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Friday, October 16, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday Week 28 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


( Luke 12:8-12)

We say a lot of words everyday. We are always faced with situations requiring us to speak or not to speak. It is not just about saying but about what we are saying. It is not just to say but to actually say what we ought to say. Many say things just to win arguments, some say things because others are saying. Some say it just for cheap popularity, some say what they say to get attention and, for some,  to destroy the repute of their fellow human beings.

In today's gospel reading, Jesus was addressing group of persons who feel concerned about what they will say. These are people who think before they talk. These are people who talk not just for the sake of it but who are fully aware of the fact that words mean a lot; that speeches are not carelessly released. That words can build up or destroy, that what one is saying may bring him to a disastrous end, that words can either be a witness or a discredit. They think before they open their mouth. They invoke the Spirit and talk by inspiration, and not in the flesh.

What is inspiring your expressions? Is it the spirit of God, the spirit of deceit, the spirit of lust, the spirit of lies, the spirit of envy or XYZ spirit? To know who is inspiring the thought in you before you convert them to words, ask yourself who will receive the glory after you must have spoken. If God will be glorified by what you're going to say, go ahead and say it, it is an inspired expression. But if, on the other hand, the devil will be glorified when you make the speech, damn it, don't let it out.

Dear friends in the Lord, always say what you ought to say as a child of God. Don't tarnish the image of others by your speech. Don't speak in a haste or in annoyance. Don't allow your frustration and disappointments influence your speech. Don't talk with bias. Don't talk until you have received inspiration from the spirit of truth. Don't talk in anxiety. Be silent and calm until you've got the right words to speak and say them in the right possible manner as the child of God you're.

Let us pray

Oh Lord Jesus, you promised us that the Holy Spirit will teach us what to say when the hour comes. Save us from being condemned by what we say with our mouth. Let us be docile to the teachings of the Holy Spirit. Deliver us from the dictations of the evil one. Translate our thoughts to fruitful words and our words to positive actions. May we speak and hear words of motivation and blessed assurance all the days of our life. You know how much we need you every hour. Be with us to speak words of peace, joy and love. Grant us the grace to say everywhere and everyday only those words that we ought to say through Christ our Lord. Amen

 St. Ignatius of Antioch, pray for us.

God bless your Saturday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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