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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Wednesday Week 29 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 12:39-48)

The Lord Jesus gives us abundant grace and wants us to live and work with. The fact is that every act performed, good or bad has its reward. Every omission or commission attracts corresponding reward or consequences.

The decision to abide by the law and will of God brings down blessings and living more in the state of grace. The decision to disobey the will of God takes away divine grace from us and separates us from God.

Apart from the blessedness to which we should aspire and the perfection which is our ultimate goal, that God gratuitously lavishes upon us, Jesus in the Gospel of today reveals to us Venial and Mortal sins with their corresponding punishments.

The issue of mortal and venial sin used to be a debated case among some believers. Some of them say that sin is sin, njo bu njo. To some extent they are correct. But there are degrees. While some people may commit sin by mistake or without full knowledge, others commit with full consent and will. While some offend God in light matters others do so in grave matters.

How to know who is offending God in great degree is what Jesus tells us today about the servant who knows what his master wants and fails to do it. Jesus said he should be given severe beating. This is mortal sin. It's punishment is more. On the other hand, when one does not have full knowledge of his master's will and fails, he will be given light beating. This is venial sin.

Let us look within ourselves and know to which extent we obey or disobey God. Have we not actually known the will of God for us? What is still making God to come in and find us not in the state of grace? Let us not be grave sinners. Let us not also be comfortable and chronic venial sinners. Let us always be conscious of doing the will of our master. May we always run out to receive the light or severe beating in the Sacrament of reconciliation to avoid receiving the eternal beating of not seeing God for ever.  May we readily beat ourselves with the words: Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa (through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault)

Let us pray

Dear Lord, we look up to you to reward us with blessings of true peace and everlasting life. We aspire to be good. We want to be perfect like you our heavenly Father. But a lot of forces weigh us down. We are weighed down by disobedience to your will,by the flesh and by the many temptations around us.

Help us we pray, not to sin against you especially in grave matters. If we fall for any reason, dear Lord,pick us up and heal us through the Sacrament of Reconciliation through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Wednesday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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