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Saturday, February 6, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Sunday Week 5 Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 1:29- 39)

We live in a world 'onye obula magidere uwa judge', where ngwere nile makpu onweghi onye ma nke afo na aru" (people try to cover their pains and move on).

Jesus in today's Gospel calls upon us to look beyond the appearances of people.  He calls on us to see beyond the daily activities of people. He invites us to see what lies behind the many smiles we see. He wants us to see what our people try to leave at home when they go out and what they meet at home when they come back. People are seriously suffering. A lot of people are frustrated. Others have got used to suffering. Some are affected by their pains and sorrows. Many people are just waiting for the day death will strike. A good number of them are hopeless and helpless too. Some are sick and tired, and their loved ones are heartbroken and still try to move on with life.

In the face of all these, what is Jesus telling us? What is the attitude of Jesus for those whose relatives have become a burden unto them and those who are sick and needy?

The Gospel of today will help us find out. Simon followed Jesus to the synagogue but a problem waited for him at home. Jesus surprises him with a visit.


The Gospel of today tells us that Jesus left the synagogue and entered the house of Simon and Andrew. He never announced why. Mark did not tell us if Simon or Andrew informed Jesus about the sick in-law till He got there.

Jesus might have seen the absentminded Simon. He might have seen the worried man. He might have noticed the coverups. He might have perceived the distractions. He realised that everything was not alright. We can't hide our real beings from the Lord. He knows us more than we know ourselves. He is concerned about the changes that occur in our lives. He is disturbed about the disturbances we go through. Hence, He wants to see the 'unofficial us'. He wants to see us at home. He follows us to the locus of our problems. He tries to make us know that He cares.

This is an important message for us. "Iri kpole? Ji agwo onye oria" (Checking on people gives them great relieve and sense of belonging). Can we learn from Jesus the virtue of checking on people and being sensitive to their plights and troubles? In concrete life situations, do we try to know why that our worker who used to do well in the past is no longer doing well? Do we inquire into the reason why that student who was good suddenly became dull? Before we think of sack letter and querying do we think of what made the person to come late for work? He may be suffering untold hardships. You may be doubling his sorrows. Try to know why. Visit his lonely state.


Jesus saw Simon's in-law lying sick with fever. Could it be Simon was troubled by how to get money to take her to the hospital? Could it be that Peter's wife gave him little attitude for not doing anything about her mother's sickness last night? Nwoke na ife! All these became clear to Jesus when he came to Peter's home. When you follow people home your attitude towards them will change. Your demands on them will change. You will know why they do the way they do. You will know why they ask for their salaries before the end of the month. You will know why you shouldn't slash their pay unnecessarily. You will know how many children they are feeding. You will see beyond the ironed uniform they wear to work and see that they have a leaking roof. You will see that the only meal they eat is the groundnut and biscuit you share in the office.


We need to follow each other to our homes. The Government should follow the citizens home and see the tears they shed on daily basis. When the Government accompanies the poor citizens home they will certainly know why they must pay salaries without delay. They will see how many retirees they have murdered and those of them still battling with death while the money they worked for is in the hands of criminal leaders. They will see the number of intelligent school dropouts. They will see what hunger has done to people. They will see many indulging in crimes unwillingly as the only way out. They will see joblessness caused by lack of connection. When we follow people home, we may cry seeing what they sleep and wake with. We must see talents wasting away. We see teenagers engrossed in alcoholism.  We need to visit homes, not only of the rich but also of the poor, the sick and the unloved. Yes, even that rich person you see outside has his or her problems, let's consider the home situations of one another.


This question will help us in our daily encounter with people. We live more of social media life nowadays. We focus more on what people bring outside. It is good to go home with them. The angel you see outside may not be an angel at home. The one you see to be bad may not be as bad as you think. Do some homework to know what is responsible for people's behaviours. Then, be of help.


The visit of Jesus cheered the entire home of Simon and Andrew up. Jesus took his mother-in-law by the hand and lifted her up, and the fever left her, and she served them.

Let the Government lay a helping hand on our people and lift them up. Let the "men of God" stop deceiving our people and lift them up with the truth. Let us as individuals see what people are going through and think out in our various little ways how to   reduce their pain or liberate them entirely from their plights. Let us no longer be careless in our dealings with people. Let us try not to inflict hardship but expel them. Let us bring healing and not cause injuries. Let us hug people and not make them "hug transformers", let us wipe tears and not cause them. Let us help people up and not bring them down. May God help us by the grace that flows from His heart of compassion and love.


Thank You Jesus for coming down to us through Your Holy Word. Look down from above and see Oh Lord what Your children are passing through in the world. See the killings, see the injustices, see the hunger, see the tears, see the heartbreaks, see the poverty, see the diseases. Intervene Oh Lord without delay. Give us grace to be compassionate to the sorrowful and considerate with regard to what they go through. Touch our leaders and make them feel the problems they put people through by playing selfish and devilish politics. Answer our unspoken prayers and the grieves and sighs of our hearts through Christ our Lord. Amen

Happy Sunday to you (5th Sunday, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Healing of Peter's mother-in-law - Miracles of Jesus (

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