt divinity. Divinity is the only power that can make out something out of my nothingness. Yes! That hand that creates ex nihilo will always make out something good in us and lift us by Himself at His own time.

What are the things that make us project ourselves?  The high places? The best jobs? The best cars? The best connections? Important recognitions?  After these what next? Let's go for things that matter. God is all that matters, and He will take us to where our souls shall find true peace and rest. May God heal us of the insecurity that comes with pride.

Let us pray

Lord Jesus, you are meek and humble of heart, please make our hearts like yours. We always want to take the best places but you're the only one who can place us. Give us the disposition of    accepting where you have positioned us. Forgive us for looking down on others. Forgive us for pridefully appropriating what is not ours. Give us a humble and contrite spirit. May your grace control our stubborn pride through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Saturday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Thursday, October 29, 2020




(Luke 14:1-6)

Jesus went to the house of a ruler, one of the Pharisees to dine. They were watching Him. But He was watching the man with dropsy. The situation of this man meant nothing to them. They only cared about the honour of hosting Jesus. Many of us look up to God without looking around to see what the people of God are passing through. Thank God, God is not man.

Jesus took the initiative to do something about the situation of the man. It became an issue among the pharisees. Jesus shoulders: Man, why are you like this?

If men were God, there would have been serious problem. Jesus is the one doing what man was insensitive to do, observing an undone good. Yet, man was bitter, suggesting excuses to Jesus for which He should not heal. Man, why are you like this?

Come to think of it; if God was coming to man for advice and suggestions, situations would have been very unfortunate. Man would have advised God not to allow some people live, not to allow some people get healed, not to allow some people get married, not to allow some people have children, not to allow the sun shine on some people's homes, not to allow the rainfall on some people's farms. Not to allow the moon and stars appear over some roofs. But thank God, God is not man.

If men can stop God, they would have convinced Him not to bless some persons. But thank God, God is not man. Thank God He doesn't have to obtain permissions to heal you, He doesn't have any excuses to deliver you. He enjoys preparing a table for you in the sight of your foes. Thank God that your nothingness notwithstanding, God has never abandoned you and will never abandon you. Thank God that no authority, no power, no principality whatsoever can put a stop to the blessing of God upon your life. You're blessed beyond imaginations.  The Lord will break every boundary to see that his will for you is accomplished.

God will observe your situation. You will attract the blessings of the Lord. No man can stop God's plan for you and your family.

Let us pray

Thank You Lord for being who you are to me. I am grateful that you are not man who fails. I am happy that no one can condemn me when you have redeemed me. I am thankful that you will not allow my weaknesses to stop you from blessing me. You will even go beyond the sabbath to heal me. It is indeed a day of thanksgiving. Thank you, Jesus. For your love for me, I will not stop loving you my all. Be glorified now and for ever. Amen.

God bless your Friday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Wednesday, October 28, 2020



(Luke 13:31-35)

The Pharisees came to Jesus with these words: "Get away from here, for Herod wants to kill you". Jesus said to them: "Go and tell that fox Behold I cast out demons and perform cures...I finish my course"

Jesus teaches us the attitude we should put up in the face of the various forces against the positive courses we have begun. Such forces use every means possible to send emissaries with the message of fear. They claim to love your life, to care about your safety but they are really after aborting the good in you. They want to kill your desire to do good. They want to frustrate your aspiration for greatness. They want to quench the burning zeal in you to make a positive change. They want to put off the fire of revolution against evil. Their aim is to make you not to protest against injustice and evil. They want you to be selfish. They present you with a distraction which has to do with self-preservation for you to stop the war aimed at preserving the good of the people. They can bribe you; they may intimidate you. They are the foxes.

They bark. Foxes are related to wolves. They are carnivorous. They are very cunning too. I learnt also that foxes can be playful among themselves and are good parents. Never mind the playfulness and good parenting. They are wild and mean.

In the wild nature of the fox it seeks only to kill and eat. The Herods of our own generation are the fox forces we should address. They kill the present and future of our people and eat and milk them dry. They play among themselves. Yes, we see them among the bourgeois who only marry themselves, do businesses with only their class and work together to put every other visionary down. Of course, they are good parents. They love their children but care nothing about the children of others. They give their wives and families the best of everything. They can kill the whole world to take care of their own. They are "Ogbu mmadu ndu na agu", they want theirs to live while others should be crushed. They celebrate death till it comes to them.

Jesus wants us to rise and confront these foxes in our lives. They know how to silence the voices of truth with money, with empty promises, with lies and sweet talks. Their target is for you not to actualize your mission and realize your goal. Say no to their forces. Refuse to be intimidated. Don't allow any evil to silence the good in you.

Have you started any just course? Don't allow any fox to crush it up before the time.  Have you started the fight against corruption? Ride on. Have you began to work on your spiritual life? Don't stop. Have you started the practice of daily reading of the Bible? Don't listen to that fox. Having you started building that your marriage that nearly crashed? Continue. Are you walking away from sorrows and troubles in your life? Never mind the fox.

Just send words to the fox as Jesus did: Go and tell that fox that the good work of God in my life must come to fulfilment. My life and death will only be to the glory of God.

Let us pray

O Lord Jesus, I believe you have begun a good work in my life. I have the desire to work for you. It is my wish to live my life totally for your sake. But look and see, a lot of foxes are around me; the spiritual foxes, political foxes, religious foxes, economic foxes, social foxes, moral foxes. Spare my life from them all. Give me the courage to confront them standing on the authority of your word. May I never depart from where you have positioned me in fear of the fox forces of this world through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Thursday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Tuesday, October 27, 2020



(Luke 6:12-19)

We celebrate two apostles of Jesus today: Saints Simon and Jude.

The Gospel of today enlisted the names of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. But an important point to note is the fact that Jesus did not just wake up and make the choice of His disciples. He chose them after a whole night of prayers.

Important decisions in our lives should not be taken in the flesh. We need to climb the mountain of prayers like Jesus seeking God's face, direction and approval. If Jesus, the Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, True God and True Man needed to pray before making the choice of His followers, what about us? We need to pray more.

Most of the mistakes we make in life is that we keep God aside awhile only to run back to Him when the consequences of our wrong choices bounce back on us. In the choice of our leaders, we need to seek divine approval, this involves looking beyond human and material qualifications and possession. This involves evaluating how close the person is to keeping the commands of God and treating people as those created in the image of God.

In the choice of vocation, prayer and spiritual direction is also of paramount importance. In choosing a life partner as well, people need to pray God for their best half.

Do not allow your prayer life to dwindle. Just as the tabernacle light that never goes off, always fan your prayer life into flame. Be aflame in the spirit. Do it in season and out of season. Do it in thanksgiving, do it in plea for mercy, do it in petition, do it in intercession. Choose to pray and teach others to do same. Jesus prayed and taught his disciples to pray. Guide the choices of your children with prayers. Punctuate every one of your activities with prayers.

Pray in words, pray in action. Live the life of prayers. Let what you pray reflect who you are. Don't stay back when communal prayers are going on. Pray the Mass, pray the devotionals. Pray also privately.

Never undertake any serious task without prayers. The Lord speaks when we pray. Because in prayers we also listen, since it is a conversation.  May God answer our prayers and bless our choices.

Let us pray

Lord Jesus, you're God and yet you prayed. We are mere humans in need of prayers, but most of the time we sleep off, we are wearied by the cares and troubles of life, we are weighed down by uncertainties. Give us the wisdom to realize our need for you in our endeavours. Bless the decisions we make. Grant that we may make them in the spirit and never in flesh. Bless all those facing indecisions in their lives. May we through prayers, make right choices that will bring us happiness and lead us to heaven through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saints Simon and Jude, pray for us.

God bless your Wednesday.

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Monday, October 26, 2020




(Luke 13: 18-21)

Jesus compares the kingdom of God to a mustard seed and a leaven. As a mustard seed, it is the smallest of all seeds but grew to become a tree harbouring birds of the air. As a leaven, it was hidden and insignificant but made the whole meal leavened.

You're not made to remain the old Adam. You're a dynamic being. You possess the power to grow. You possess the potential for greatness. You're destined to grow in wisdom, in grace and in knowledge of the will of God.

At Baptism, that seed of faith which projects you for the kingdom of God as a citizen of heaven is planted. It is meant to be nourished daily by the Word of God and the Sacraments. This faith is not just for your individual growth. Thus, many other birds of the air hope to make their nests on it. Did you allow that seed to germinate? How have you been nourishing your faith all along? Did you take it for granted because of its small nature? Your greatness as a child of God depends on how you guide your faith. In fact, its small nature depicts fragility and calls for jealous watchfulness to ensure that it is not mixed up or falls where it will become a weed. It should be planted and manured. Do you jeopardize your faith by syncretism? Do you allow secularism to swallow your belief in Jesus? Have you allowed popular opinions and social media views to water down your conviction in the truths of Jesus Christ?

Keep growing no matter the circumstances. Keep soaring high in virtue. Keep swimming against the currents that wants you to remain spiritually small. Don't be materially and socially great but spiritually dwarf. You've got to grow. You've got to dig into the depth of knowledge of the word of God. You've got to sink your taproot deep down the ground so that no wind of temptations, error or ignorance will be able to pull you down. When your root is strong, when the foundation of your faith is solid you will stand tall and maintain your spiritual height.  Your prayer life will be unshakable. Your moral life will be unflinching, your fruits will be sweet.

Then you will attract birds to come for rest. Your aroma will be pleasing to those around you. You will influence people positively. You will teach people the secret of spiritual growth and maturity. You will no longer be hidden. You will stand out for good. You will stand out in the evil world. You will shine bright like the stars. You will be an answer to the prayer of Jesus: "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth." Yes! In you people will see the will of God in actualization and follow you as a pointer to heaven.

What is distorting your spiritual growth? Is it bad habit? Bad company? Spiritual laziness? Inability to be religious with your spiritual balanced diet? Is it the spiritual disease of sin and indifference to the will of God for you?

May you not remain a mustard seed but grow it a big tree. May you make positive impact and touch the world positively.

Let us pray

Lord Jesus, it is your will that we may grow. We want to grow more especially in those virtues that will help us make heaven and also lead others to heaven. We also want to stand out in the world that has lost every sense of the kingdom values. May we today and all the days of our lives be nourished at the table of your Word and Eucharist to grow in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Tuesday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Sunday, October 25, 2020


Pope Francis has expressed his concern at continuing violence in Nigeria, and appeals for social harmony in the promotion of justice and the common good, and an end to the violent clashes.

His message came on Sunday during the Angelus.

From his studio above St Peter’s Square, the Pope said he was “following with particular concern the news that is coming out of Nigeria.

 “The violent clashes between security forces and a number of young people protesting.

“Let us pray to the Lord so that any form of violence might be avoided, in the constant search for social harmony in the promotion of justice and the common good.”

In the latest developments, Nigeria’s top police official on Saturday ordered the immediate mobilization of all officers to “reclaim the public space from criminal elements masquerading as protesters”.

His order came after days of peaceful protests over police abuses and then violent unrest that left at least 69 people dead.

There are fears this latest Police order could fuel further tensions after the country’s worst turmoil in years.

The demonstrations in Nigeria, and the shootings by soldiers sparked immediate international condemnation.

The protests, which feature many young people, began with calls for a police unit, the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), to be shut down. Now demonstrators are calling for broader reforms in the country.

President Muhammadu Buhari disbanded the unit on October 7, which has been accused of accused of torture and extra-judicial killings.

The new police order came as a 24-hour curfew loosened for the first time Saturday in Lagos, a city of some 20 million where wealth and poverty are in sharp contrast, inflaming grievances over inequality and corruption.

Source  Vatican News

Reflection on the Gospel of Monday Week 30 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 13:10-17)

The preaching and teaching are Christ's. But the Hypocrites wanted to steal His show.

We saw Jesus teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath. A woman who had had a spirit of infirmity for eighteen years which made her unable to stand straight was there too. Thus, this woman stood between the two preachers, Jesus Christ and the ruler of the synagogue.

Jesus did not stop at teaching; He freed the woman from her infirmity. At this, the ruler of the synagogue began his wicked sermon: "There are six days on which work ought to be done, come on those days and be healed, and not on the sabbath day."

With this, he discredited the good work done by Jesus. Jesus replied him:

"You hypocrites! Does not each of you on the sabbath untie his ox or his donkey from the manger, and lead it away to water it? And ought not this woman, a daughter of Abraham whom Satan bound for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day?" This put all his adversaries to shame.

Jesus in love looks into us to discover what is not straight. He finds out the areas the devil has held us bound. He confronts everything in us that is crocked, bent and queer. Jesus comes to touch us in those areas that are not straightforward. He wants to arrest that which makes us to bend, hide or not to stand erect.

The enemy wants to keep you bent for ever. He wants to hold you down for long. Eighteen years is not enough for him. He wants you not to stand. He doesn't want you to maintain your spiritual height. He doesn't want you to attain the moral probity you are supposed to enjoy. He preaches a different gospel from the gospel of Christ. He wants you to remain at the level of inferiority complex. He does not want you to set your records straight once again. He gives you excuses to keep it for another day.

To be straightened, you may go through pain. You may be subjected to public correction. Allow yourself to be chiselled into shape by Jesus. Present yourself like this woman to Jesus. Don't hide. Don't cover your weak points.

Present yourself in spiritual direction to Jesus and to men with the spirit of Jesus. If you fail to, the many forces right, left and center waiting to misdirect you will take hold of you and preach the evil message to you. They have no remedy to your problems. They have no solution to your plight.

Is your life still straight, moving upward to heaven or elsewhere? Is Christ still the author and finisher of your faith? Are you listening to the message of Christ or of the hypocrites around? Jesus loves you and cares for you with an everlasting love. But the voices inviting you here and there mean no good for you. They are not seeing what Jesus is seeing in you. Jesus wants to free you. Be freed. Do not preach an Antichrist message and do not receive an Antichrist message. If you do, you will remain in state of crisis.

Let us pray

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, you have the message of eternal life. We want to hear you call us. We want to come as you're inviting us to come and be healed. We want to straighten every thing that is crocked in our lives. Touch us with your love. Win our attention with your love. Address and rebuke every force distracting us from following your direction and guardians. May whatever vice that has taken hold of us for long flee now that we may be free through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Monday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Sunday Week 30 Year A by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Matthew 22:34-40)

In a world where leaders have failed the led, where individuals are driven by the wrong drives, where brutality has taken the seat of honour, where religious divisions distract the battle against the enemy of humanity, where ethnic cum racial discrimination is used as a tool by the government to set the people at war against each other, In a politics where the politicians put up 'I don't care attitude' and make  empty speeches in the face of innocent lives being wasted, in a democracy where empathy, sympathy, compassion and affection is replaced with intimidation, threats and denials, In a society where the constitution and the constituted authorities only encourage oppression, suppression and marginalization, What is the commandment that should drive our actions? What is the law that we should follow? Which commandment can go beyond ethnicity, religious fanaticism and racism? It is the commandment to love. Let it lead us.

The Pharisees before Jesus

It was when Jesus had silenced the Sadducees that the Pharisees approached Him with their questions to test Him. Having conquered fear and intimidation, having come to the realization of the need not to keep quiet in the face of evil, what is remaining?

The Pharisees in the corridors of power should hear from God. Let them hear the vox populi (Voice of the people) when it blends with the vox Dei (Voice of God). Let them put away their Pharisaic tendencies and embrace transparency. Let the people live true to their calling. One called to lead should lead in love and not lead people to their untimely death. Let the pharisaic act of saying one thing and meaning another stop. Let the evil of holding people down and denying it stop. Let the indifference to the pains and sorrows of the people cease.

Let the coming to God and His people be done with sincerity and not to put Him to the test. Let the desires of the people in accord with the will of God be of paramount importance.

In the confusion about which law to follow in this moment of anarchy and chaos orchestrated by evil men in the high and low places, let us listen to the voice of Christ who has the word of eternal life. May the government and the governed pay attention and hear Jesus tell us the only way out.

The Solution: Love God and Love Man

The Pharisees asked Jesus the greatest commandment of the law. They wanted Jesus to do a wrong constitution amendment so that they use it against Him. But Jesus answered wisely. We need the wisdom of God in amending the wicked and demonic constitutions that have been misleading us as individuals and as a people.

To their question, Jesus answered: " You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind... You shall love your neighbour as yourself" He added; these are the greatest commandments and on them hangs all the laws and the prophets.

The love of God should create in us fear of God. We are in the mess we are into here because God was kept aside, materialism, and love for many other things made us lose focus. The love of God will remind us of our nothingness and make us humbler. It will inspire us to make reference to Him in all our endeavours. With it we shall be just and put an end to injustice. Our love for God will make us give God His place and His due, give others their due too.

The love or God gives birth to the love of neighbours. In this love, the northerner should nor see the easterner or southerner protesting against evil as an enemy. In this love people from a particular part of the country should not be favoured more than others. People from a particular part should not lord it over others. In love, citizens should not be given a bad name to eliminate them. In love, peaceful protest should never be seen as an empty noise.

In love, resources should be adequately shared. In love the blood of every individual should matter. In love, brutality and bullying should be unheard of.

In this love, all the sections of the constitution that do not promote love, unity, progress and true peace should be abolished. In this love, violation of rights of the people should be properly addressed.

This love of God and his people should give birth to subsidized good hospitals, drastic reduction of hardship and poverty, Good roads, steady electricity, Good Schools, security of life and properties, merited  respect for all and from all, not by bribery, corruption, abuse and intimidation.

Let's Enthrone Love

The opposite of love has taken charge for a long time. Thus, to enthrone love, we must dethrone indifference, hate, fear, violence, wickedness, cheap popularity, sycophancy and pride.

To enthrone love, we must call ourselves as individuals and groups to order. That will entail accepting our mistakes and correcting them. Have human heart and human feelings; weep for injuries, heal the already inflicted wounds, dialogue and embrace each other. Let's be reconciled.

Welcome love. With her, human rights will be respected, the goods made for people will not be stored for personal aggrandizement. With love, our own brothers and sisters in the government will not be deceiving us. With love, dishonesty and infidelity will flee; marriages will be enjoyed. With love, the little we have will go round. With love, the past hurts will be kept behind for us to forge ahead. With love, our representatives will be good ambassadors. With love, public offices will be for service and sacrifice and not for exploitation. When love returns, life will be valued.

Let us preach love and live love. Let Christianity, our Traditional Religions and Islam preach love. Let each and everyone of us practice love of God and our neighbours. With it, we shall reject what is not ours and come together to form a strong force against evil.

Let us pray

O Lord, you have given us the greatest commandment of love. We confess today that our lack of love has done us great harm. We need your love to drive each and everyone of our actions. Cleanse us from the Pharisaic act of being wolves in sheep clothing. May we love you and our neighbours truly and not falsely. May your love bring about peace, unity and progress through Christ our Lord. Amen

Happy Sunday(30th Sunday Ordinary Time, Yr A)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Friday, October 23, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday Week 29 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 13:1-9)

Jesus calls for repentance today. What is repentance? It is a change of attitude, a change in the way of thinking, a total change of behaviour from bad to good, a change from insensitivity to feeling what others are passing through. It is a change from paying deaf ears to the cries of the afflicted and marginalised to giving listening ear and attention to the pains and worries of people around us. It is a change from feeling less concerned about the plight of the distressed to developing a living conscience. It is indeed an effort to remove the heart of stone to take up the heart of flesh instead. Repentance will make one get involved in the positive movements around him and not glory in the fact that one is better placed.

Jesus addressed the people who came to Him reporting about the Galileans whose blood Pilate mingled with their sacrifices. Jesus answered them: "Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered thus? I tell you, No; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish." He also gave example with the eighteen upon whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed and He asked: Do you think they were worse offenders than all the others who dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, No; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish."

If there is any time to be prepared for death it is now. Let us get ready everyday for a happy and holy death. Let us not end at rejoicing that we are living but live as we ought to live. We are not better than the many persons dying for one reason or the other: dying of hunger, of poverty, of brutality, of accidents, of XYZ.

Let us be more human in our dealings with people. Let us be more humble and stop deifying ourselves. Let's put an end to every form of tyranny and inhuman treatments. Let us listen to the word of God and allow it to guide our holistic actions especially in our relationship with God and indeed our fellow human beings. Let us not forget that we are nothing. Let the dead remind us that we too will soon join them, when? How? Where? We do not know. What matters should be to live well and make the society a better place, to enhance life and not to destroy it. To put an end to untimely death and not to rejoice over bloodshed.

Let us pray

Lord Jesus Christ. We do not want to perish. Thank You for giving us another opportunity to repent. Open our ears to heed your voice calling us to change our evil ways. Forgive us, forgive our leaders, heal our world, make it a better place. May we not be stubborn but obey you our only Lord and saviour, accept the souls of the departed and help us to remember that life lived based on divine principle is the best through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Saturday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Friday Week 29 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


( Luke 12:54-59)

The word of Jesus today should be enough for the wise. It is ad rem to the boiling situation of our country Nigeria. The pandemonium, unrest and loss of lives and properties taking place is because no good effort was made to settle properly. Those who should have done the settlement were so complacent and took a lot for granted.

Jesus is teaching us how to use wisdom from above to heal damages. A lot of damages were done to lives, human rights, properties and dignity prior to this time. Demands were made but no good effort was employed in order to hearken to the voices of peaceful protesters crying out for justice.

That is what insensitivity can cause. Jesus sees it as lack of the power to observe the signs of time. It is very dangerous for one to be unable to see what is coming. Thus, Jesus calls for the ability to interpret the present and ask oneself: which way forward? We are in a hopeless situation today because of people who never read the signs of our time. We are in the mess we are facing today because of leaders who never believed that they will someday be held accountable for their deeds. We are losing a lot today because of politicians and corrupt law enforcement agents who thought that might will always be right.

The point Jesus is making is that we should have realized our mistakes. That we ought to realize our failures now before it becomes too late. Let us not be victims of hijacked revolution. Let the Government stop taking the demands of the people for granted. Let their speeches and actions be those that will pragmatically meet with the problems of the people. Let there be an immediate solution to the worries of the people who are praying and wishing that one day they will be proud of the country they call theirs.

The message is: make an effort to settle on the way lest...a drag. Let the people not be dragged to act more. Let us not drag the killings too far. Let us settle and stop neglects, let us stop the violation of human rights. Let us settle on the way by putting a final end to unemployment of the youths, let us settle on the way by apologizing to the youths for wasting their future so far and calling them lazy. Let us settle on the way by promising the youths that they will no longer be used for thuggery while their counterparts are abroad receiving the best of everything.  Let there be a stop on the way to really address the killings here and there and make a correct speech in humility and respect for the people.

Let everything be settled at once. Let there be a promise and decision to settle all the mismanagements and misappropriations. Let's stop on the way and settle the lack of electricity, the high price of fuel, the bad roads, the bad governance, the injustices etc.

Let us read the handwriting on the wall and stop playing dirty politics with human life. Let everyone on his own feel sorry for having in any way contributed to the evil befalling the masses. Let us make hay while the sun shines. Let us work on ourselves now that we are alive in order not to face God as our Judge for our commissions and omissions. Let us reason together for a way forward if not...

Let us pray

Dear Lord and Father, we thank you for revealing to us our foolishness in overlooking the signs of this time. The things happening now are well-known to you. We refused to live according to your good will for us. The vices of greed, avarice, wickedness, bribery and corruption with brutality blinded us. We failed reading the handwriting on the wall. We thank you for giving us another opportunity of settlement and righting of wrongs. Make our leaders wise and humble, give them living souls to feel the plight of the people. May the various agitations and rightful demands be harmoniously met. May your peace, love and progress return and injuries healed through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Friday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Thursday Week 29 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 12:49-53)

Jesus started a protest in today's gospel reading. The protest was not understood by people around him. He said to his disciples: I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled!

This is interesting indeed considering what is happening in Nigeria right now. Jesus asked the question: Do you think I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division...

He has come to divide the evil thread holding the cabals together. He has come to set the fire of passion for justice and true peace in the world. He has come to destroy the fake peace existing between the leaders and the led. He has come to open our eyes to end the demagogy of evil leaders. He wants us to stop feeling at peace with the "My People My People" we hear from those who do not mean good for us.

Indeed, Jesus is setting the fire that will enable even those who have benefited from evil all along to come out and say: "we are doing the wrong thing. Let us stop please"

The revolution of Jesus is a pathway to a lasting peace. It is not the immediate peace that is like a covered pot with things boiling inside. Let the injustices boiling inside be treated. Let brutality boiling inside be addressed. Let the marginalization causing grumbling here and there be dealt with. Let the fake unity and false marriage be harmonized. Let the intimidations stop. Let the voice of the poor be heard and not empty promises and offering of peanuts.

Jesus is not rushing into peace but wants to attend to the reasons for absence of peace. How will there be peace when one is not paid his salaries after working? How will there be peace when, after retirement, a senior citizen will not receive his pension and gratuity? How can there be peace when peaceful protesters without arms are shot and killed by the armed forces? What type of peace will be experienced by a taxpayer who has no good road, no access to the basic amenities that should be provided?

What type of peace are we talking about when, because of money, a man is ready to betray his people? What type of peace will there be when Peter is robbed to pay Paul?

Jesus is inviting us to work for a lasting peace. Jesus is calling us to be united in common good. Jesus is challenging us to feel with one another in an authentic way. Jesus wants us to see the humanity in the other. Jesus wants us to rise and defend each other. He wants us to say no to evil wherever it is coming from, even when our own friends are the perpetrators.  Until true peace is restored in our land the Lord will not rest. Till something is done about the blood of the innocent that have flowed on our land, Jesus will not rest.  Till we collectively expel unrest and abuse of power there will not be true peace.

Let all of us, wherever we are, revolutionize our mindset and create an enabling environment for Jesus' brand of peace to reign.  May we achieve this peace which Saint John Paul II propagated through dialogue and solidarity.  May the peace of Christ be with us all.


Let us pray

Lord Jesus, you are the prince of peace. We are living in a world filled with chaos and anarchy. The unrest in our society now is overwhelming. Indeed, our understanding of peace as keeping quiet in the face of evil has failed us. Raise up for us more peacemakers. Put an end to the turbulence in our world. Help us to listen to that voice that speaks of peace May our revolutions remain peaceful and yield a positive result. Protect us all now and always. May your peace that the world cannot give be our portion through Christ our Lord. Amen

St JohnPaul II, pray for us.

God bless your Thursday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Reflection on the Gospel of Wednesday Week 29 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 12:39-48)

The Lord Jesus gives us abundant grace and wants us to live and work with. The fact is that every act performed, good or bad has its reward. Every omission or commission attracts corresponding reward or consequences.

The decision to abide by the law and will of God brings down blessings and living more in the state of grace. The decision to disobey the will of God takes away divine grace from us and separates us from God.

Apart from the blessedness to which we should aspire and the perfection which is our ultimate goal, that God gratuitously lavishes upon us, Jesus in the Gospel of today reveals to us Venial and Mortal sins with their corresponding punishments.

The issue of mortal and venial sin used to be a debated case among some believers. Some of them say that sin is sin, njo bu njo. To some extent they are correct. But there are degrees. While some people may commit sin by mistake or without full knowledge, others commit with full consent and will. While some offend God in light matters others do so in grave matters.

How to know who is offending God in great degree is what Jesus tells us today about the servant who knows what his master wants and fails to do it. Jesus said he should be given severe beating. This is mortal sin. It's punishment is more. On the other hand, when one does not have full knowledge of his master's will and fails, he will be given light beating. This is venial sin.

Let us look within ourselves and know to which extent we obey or disobey God. Have we not actually known the will of God for us? What is still making God to come in and find us not in the state of grace? Let us not be grave sinners. Let us not also be comfortable and chronic venial sinners. Let us always be conscious of doing the will of our master. May we always run out to receive the light or severe beating in the Sacrament of reconciliation to avoid receiving the eternal beating of not seeing God for ever.  May we readily beat ourselves with the words: Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa (through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault)

Let us pray

Dear Lord, we look up to you to reward us with blessings of true peace and everlasting life. We aspire to be good. We want to be perfect like you our heavenly Father. But a lot of forces weigh us down. We are weighed down by disobedience to your will,by the flesh and by the many temptations around us.

Help us we pray, not to sin against you especially in grave matters. If we fall for any reason, dear Lord,pick us up and heal us through the Sacrament of Reconciliation through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Wednesday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Monday, October 19, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Tuesday Week 29 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



( Luke 12:35-38)

The Lord Jesus in today's gospel reading charges us to gird our loins and ensure that our lamps are burning. He adds that we should be like men waiting for their master to come home from a marriage feast, so that they may open to him at once when he comes and knocks.

Jesus calls for a wake keep and a wakeup. Jesus calls for a vigil, for vigilance indeed. It is not the vigil of mounting speakers and shouting 'Amen' at every shout of: "it shall be well with you". It is not a vigil of abracadabra and 'seed sowing'. It is not a vigil of deceit and religious exploitation. It is a vigil of rising to divine expectations.

The Lord wakes us to start doing what we are supposed to do. Jesus wakes us to see that we are good citizens. He wakes the world leaders to be responsible for the people they govern. It is a wakeup call for the people to demand justice and be given justice. It is a wake in wait for the Lord's coming.

God wants us to close the door and be up and doing till he comes, in readiness to welcome Him. He wants us to close the door from the enemies, from criminals, from development's murderers, from corruption, from brutality and from intimidation.

He stands at the door of the world, of Africa and Nigeria to bless them. He has stood at the door of Nigeria for a long time to bless her, but she refused to hear the voice. God knocks at the door of Nigeria to see how she has used the human and other resources with which He blessed this country. But He's been locked out by evil leaders who lavished these blessings while the citizens slept.

The Lord, in this vigil, wants us to see with the light of the Holy Spirit what lies ahead after the dark nights of devil's triumph over darkness. As we close the door from evil, He wants us to open for the Holy, for the goodly, for unity, peace, love, and progress. He wants us to open for all that the Lord stands for.

In this wake we should be aware of the things the Lord asked us to do till he returns. Till the Lord comes, let us, in freedom, do our best.

Sleep not! The Lord will surely come. Don't rest! Your voice must be heard. Be vigilant and ensure that your vigil is not hijacked by evil men. Don't sleep because the enemy makes his plan too. Let's keep vigil against sin, against satanic manipulation of Nigeria, Africa and the world in general. Until the blessings of the Lord come to us in its fullness and realization, let us not allow the future of our youths to be destroyed. May God not find us brutalizing or keeping quiet over brutality, insecurity and corruption. Let's keep this watch in prayers and positive actions.

Let us pray

Lord Jesus, we need you to come back. As you come, we pray that you oh Lord of host may bring us back, let your face shed its light upon us and we shall be saved. Keep us awake in doing what you commanded us till your return. May our lights burn brightly and scatter the darkness of corruption, pain, poverty and disease in our world.  May we wake up from the sedatives of bribery, exploitation and immorality. May our vigil not be in vain through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Tuesday ( 29th Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Monday Week 29 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 12:13-21)

Jesus, in today's gospel reading, tells us what matters in our lives as Christians. He discourages covetousness. In his words, "A man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."

Can you sit down and consider the things that matter in your life? Material or Spiritual things? The truth remains that we spend much of our time pursuing shadows. We waste our time going after things that will not give joy to our souls. We spend our time putting God aside while putting possessions in the center of our lives.

God is not saying that material things are not good. They are made for our good. We should use them to enhance the life given to us by God. But we should not go in search of them by all means. It shouldn't be a do or die affair. We should not forget the God who made them in our quest for what is made. We have to follow the guidance and direction of God as laid down in His commandments for us.

God wants us to know Him and be in deep relationship with Him, enjoying our personal heart to heart connection and spiritual rapport. May we seek to be more in touch with God than being in touch with material things that leave us empty and still longing for true peace.

In a world where marriage is built on money, Jesus is saying it is not money that matters. In a society where the question is: what do you have? Jesus is saying that it should rather be: who are you before God? In a country where competence and qualifications don't count except money and connections, Jesus insists that it is time to focus on the credentials that are not seen. In a world where public officers continue to amass wealth for themselves and their generations unborn, Jesus asks: Fools... Whose will they be?

All the investments for which you killed, all the fat envelopes for which you betrayed, all the positions for which you compromised your faith, whose will they be?

Our life that is known to God is what matters. Let us endeavour to put God and the higher things in view, and not the matters, the destructible and the perishables of life.

Let us pray

Oh God of life, you have told us to go after things that really endure. You have called us to consider our being and not our having more. Give us the grace not to fall to the daily tendency and inclination to be more material than spiritual. May we seek first your kingdom and its righteousness believing that all other things will be ours as you promised through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Monday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

#ENDSARS PROTEST: Nigerian Catholic Bishops back Youths


  --     --Demand listening ear and Justice from the Federal Government

18 Oct. 2020

The Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) has strongly lent its support to the call of the Nigerian Youths for an end to Police brutality, as well as other ills bedevilling the Country.

This is contained in a Press Release of the CBCN titled, ‘ENDSARS Protest: a cry for Justice and Peace in Nigeria’ signed by its president, Most Rev. Augustine Akubeze, and issued Saturday October 17.

The Bishops said the protest seems to have a life of its own and spreading all over the country, which shows that most Nigerians are facing the same oppression and brutality inflicted by the SARS.

The protest against the brutality of the Nigeria’s federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), which began last week, has spread almost to all states of the federation, and has since broadened to include all police forces.  Thousands of Youths are accusing SARS, as well as the entire Police Force, of unlawful arrests, torture and murder.

In the Press Release the Bishops urged the federal government to secure the lives and property of every Nigerian and provide opportunities for Nigerian children to realise their God-given potentials.

According to the Bishops, it is remarkable and quite commendable that the protest is being led by the youths of Nigeria who are tired of suffering from the brutality and injustices perpetrated by officers of the SARS and the Nigeria Police Force as a whole.

They noted: “The youths are, therefore, simply calling for justice not just for themselves, but for the entire nation so that Nigeria can have peace. Whereas the Federal Government keeps asking for peace and calm in the face of every crisis, the present agitation shows that our youths have run out of patience and are tired of the lip-service paid by the government of the day towards a just and peaceful society.

“We unequivocally add our voice to those of our youths and that of every well-meaning Nigerian to condemn the excesses and the horrible operations of this police unit and the bad omen they portend to our democracy.

“The Government of Nigeria must realise that anyone who desires peace, must work for and cherish justice since there can be no true peace where injustice is the order of the day as it is in Nigeria today.

“We need to also remind ourselves that peace is not the absence of war because wherever there is injustice, war has already been declared on the people”.

The Bishops further described the EndSARS protest as a microcosm of the fundamental problems in Nigeria, saying the audacity and impunity with which the SARS officials have been operating all the while is a manifestation of the failing state of Nigeria.

They added: “Various bodies and patriotic Nigerians have expressed the opinion that just ending the SARS will not solve the enormous problems of Nigeria, because it is futile treating symptoms of a disease when the root cause is known.

“A centralized Police Force in Nigeria is primarily responsible for the lack of grassroots accountability for the crimes perpetrated by the SARS and their likes.

“We reiterate that restructuring this country is a desirable path to be towed given the various developments in this nation. The knee jerk reaction of the administration by abolishing the SARS and setting up the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team portrays either the absence of an understanding of the entire problem or a lack of sincerity to address the problem.

“The Nigerian Government must realise that what the youths, on behalf of Nigerians, clamour for under the code name #EndSARS is a total reform of the entire Police Force and not a change of name; they call for a reform of all our government institutions and a reform of the entire nation.

“They are asking for a system that will be hard on crimes and criminals in the society within the ambience of the law, while at the same time treating every human being, citizens and visitors alike, with respect and dignity.

‘Moreover, the #EndSARS protest is a cry for justice for all victims of the SARS and police brutality, and a call for the prosecution of all those responsible for these crimes against humanity and their superiors under whose leadership such heinous atrocities were committed against innocent Nigerians,” the Bishops said.

Last two months, the CBCN called on Nigerians to embark on 40 days prayer and fasting for an end to insecurity, killings, banditry, terrorism, and corruption in Nigeria. The period of prayer, which began on August 22, was concluded on October 1, Nigeria’s Independence Day commemoration.

 Fr. Isaac Chima

Fresh Dew media

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Reflection on the GOSPEL of Sunday Week 29 Year A by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


 (Matthew 22:15-21)

In the Gospel reading of today, the Pharisees took counsel on how to entangle Jesus in his talk. Those they sent to Jesus asked him questions, but they were deceptive questions packaged with flattery.

                                                                      BEWARE OF FLATTEREY

Sugar-coated words should be taken with carefulness. The Pharisees came to Jesus calling him teacher, calling him the true one, who fears no man when speaking the mind of God. There are empty flatteries in all works of life intended to ruin, deceive and destroy. We have got to beware of these persons. We have got to take the same stand with Jesus and see beyond the words being expressed to feel the heart.

Flattery has done a lot of harm to our politics. It has done us no good in religion. It is indeed pharisaic. The same flatterers who came to Jesus calling him good will also go to Caesar and call him good. They have one thing in the mouth and another in their heart. But if Jesus or Caesar is good, and they mean it when they say it, it would have been something positive. But they say what they don't mean.

They are the problems we have in the politics of today. They are the problems we are facing in our religion too.

They campaign for an unqualified candidate for money, position and fame. They disqualify the qualified for fear of putting an end to their corrupt practices or because of immediate gratification.

They see the evil of the incumbent government and praise it. They canonize bad leaders. They encourage oppression, they promote recklessness. They downplay immorality. They excuse away the embezzlement and manipulations in the society. They tell you that you are doing well even when you know how bad you are. Think before you act in their sight. In religion, these Pharisees, after taking counsels, make you feel that they love the church, they love your ministry, and they love God. They may do that through donations, they may do it by poverty alleviation with ulterior motive. They raise you high to fall from there. Hence, they put the Church and her ministries in tight corners such as scandals of money, sex, or conscience imprisonment. They present the dilemmas.

                                                              GIVE TO CAESAR. GIVE TO GOD

After their flattery they opened their package of rehearsed question: Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Even though Jesus realized that this was a malicious question, he used it as an opportunity to teach, correct an impression and bring about a marriage of politics and religion. He did not say ‘yes’ or ‘no’, but replied after looking at the coin with Caesar's inscription: Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s , and to God the things that are God’s.

 Some have erroneously interpreted this to be living life of double standard, being worldly in the bad sense and also religious, being good in the Church and bad outside.

It is rather being human and being holy. It is living in the city of God even while still in the city of men.

Jesus is saying give it to Caesar if it is his right. Give it to Caesar if he deserves; give it to Caesar if he worked for it; give it to Caesar if he is working with it. Give him the respect. Respect the laws he makes if they are human laws flowing from divine and positive laws. Respect and give it to him if he cares for your health with it, your safety, good roads, and other amenities. Render him the honour if he has merited it by respecting the rule of law and the different rights given to humans by God. Give him the honour if he understands that he is a servant, a minster at the service of the public. Give it to him if he pays salaries and gratuities with it.

Why won’t you, why won’t I, why won’t we render to Africa, Nigeria and our various states the honour due to them if they are doing well?

Let Us Pray

Dear Lord and Father you have shown us the important position you occupy in our lives as political and religious beings. We pray that our politics may not lead us away from you. We pray that our politicking may provide us with the necessary conditions we need to live happily and worship you in Spirit and truth. May we live mature and balanced social, political, religious and spiritual life, though Christ our Lord. Amen

Happy Sunday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Friday, October 16, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday Week 28 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


( Luke 12:8-12)

We say a lot of words everyday. We are always faced with situations requiring us to speak or not to speak. It is not just about saying but about what we are saying. It is not just to say but to actually say what we ought to say. Many say things just to win arguments, some say things because others are saying. Some say it just for cheap popularity, some say what they say to get attention and, for some,  to destroy the repute of their fellow human beings.

In today's gospel reading, Jesus was addressing group of persons who feel concerned about what they will say. These are people who think before they talk. These are people who talk not just for the sake of it but who are fully aware of the fact that words mean a lot; that speeches are not carelessly released. That words can build up or destroy, that what one is saying may bring him to a disastrous end, that words can either be a witness or a discredit. They think before they open their mouth. They invoke the Spirit and talk by inspiration, and not in the flesh.

What is inspiring your expressions? Is it the spirit of God, the spirit of deceit, the spirit of lust, the spirit of lies, the spirit of envy or XYZ spirit? To know who is inspiring the thought in you before you convert them to words, ask yourself who will receive the glory after you must have spoken. If God will be glorified by what you're going to say, go ahead and say it, it is an inspired expression. But if, on the other hand, the devil will be glorified when you make the speech, damn it, don't let it out.

Dear friends in the Lord, always say what you ought to say as a child of God. Don't tarnish the image of others by your speech. Don't speak in a haste or in annoyance. Don't allow your frustration and disappointments influence your speech. Don't talk with bias. Don't talk until you have received inspiration from the spirit of truth. Don't talk in anxiety. Be silent and calm until you've got the right words to speak and say them in the right possible manner as the child of God you're.

Let us pray

Oh Lord Jesus, you promised us that the Holy Spirit will teach us what to say when the hour comes. Save us from being condemned by what we say with our mouth. Let us be docile to the teachings of the Holy Spirit. Deliver us from the dictations of the evil one. Translate our thoughts to fruitful words and our words to positive actions. May we speak and hear words of motivation and blessed assurance all the days of our life. You know how much we need you every hour. Be with us to speak words of peace, joy and love. Grant us the grace to say everywhere and everyday only those words that we ought to say through Christ our Lord. Amen

 St. Ignatius of Antioch, pray for us.

God bless your Saturday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Friday Week 28 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


Luke 12:1-7

Jesus generally encourages us and gives us reasons why we must not be afraid. He will not stop warning us against hypocrisy and coverups. He encourages us too to live like children of the light that we are and, as such, live our hidden lives with the consciousness that the Lord watches; He sees even our most secret actions and thoughts.

Be that as it may, the Lord is not watching as a policeman, trying to see reason to apprehend us. He protects, He guards, He wants a situation where men will not be wolves to men, where men will not plan evil and appear with holy face, where men will not be demons in the apparel of angels, where men will love each other with the love of God. Where men will know how much God loves them.

Do you know how much you're loved by God? God loves you beyond your imaginations. He values you so much. If He doesn't forget the sparrows, will He forget you? Oh No.

Are you thinking that you have been forgotten? Are you feeling that you're abandoned? Are you tempted to say that God has left you alone?

He has not. He can't. You're the work of His hand. He asks: Can a mother forget the child at her breast? Even if she does, I will not.

You are of a great worth. You carry the image of God with you. You have a mark that makes you spiritually indestructible.  You have a soul that is very precious to the Lord.

Your worries and cares are known to Him. Keep making your sincere effort, He will not forget that He has vowed to provide for you, to protect you and to answer when you call.

Be assured today that the Lord values you even when the Government and security agencies dehumanize you. Know that you mean a lot to God even in the face of abandonments. Be sure that the Lord understands what you're passing through in your family when even father, mother, brothers, sisters, husband and wife fail to understand your plight. Everyone around may have given up on you, but God has not forgotten His word for your life.

Fear not, the Lord will see you through. You will not be put to shame.  Even the hairs on your head are all numbered. You're precious before the Lord.

Let us pray

Oh God, thank you for your gift of life and the care you give us. Thank you for the worth and integrity you have bestowed on us even in our unworthiness. Drive away from us O Lord every unnecessary fear. Help us to trust that with you on our side, the enemy will have no power over us.  May your love continue to be upon us as we place all our trust in you through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Friday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

  1 st Sunday of Lent, Year C: Homily by Fr Isaac Chima Theme: Temptation: knowing how and when the devil strikes Readings:  Deut 26:4-...