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Tuesday, October 27, 2020



(Luke 6:12-19)

We celebrate two apostles of Jesus today: Saints Simon and Jude.

The Gospel of today enlisted the names of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. But an important point to note is the fact that Jesus did not just wake up and make the choice of His disciples. He chose them after a whole night of prayers.

Important decisions in our lives should not be taken in the flesh. We need to climb the mountain of prayers like Jesus seeking God's face, direction and approval. If Jesus, the Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, True God and True Man needed to pray before making the choice of His followers, what about us? We need to pray more.

Most of the mistakes we make in life is that we keep God aside awhile only to run back to Him when the consequences of our wrong choices bounce back on us. In the choice of our leaders, we need to seek divine approval, this involves looking beyond human and material qualifications and possession. This involves evaluating how close the person is to keeping the commands of God and treating people as those created in the image of God.

In the choice of vocation, prayer and spiritual direction is also of paramount importance. In choosing a life partner as well, people need to pray God for their best half.

Do not allow your prayer life to dwindle. Just as the tabernacle light that never goes off, always fan your prayer life into flame. Be aflame in the spirit. Do it in season and out of season. Do it in thanksgiving, do it in plea for mercy, do it in petition, do it in intercession. Choose to pray and teach others to do same. Jesus prayed and taught his disciples to pray. Guide the choices of your children with prayers. Punctuate every one of your activities with prayers.

Pray in words, pray in action. Live the life of prayers. Let what you pray reflect who you are. Don't stay back when communal prayers are going on. Pray the Mass, pray the devotionals. Pray also privately.

Never undertake any serious task without prayers. The Lord speaks when we pray. Because in prayers we also listen, since it is a conversation.  May God answer our prayers and bless our choices.

Let us pray

Lord Jesus, you're God and yet you prayed. We are mere humans in need of prayers, but most of the time we sleep off, we are wearied by the cares and troubles of life, we are weighed down by uncertainties. Give us the wisdom to realize our need for you in our endeavours. Bless the decisions we make. Grant that we may make them in the spirit and never in flesh. Bless all those facing indecisions in their lives. May we through prayers, make right choices that will bring us happiness and lead us to heaven through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saints Simon and Jude, pray for us.

God bless your Wednesday.

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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