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Monday, October 26, 2020




(Luke 13: 18-21)

Jesus compares the kingdom of God to a mustard seed and a leaven. As a mustard seed, it is the smallest of all seeds but grew to become a tree harbouring birds of the air. As a leaven, it was hidden and insignificant but made the whole meal leavened.

You're not made to remain the old Adam. You're a dynamic being. You possess the power to grow. You possess the potential for greatness. You're destined to grow in wisdom, in grace and in knowledge of the will of God.

At Baptism, that seed of faith which projects you for the kingdom of God as a citizen of heaven is planted. It is meant to be nourished daily by the Word of God and the Sacraments. This faith is not just for your individual growth. Thus, many other birds of the air hope to make their nests on it. Did you allow that seed to germinate? How have you been nourishing your faith all along? Did you take it for granted because of its small nature? Your greatness as a child of God depends on how you guide your faith. In fact, its small nature depicts fragility and calls for jealous watchfulness to ensure that it is not mixed up or falls where it will become a weed. It should be planted and manured. Do you jeopardize your faith by syncretism? Do you allow secularism to swallow your belief in Jesus? Have you allowed popular opinions and social media views to water down your conviction in the truths of Jesus Christ?

Keep growing no matter the circumstances. Keep soaring high in virtue. Keep swimming against the currents that wants you to remain spiritually small. Don't be materially and socially great but spiritually dwarf. You've got to grow. You've got to dig into the depth of knowledge of the word of God. You've got to sink your taproot deep down the ground so that no wind of temptations, error or ignorance will be able to pull you down. When your root is strong, when the foundation of your faith is solid you will stand tall and maintain your spiritual height.  Your prayer life will be unshakable. Your moral life will be unflinching, your fruits will be sweet.

Then you will attract birds to come for rest. Your aroma will be pleasing to those around you. You will influence people positively. You will teach people the secret of spiritual growth and maturity. You will no longer be hidden. You will stand out for good. You will stand out in the evil world. You will shine bright like the stars. You will be an answer to the prayer of Jesus: "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth." Yes! In you people will see the will of God in actualization and follow you as a pointer to heaven.

What is distorting your spiritual growth? Is it bad habit? Bad company? Spiritual laziness? Inability to be religious with your spiritual balanced diet? Is it the spiritual disease of sin and indifference to the will of God for you?

May you not remain a mustard seed but grow it a big tree. May you make positive impact and touch the world positively.

Let us pray

Lord Jesus, it is your will that we may grow. We want to grow more especially in those virtues that will help us make heaven and also lead others to heaven. We also want to stand out in the world that has lost every sense of the kingdom values. May we today and all the days of our lives be nourished at the table of your Word and Eucharist to grow in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Tuesday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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