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Monday, October 19, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Tuesday Week 29 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



( Luke 12:35-38)

The Lord Jesus in today's gospel reading charges us to gird our loins and ensure that our lamps are burning. He adds that we should be like men waiting for their master to come home from a marriage feast, so that they may open to him at once when he comes and knocks.

Jesus calls for a wake keep and a wakeup. Jesus calls for a vigil, for vigilance indeed. It is not the vigil of mounting speakers and shouting 'Amen' at every shout of: "it shall be well with you". It is not a vigil of abracadabra and 'seed sowing'. It is not a vigil of deceit and religious exploitation. It is a vigil of rising to divine expectations.

The Lord wakes us to start doing what we are supposed to do. Jesus wakes us to see that we are good citizens. He wakes the world leaders to be responsible for the people they govern. It is a wakeup call for the people to demand justice and be given justice. It is a wake in wait for the Lord's coming.

God wants us to close the door and be up and doing till he comes, in readiness to welcome Him. He wants us to close the door from the enemies, from criminals, from development's murderers, from corruption, from brutality and from intimidation.

He stands at the door of the world, of Africa and Nigeria to bless them. He has stood at the door of Nigeria for a long time to bless her, but she refused to hear the voice. God knocks at the door of Nigeria to see how she has used the human and other resources with which He blessed this country. But He's been locked out by evil leaders who lavished these blessings while the citizens slept.

The Lord, in this vigil, wants us to see with the light of the Holy Spirit what lies ahead after the dark nights of devil's triumph over darkness. As we close the door from evil, He wants us to open for the Holy, for the goodly, for unity, peace, love, and progress. He wants us to open for all that the Lord stands for.

In this wake we should be aware of the things the Lord asked us to do till he returns. Till the Lord comes, let us, in freedom, do our best.

Sleep not! The Lord will surely come. Don't rest! Your voice must be heard. Be vigilant and ensure that your vigil is not hijacked by evil men. Don't sleep because the enemy makes his plan too. Let's keep vigil against sin, against satanic manipulation of Nigeria, Africa and the world in general. Until the blessings of the Lord come to us in its fullness and realization, let us not allow the future of our youths to be destroyed. May God not find us brutalizing or keeping quiet over brutality, insecurity and corruption. Let's keep this watch in prayers and positive actions.

Let us pray

Lord Jesus, we need you to come back. As you come, we pray that you oh Lord of host may bring us back, let your face shed its light upon us and we shall be saved. Keep us awake in doing what you commanded us till your return. May our lights burn brightly and scatter the darkness of corruption, pain, poverty and disease in our world.  May we wake up from the sedatives of bribery, exploitation and immorality. May our vigil not be in vain through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Tuesday ( 29th Week, Ordinary Time)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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