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Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Homily of Ash Wednesday by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Matthew 6:1-6.16-18)

We are called back to our spiritual camp. The Church beckons us to listen and retreat. The Ash Wednesday begins a new season in our life as Christians. This is another holy season when we are encouraged by the word of God and the various spiritual exercises designed by the Church to come back to the Lord from whatever may have distanced us from God. We are called back to embrace authentic piety and live a heaven-oriented life.

The Gospel of today points out what we should return to. We should return to our origin: God who made us from the dust, who knows us through and through and before whom we are nothing, to whom we shall return after our sojourn here on earth. We should accept our ashness, that we have fallen in different ways and make out time to consider how God views us. The truth is that we have spent a good number of times practicing outward piety. The Lord wants us to go in and work on those things no eye sees.

Heaven's reward should be our target this season. It is a time of action. It is a time when we consider how genuine our actions are. Our duties and obligations towards God and our fellow human beings are to be evaluated. Thus, Jesus wants us to be less hypocritical, to be more charitable, to be more prayerful and to mortify our flesh. All these are geared towards   raising our hearts and minds to God.

Let us therefore return as individuals, families, as Church, as Christian Communities, and as a nation to call on God for mercy. Let us call on our God of mercy and compassion to look with pity upon us. Let us call God our Father that He may let us return to Him as His sons and daughters. Let us return to the practice of virtues that we have abandoned for one frivolous reason or the other. Let us embrace God as we return from our evil ways.


Thank You Lord for keeping us alive to witness this Year's Lenten Season. Give us the spiritual energy to stand on our resolutions to leave evil and return to holiness, to practice virtues and say bye to vices, to fight against the forces of hell and be focused on heaven and things of heaven. May we walk in the light of Christ's ways and allow the ash we are to remind us of God our maker to whom we shall return. Help us by your grace through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Wednesday.

Welcome to the Holy Season of Lent.

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Ash Wednesday Prayer Experience - Middletown Christian Church 

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