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Wednesday, October 28, 2020



(Luke 13:31-35)

The Pharisees came to Jesus with these words: "Get away from here, for Herod wants to kill you". Jesus said to them: "Go and tell that fox Behold I cast out demons and perform cures...I finish my course"

Jesus teaches us the attitude we should put up in the face of the various forces against the positive courses we have begun. Such forces use every means possible to send emissaries with the message of fear. They claim to love your life, to care about your safety but they are really after aborting the good in you. They want to kill your desire to do good. They want to frustrate your aspiration for greatness. They want to quench the burning zeal in you to make a positive change. They want to put off the fire of revolution against evil. Their aim is to make you not to protest against injustice and evil. They want you to be selfish. They present you with a distraction which has to do with self-preservation for you to stop the war aimed at preserving the good of the people. They can bribe you; they may intimidate you. They are the foxes.

They bark. Foxes are related to wolves. They are carnivorous. They are very cunning too. I learnt also that foxes can be playful among themselves and are good parents. Never mind the playfulness and good parenting. They are wild and mean.

In the wild nature of the fox it seeks only to kill and eat. The Herods of our own generation are the fox forces we should address. They kill the present and future of our people and eat and milk them dry. They play among themselves. Yes, we see them among the bourgeois who only marry themselves, do businesses with only their class and work together to put every other visionary down. Of course, they are good parents. They love their children but care nothing about the children of others. They give their wives and families the best of everything. They can kill the whole world to take care of their own. They are "Ogbu mmadu ndu na agu", they want theirs to live while others should be crushed. They celebrate death till it comes to them.

Jesus wants us to rise and confront these foxes in our lives. They know how to silence the voices of truth with money, with empty promises, with lies and sweet talks. Their target is for you not to actualize your mission and realize your goal. Say no to their forces. Refuse to be intimidated. Don't allow any evil to silence the good in you.

Have you started any just course? Don't allow any fox to crush it up before the time.  Have you started the fight against corruption? Ride on. Have you began to work on your spiritual life? Don't stop. Have you started the practice of daily reading of the Bible? Don't listen to that fox. Having you started building that your marriage that nearly crashed? Continue. Are you walking away from sorrows and troubles in your life? Never mind the fox.

Just send words to the fox as Jesus did: Go and tell that fox that the good work of God in my life must come to fulfilment. My life and death will only be to the glory of God.

Let us pray

O Lord Jesus, I believe you have begun a good work in my life. I have the desire to work for you. It is my wish to live my life totally for your sake. But look and see, a lot of foxes are around me; the spiritual foxes, political foxes, religious foxes, economic foxes, social foxes, moral foxes. Spare my life from them all. Give me the courage to confront them standing on the authority of your word. May I never depart from where you have positioned me in fear of the fox forces of this world through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Thursday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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