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Sunday, February 7, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Monday Week 5 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Mark 6:53-56)

Everything that is connected with Christ is holy. Recognising God and the things of God is very important in our relationship with Him.

"Onye ma akwa okwa na achi ya" (Only one who recognises a treasure can go for it). The Gospel of today tells us that the people saw Jesus as they got out of the boat and recognised Him. Have you trained your eyes to recognize God and the things of God? You should not allow Holy experiences to slip from your hand. Make good use of the hours of prayer and spiritual encounters.

Jesus gets out of the boat for us on daily basis. Most of the time we do not grab the opportunity to present to Him our sick and weak areas. Let's make haste always to hand over to Jesus everything concerning us. Let us encounter Jesus in our devotions, in the word of God, in the persons representing God and in the things that reminds us of God.

The people in the Gospel today touched the fringe of Christ's garment and were made well. Have faith and touch the sacramentals and objects of worship with reverence. Be in touch with the chapel, let your knees be in touch with the Church kneelers. Let your hands be in touch with the Rosary. Let your eyes be in touch with the Holy images and not the obscene pictures scattered everywhere. Let your heart be in constant union with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Let your lips be wet by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and your tongue be in touch with His Body.

Being in touch with the Holy marks you out differently for good. It marks you out for God. It marks you out for blessing. It marks you out for favours. It brings about healing.

To be in touch with God and the holy you must disconnect yourself from the touch of the evil one. Who are you in touch with? Whose touch do you enjoy? Reach out today and touch Jesus. You will never remain the same. You will not regret the touch.


Living without your touch O Lord is the worst thing that will happen to us, save us from such pains dear Lord. Open our spiritual eyes to recognise you and remain connected with you forever. May we take the Sacraments and sacramentals seriously that they may constantly keep us in touch with you through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Monday (Week 5, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

image from: The Holiness of God – Reasoned Cases for Christ (

#DivineTouch #Holiness #RecognizingChrist #ChimaIsaac #EkeJulian #MondayWeek5 #HomilyOfMondayWeek5

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