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Friday, October 30, 2020




(Luke 14:1.7-11)

Jesus encourages us to be humble. He wants us to stop assuming too much. He wants us to stop taking up what we are not. He wants us to stop seeking honour in the wrong way. Yes, to stop claiming and forming.

Jesus wants us to be happy being where we are and from there work sincerely for where he leads. He wants us to be real. He wants us to ascend gradually. He doesn't want us to fall. He doesn't want us to take up the qualities of Lucifer. Pride, the opposite of humility, goes before a fall. But the humble man will be exalted by God.

Humility teaches me to think of the other first. Humility will make me reserve the best for others and not see myself as the most qualified. Humility will teach me to be respectful. Yes, to respect myself and respect others. Not to embarrass myself and not to embarrass others. Humility will teach me that the position I am occupying today has been occupied by people before me and that I will not be the last to occupy it.

Humility will not stop teaching me. The school of humility is a school no one should ever graduate from. Humility will teach me how to accept corrections. It will remind me that I am not above mistakes. Humility will make me teachable, indicating to me that I do not know it all. Humility will help me to take instructions from people even from those working under me. Humility will help me to be open to ideas from others. Humility will help me to grow.

Humility will teach me to see the dignity in human persons. She will teach me not to talk to people anyhow. Humility will remind me of my humanity and the humanity in others. Humility will call my attention to the humus that I am, the dust that I am to which I shall return. It tells me on daily basis: Julian you're nothing you know...

Humility will make me exalt divinity. Divinity is the only power that can make out something out of my nothingness. Yes! That hand that creates ex nihilo will always make out something good in us and lift us by Himself at His own time.

What are the things that make us project ourselves?  The high places? The best jobs? The best cars? The best connections? Important recognitions?  After these what next? Let's go for things that matter. God is all that matters, and He will take us to where our souls shall find true peace and rest. May God heal us of the insecurity that comes with pride.

Let us pray

Lord Jesus, you are meek and humble of heart, please make our hearts like yours. We always want to take the best places but you're the only one who can place us. Give us the disposition of    accepting where you have positioned us. Forgive us for looking down on others. Forgive us for pridefully appropriating what is not ours. Give us a humble and contrite spirit. May your grace control our stubborn pride through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Saturday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


  1. May our lord lead us from glory to glory.That we should always be humble and focus on everlasting peace.


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